- The pregnancy in the bitch
- Physical changes that indicate your dog is pregnant
- Behavioral Changes That Indicate Your Dog Is Pregnant
- Confirmation of pregnancy
- Pregnancy care

A responsible owner must be able to recognize the signs and symptoms that indicate a possible pregnancy on your pet, in this case we are talking about bitches. It is essential to know all the information that we will provide you in order to adapt your pet's environment to your new needs as a future mother.
The best thing you can do is take your dog to the vet if you suspect she is pregnant, but if you can't make an appointment quickly or don't have the money to do it, rest assured that at PeritoAnimal we will help you with information on bitch pregnancy . keep reading and learn how to know if your bitch is pregnant.
The pregnancy in the bitch
First of all, you must know how long does a bitch's pregnancy last. On average, a bitch's gestation lasts around 2 months and around 62 days. The nature is not exact, so this time is an estimate, the normal is from 58 to 65 days, after which the bitch must give birth. Usually the litters are between four and eight puppies, although depending on the breed they can be born up to more than nine puppies or, on the contrary, less than four.
By the time the dog becomes pregnant, it is normal that you cannot immediately see a growth in her belly. As a rule, you will only be able to see this increase from the fourth week of pregnancy, halfway through the pregnancy. This increases the risk factor for the puppies, as they may not receive the necessary nutrients and care during their development. To learn all about the dog's pregnancy week by week, don't miss this article.

Physical changes that indicate your dog is pregnant
Although belly growth is not something we can notice until the first month of pregnancy, there are other physical changes that indicate pregnancy in bitches. Next, let's explain the first symptoms:
- Enlarged mammary glands: the normal thing is that from the first weeks of pregnancy there is a swelling in your dog's breasts, a small increase in her size that to be able to notice you will have to look very well. Furthermore, it is a sign that is not always present from the beginning, as it can appear during the second half of pregnancy.
- pink nipples: this sign is one of the easiest to detect and complements the previous sign that your dog has swollen breasts. Therefore, if you notice that your dog has pinker nipples than usual, you should start to suspect a possible pregnancy.
- vaginal discharge: It is also likely that during the first few weeks your dog will have vaginal discharge, a clear liquid or light pink. This liquid works as a "buffer" to protect puppies in pregnancy. Also, it is normal for your pet to urinate more often than usual, as the bladder has less space to store urine in this state.
Behavioral Changes That Indicate Your Dog Is Pregnant
In addition to the physical signs we've seen before, there are also behavioral changes that will help you detect if your dog is actually pregnant or not. First of all, you should keep in mind that you know your dog better than anyone else and that, if you notice a change in your daily way of acting, you should be alert. Some of the behavior changes that may indicate a pregnancy in your dog are:
- food changes: in early pregnancy, your dog is likely to eat less than she used to ingest. But this is something that will change as the pregnancy progresses, the normal thing is that after the first two weeks, your bitch will show an increase in appetite. After the second month, the increase in appetite is even more noticeable, something completely normal as babies grow and consume more energy and nutrients.
- Changes in the relationship with you: this is a common change, as many bitches look for their owners more when they are pregnant. They like to be caressed or by the side of their owners, looking for protection and comfort because of the state in which they are. In case your dog is suspicious or scared, this trait may be even more accentuated during pregnancy. It is very likely that afterward your dog will not want you to touch her, much less in the area of the abdomen, where they feel more sensitive.
- apathy and lethargy: it is normal for your dog to play less than usual, to behave less energetically than usual. It may be that you run less, that you don't want to walk, or that you move less in general. It is also normal for your dog to spend more time sleeping or resting during her pregnancy.
- Stay away from other animals: it is common for a pregnant bitch to stay away from other puppies during pregnancy, as they prefer to be alone at this stage.
- Search for possible nests: a pregnant bitch will try to look for a place to have her puppies, a kind of nest. You might notice this if your dog scratches the ground, puts blankets in a specific corner of the house, or hides in dark, lonely places that can later serve as a nest for her babies.

Confirmation of pregnancy
With all these signs you can already have an idea if your bitch is pregnant, then you can confirm better from the second month of pregnancy when you see your abdomen enlarged, and if you also feel movements that could be future offspring. However, to be absolutely sure, you must consult the veterinarian, who will have to undergo different tests after three weeks of pregnancy to confirm the diagnosis. The exams that usually take place are as follows:
- Auscultation to hear babies' hearts.
- Ultrasound from the third week.
- Blood test that will indicate if your dog is pregnant or not.
- X-ray examinations and palpation from 28 days of gestation.

Pregnancy care
If your dog is pregnant, you should consider a series of care that will ensure that both she and her babies are healthy and strong. You must be careful with your food, take it to exercise and also give it a lot of affection. It's best to take your dog to a dog as soon as possible. vet, which will tell you how to take care of your pregnant dog.