10 fun facts about dolphins

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 3 March 2025
10 Facts About DOLPHINS from Scientific Studies
Video: 10 Facts About DOLPHINS from Scientific Studies


You dolphins they are one of the most popular, charismatic and intelligent creatures from the animal kingdom. With that expression that looks like they're always smiling, they're a symbol of joy and freedom. Dolphins inspire positive things, like not remembering the famous Flipper, a dolphin who seemed to be very happy.

Dolphins are one of the largest species in the world. There are more than 30 species of dolphins navigating the planet's oceans and rivers. They are considered sea puppies because they are very friendly and get along very well with humans.

But this is all just the tip of the iceberg, our favorite marine animals are very interesting and complex creatures. Of course, there are many things you don't know about them. In this article by PeritoAnimal we reveal 10 fun facts about dolphins.

dolphins, an unknown world

We started the list of 10 fun facts about dolphins that I didn't know with a really impressive piece of information: the dolphins are family members of the whales, this includes the orcas. In fact, whales are a type of dolphin, as they are both part of the cetacean family.

A big family

They are very social with each other and love to hunt, play and swim together. large groups of dolphins can have 1000 copies. Imagine being on a boat and witnessing that many dolphins at the same time. A real spectacle!

Although the previous figure may be high and lead us to think that there are a large number of dolphins, what is certain is that some of their species are in serious danger of extinction, such as the pink dolphin. If you want to know more about the dangers the animal kingdom is exposed to, don't miss our article in which we tell you which are the 10 animals in danger of extinction in the world.

Bottlenose dolphin, a true master

Bottlenose dolphins are natural teachers. To hunt and dig in the seabed and among rocks, they don't use their mouths or beaks so as not to hurt each other, instead they learn from each other to use materials they find while swimming.

The extraordinary intelligence of dolphins

Another of the most striking curiosities about dolphins is that they are said to be smarter and more evolved than apes. Your brain is incredibly similar to a human brain.

Fun Facts About Dolphin Mothers

Depending on the species, a dolphin's gestation process can take up to 17 months. Dolphin mothers are usually very affectionate, expressive and protective, and do not separate from their offspring.

Can hear 10 times more than us

As far as the senses go, dolphins can see almost perfectly both in and out of the water, feel very well through touch, and although they have no sense of smell, your ear makes up for it all. These animals can hear frequencies 10 times the upper limit of adult humans.

The origin of dolphins

Dolphins have come a long way to get where they are. Are descendants of terrestrial mammals that returned to the waters more than 50 million years ago. Interestingly, other animals that descended from the same terrestrial mammals evolved in different ways, such as giraffes and hippopotamus. All animals turn out to be related.

know the meaning of death

Dolphins feel and suffer very similarly to humans. They feel pain and may even suffer from stress. It was discovered that dolphins are aware of their own mortality, that is, that they know that at some point they will leave this land, and that is why some of them prefer to take the reins and commit suicide. In this way, another of the fun facts about dolphins more striking is that, together with Man, they are the only animals capable of committing suicide. The most common forms of suicide are: crashing into something violently, stopping eating and breathing.

dolphin communication

To communicate with each other they use a very developed and sensitive method called "echolocation". This method works to navigate long distances for a long time, send signals to find prey, avoid obstacles and predators. How does it work? It consists of a dolphin emitting a range of sounds in the form of bursts of sound impulses that help to that another and another dolphin can analyze the environment as the sound echoes in. The sound is picked up by the teeth of the lower jaw that absorb the sound vibrations.

Feel the suffering of their

To finish this list of 10 fun facts about dolphins, we can say that they are not only intelligent animals, but also very sensitive to the suffering of other dolphins. If a dolphin is dying, others will come to rescue and support it, they will take it among them all to a point above water level where it can breathe through the upper hole in its body known as the "spiracle".