How to scare away geckos?

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 19 February 2021
Update Date: 28 January 2025


Geckos are reptiles that adapt well to different habitats and are spread across almost the entire planet. Therefore, our houses are also usually inhabited by these animals because there they find the appropriate conditions to be feed and reproduce.

We also know that lizards are important animals in nature because they are natural insect controllers, even feeding on unwanted insects in our homes, such as cockroaches, spiders and flies. Still, a lot of people are bothered by his presence.

That's why in this PeritoAnimal article we'll show you different ways to how to scare away geckos without doing them any harm. Good reading.

How to scare off backyard lizards

Before talking specifically about how to scare off lizards, let's give some tips for those people who are bothered by different types of lizards that can appear in their backyards, vegetable gardens and gardens. To scare off backyard lizards, we can put in place several techniques that are totally harmless to these animals, but are effective in getting them not to come back. Some of them are:

  • put a fence: As a first strategy, you can fence off the area that you don't want the lizards to have access to, such as a garden or vegetable garden. Use a net or fence that has holes small enough that lizards cannot climb through.
  • Eliminate what serves as a shelter: another way to prevent these animals from having the ideal conditions to stay in the garden is to eliminate all those places that can provide shelter for them, such as boards, logs, larger stones or any objects that facilitate their hiding. In this sense, it is important to keep the space as clean as possible.
  • Eliminate lizard prey: A good way to scare away backyard lizards is to eliminate or reduce their food supply, that is, if you have a garden, for example, that attracts a lot of insects, this ends up attracting lizards. In these cases, it is very important to establish indirect controls, that is, to minimize the presence of these possible prey for the lizards. In this way, they will be forced to look for another place to live because of lack of food.
  • eggshells: Another strategy to scare away lizards is quite simple: use eggshells. Place the two freshly opened egg halves in different spots in the yard or garden and replace as soon as they are completely dry. The explanation for this is that the lizards will believe that there is a possible predator bigger than themselves and, therefore, will move away.
  • Lizard traps: One way to catch the lizards can be to use certain traps that won't cause any harm to them, such as deep, smooth plastic containers impregnated with a little edible vegetable oil (so that they fall when trying to get out) and that contain something at the bottom. tasty for the animal. This way, once inside, you can transport it and release it in another space.

How to scare away geckos

Geckos are small lizards that can reach 20 centimeters in length or even more if we consider the head to the tail. The scientific name of the most common lizard in Brazil is Hemidactylus Mabouia and she has adapted to life in urban spaces, so it is very common to see her in houses and buildings. The presence of a kind of adhesive sheets (they are bristles with excellent adhesion) on the underside of each of your fingers makes it easy to climb on almost any surface, which is why it is commonly seen on roofs and in high areas of our bedroom, living room or bathroom.

They belong to the Gekkonidae family and, in general, people feel intimidated by the presence of these animals that, despite be harmless if we are properly cared for (except for the insects, which they feed on), they emit certain sounds (a kind of scream) to communicate with each other which can be a little unpleasant for some people.

We even have another article that explains if the gecko has poison that might interest you.

So if you prefer to keep these animals away from your home, there are different ways. Here we organize some tips on how to scare away geckos:

1. Capture her to release her outside the home

If there is a single gecko, you can try to catch it. Using a piece of cloth, you can cover it and grab it, for example. Keep in mind that these animals have the ability to detach their tails as a method of distraction from predators, so if this happens, don't worry, they can regenerate this structure. It might also be effective to capture it using a glass or plastic vial, for which you can help with another object to guide it to the container. Once caught, you can release the gecko in a park or other area far from where you caught it.

2. Seal cracks and fissures

The lizards, due to their size and body type, have the possibility of entering small spaces, so it is advisable to seal any cracks or fissures that may exist in the walls to prevent their entry and thus eliminate possible spaces that can be used as shelter.

3. Eliminate other insects

If these animals are kept inside our homes, it is because, in addition to the temperature and shelter conditions, they have found a place to feed. So if you eliminate the food source, it's also a way to pressure them out. In this sense, it is important to keep the area free from all types of insects and spiders, which are the main source of nutrition for the common gecko.

4. Use a network

Once you're sure you don't have any geckos in your home, then it's important to try to keep doors and windows clear of spaces where they might re-enter. Therefore, check that they are properly closed and, if necessary, wear pantyhose or other material that prevents them from ironing.

And, of course, we can also scare away geckos through our sense of smell. For that, we'll just have to make a homemade repellent with the ingredients we'll show you next.

Smells that geckos hate

If you repair the components of industrial products sold to scare off geckos, you will find that they have many active ingredients. natural compounds, but are also mixed with chemical elements that can be harmful not only to these animals, but also to people and the environment. For this reason, here is a list of smells that geckos hate and that are very easy to find because they are part of our diet:

  • Pepper.
  • Clove or other spices.
  • Cinnamon.
  • Juniper (Juniperus oxycedrus).
  • Garlic.
  • Onion.

In general, these smells are unpleasant for geckos because, when the molecules these products emit come into contact with their cavities, they can cause irritation, so they keep the animal away, but without causing significant or permanent damage.

How to make homemade gecko repellent

Once you know the smells that geckos hate, then you can prepare a homemade repellent. You can spray it in places where they normally hide, as well as in windows and doors. Here's what you need and how to do it:


  • 10g of cloves or spices.
  • 10g of peppercorns.
  • 10g of cinnamon stick.
  • 10g of juniper (optional).
  • 500ml of water.


To prepare a homemade gecko repellent, just follow these steps:

  1. Crush each ingredient as much as possible.
  2. Then put them in a small pot and add 500 ml of water.
  3. Boil until half of the water has evaporated.
  4. Allow to cool, filter and transfer to a spray bottle.

This mixture can be sprayed in many places where you've seen geckos. You can also spread it around possible hiding places as well as around doors and windows.

As you've read in this article, it's not necessary to hurt them or use harmful chemicals to keep geckos out of their spaces. By putting these simple tips into practice, you can have your home free of these harmless and private animals that accompany us daily.

Poisons to kill geckos

Nowadays, it is very easy to buy repellents and poisons for all kinds of animals in different stores, including specific poisons for lizards. However, we have to remember that killing the lizards is a very cruel and unnecessary action and, besides, the use of these types of chemicals not only é harmful for these reptiles, as for ourselves, our pets, small children and, above all, for the planet.

That's why we must avoid using these chemical repellents and poisons. and opt for more natural and non-toxic forms for any living being, since the idea is to scare away geckos and other lizards, but without causing any kind of damage to them.

Now that you know how to scare off geckos and we're talking about reptiles, do you know the Komodo Dragon? Find out everything about him in this video:

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