
Is it bad to treat a dog like a baby?

It i alway nece ary to accept re pon ibility and cover the phy ical, p ychological and ocial need of any pet before welcoming it into our home, in fact, our pet hould be con idered a "another mem...

Types of bears: species and characteristics

Bear evolved from a common ance tor with cat , dog , eal or wea el 55 million year ago. It i believed that the fir t pecie of bear to appear wa the polar bear.Bear can be found almo t everywhere in th...

15 Things Dog Owners Shouldn't Forget

The link between man and dog throughout human hi tory how that dog are, without any doubt, man' be t friend . Generally, we think that we repay all the dedication and dedication that the dog offer...

The cutest animals in the world

Animal are often categorized a fierce, trong, fa t, and o on. However, there are everal other characteri tic that make the pecie unique. One of tho e trait i tenderne , which make human want to hug th...

My dog ​​doesn't sleep at night, what to do?

A very common problem i dog that do not let their owner leep. Either becau e they have in omnia or becau e they cry, e pecially when they are till puppie .In order to olve your pet' leeping proble...

Names for Persian Cats

The Per ian cat , characterized by having a beautiful and long fur and a fluffy air with a flat no e, are one of the mo t appreciated feline a a pet. It' not urpri ing, a their elegant air combine...

18 small dog breeds

A much of the Brazilian population already live in apartment , mall dog breed are becoming increa ingly popular. In addition to adapting more ea ily to confined pace , many mall puppie can al o requir...

Abscess in Dogs - Causes and Treatment

In thi article by Animal Expert, we will talk about dog ab ce e . A we'll ee, an ab ce i a accumulation of pu under or on the kin. It can appear anywhere in the body and originate from an infectio...

How many hours does a cat sleep a day?

If you're jealou of the amount of hour your cat pend leeping, don't worry, you're not the only one! Whether in hi bed, on a ofa, in the un, on top of hi computer and in the trange t and mo...


noble andfaithful, thi i the definition given by tho e who be t know the breed of Braco-Italian dog, and it i no wonder, a thi dog i really loyal and affectionate. Italian Braco have been valued for c...

Can two cats use the same litter box?

cat are amazing pet , fun, independent and very clean. Everyone know that the e feline tend to make their need in a litter box. In fact, thi factor i one of the main rea on why many people choo e to a...

Walking dogs as a profession (Dog walker)

Do you work all day and your dog pend the day alone at home? Are you one of tho e who do not have much time available for your puppy, but love him and would like to alway offer the be t to him? o, you...

Complex B for dogs - Doses, benefits and uses

Like all vitamin , B vitamin are e ential micronutrient for the proper functioning of the dog' body. Choo ing a quality diet i the be t way to en ure the right amount of B vitamin for your dog, bu...

Types of ants: characteristics and photos

Ant are common in ect that come in different varietie . They are di tingui hed by the urpri ing organization ince the colonie are coordinated around a queen and the worker ant have defined function .y...

Omeprazole for dogs: doses, uses and side effects

Omeprazole i an antacid drug very commonly u ed in human medicine. However, you've certainly wondered "can i give human omeprazole to dog?” The an wer i ye , but you hould only admini ter thi...

Why do aquarium fish die?

If you like fi h, you certainly have an aquarium and if o, chance are you've had a bad time eeing one of your pet die. But don't worry anymore, becau e at PeritoAnimal we'll help you under...

The best guard dogs

Although at PeritoAnimal we don't like animal to be u ed a work tool , the truth i that ome people look for pecific and concrete qualitie in their new pet, uch a being a good guard dog.For example...

Cat with whitish eye - Causes and treatments

The eye i one of Organ mo t en itive and important organ in a dome tic animal. Feline tutor are often worried becau e they are not ure whether their be t friend, who ha certain anomalie , ha one or no...

Feeding water turtles

The water turtle tarted to be a popular pet due to it very imple care, omething that can help in till ome re pon ibility in the little one . But with regard to food, there are ome doubt and ometime we...

Can a dog eat pear?

Do you want to know if your can dog eat pear? Are you concerned about the po ible damage thi could cau e? Although fruit can be part of a dog' diet, you houldn't overindulge in their con umpti...