
Although cats can also experience sadness and pain, the cause of your tears is not the feelings. We often see our cats with excessive tearing and we don't know if it's normal or not.
Normally this is nothing to worry about and by wiping the eyes a little we can solve the problem, but depending on the color of the tears, the state of the eye and the duration of tearing we can know what is happening to our cat and how we should act.
If you've ever wondered "tearing cat, what can it be?" and you don't know the cause or how to act, continue reading this article by the Animal Expert in which we explain what may be happening to your little friend.
foreign object in the eye
If your cat's tears are clear and you see that your eye is healthy, that is, it's not red and there doesn't seem to be any ulcer, it may just be have something inside your eye that's irritating you, like a speck of dust or a hair. The eye will try to expel the foreign object naturally, producing an excess of tears.
What do I have to do? This type of tearing does not usually need treatment, it is necessary to let the eye itself get rid of the foreign element. If you want, you can dry the tears that fall with a soft, absorbent paper, but nothing more.
If the problem lasts for more than a day, you should take it to the vet, as this type of tear should only last a couple of hours.

Blocked tear or epiphora
The tear duct is a tube located at the end of the eye that causes tears to flow to the nose. When this is blocked there is an excess of tears that fall down the face. With the hair and constant moisture produced by tearing fur irritations and infections are caused.
The tear can be blocked by different problems, such as an infection, eyelashes that grow inwards or a scratch. Also, cats with a flat snout are prone to epiphora, such as Persians. This problem usually causes the zone darkening and the appearance of a scab around the eye.
What do I have to do? In most cases, treatment is not necessary, as the cat can live perfectly with the blocked tear, unless it has vision problems. In such a case, the cat must be taken to the veterinarian, so that he can decide what to do. If it was caused by an infection, the tears will turn yellow and the professional will be the one who will decide whether or not to administer antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs. When it comes to an eyelash that is growing inwards, it needs to be removed through a very simple surgical procedure.

Cats can have allergies, just like people. And, in the same way, they can happen for anything, be it dust, pollen, etc. In addition to some symptoms such as coughing, sneezing and itchy nose, among others, allergy also causes eye discharge.
What do I have to do? If you believe that the origin of your cat's tearing may be an allergy and you don't know what it is, you should take him to the veterinarian for the corresponding tests.

If your cat's tearing is yellowish or greenish in color indicates that there are some complications that are harder to treat. Although it may simply be an allergy or a cold, it is often a symptom of an infection.
What do I have to do? Sometimes we get scared and we keep wondering why my cat cries from her eyes. You have to stay calm, remove everything from your surroundings that might irritate your eyes and take you to the vet to decide whether you need antibiotics or not.