
If you have an Iguana or are thinking of adopting one, it is very important that you investigate the care it requires and needs. These will vary in function of your species, your size, age or gender.
How to raise an iguana? Before explaining the key items, it is necessary to point out that to have an iguana like Pet it is necessary to acquire it in a commercial establishment or breeding duly authorized by the Brazilian Institute for the Environment and Natural Resources (Ibama) or by the responsible agency in your state.
The iguana is a wild animal and, in order not to run any risk when adopting this beautiful species, it is important to know the origin of the animal, take it to the veterinarian to rule out possible diseases and study its characteristics well in order to offer a good quality of life.
Iguanas are very beautiful exotic pets that unlike other species need a suitable habitat as well as temperature or food. Keep reading this PeritoAnimal article to know everything about iguana care.
the iguana's terrarium
The ideal measures for an iguana to be comfortable in your terrarium will depend mainly on its age. If we are talking about a young specimen, with a terrarium of 80 x 50 x 100 centimeters it will be more than enough, but when you reach adulthood, taking into account that they can measure up to two meters in length, you will have to adapt the terrarium to your measurements. , looking for a larger size if necessary. If you want to know how to raise an iguana in the best way possible, check out our iguana terrarium tips:
What should I have in the terrarium for the iguana?
- A glass or ceramic bowl
- a drinking fountain
- A fluorescent tube to ensure your iguana synthesizes vitamin D
- A lamp that acts as heating
- artificial bush
- Decorative stones and plants
Optionally it can also include a container with water that makes a place of a bathtub.
The temperature at which an iguana can develop in your terrarium under the best conditions throughout the day is understood. between 27ºC and 33ºC. However, at night, the ideal is that it stays at a temperature between 22ºC and 25ºC. You can control this factor through a thermometer that can be placed inside the terrarium.

Iguanas feeding
The best way to raise the iguana is to carefully learn its nutritional needs. Know that the iguana is an animal that changes its diet as it goes from young to adult. For the first two years iguanas are an insectivorous animal and therefore you will have to feed them small insects.
When this period passes and she becomes an adult, that's when she will be completely herbivorous, that is, they stop liking insects, and start to feed on leaves, flowers, vegetables and dried fruits.
It is important to point out that the iguanas have to eat daily. Among the foods that you should never eat are all those that are made from animal proteins, such as meat or animal feed. Nor should you eat citrus fruits like oranges or lemons.
In this other PeritoAnimal article you can check all the details of the green iguana's feeding.

Other iguana care
It is very advisable that you spend time with your iguana because, being a wild animal, it can be aggressive and above all it can hurt you if it attacks you with its tail. To avoid this, it is important to spend time with her daily so that she adapts to your presence. Therefore, we recommend that you play with her since she was little so that you create a connection.
Among other iguana cares, it is also interesting that your iguana has some drafts so that it can reduce its body temperature. And if you see that you have ticks, don't worry because it's normal, just remove them with tweezers.
Now that you know how to raise an iguana and have seen the main care necessary, be sure to check out this other article in which we explain how the iguana is like a pet. If you haven't chosen a name for your iguana yet, check out our article with original names for green iguanas.
If you are interested in other reptiles such as the leopard gecko, check out our article on caring for a leopard gecko.

If you want to read more articles similar to Iguana care, we recommend that you enter our Basic Care section.