Canine vestibular syndrome: treatment, symptoms and diagnosis
If you've ever een a dog with a crooked head, falling ea ily, or walking in circle , you probably thought it wa off balance and dizzy, and you've effectively got it right!When a dog ha the e a...
Cymric cat
Cymric cat are actually cat long-haired mane e. Both hail from the ame Briti h i land, although Cymric' growing popularity i recent. It wa between the 60 and 70 that the reproduction of long-haire...
Animals from Oceania
Oceania i the malle t continent on the planet, in which none of the 14 overeign tate that are part of it have land border , o it i a continent called the in ular type. It i di tributed in the Pacific ...
Dog with a swollen neck, what can it be?
Dog are curiou animal and often mell plant or try to inge t certain in ect that can lead to an allergic reaction, leaving the dog with a wollen neck or other region uch a the muzzle.Allergic reaction ...
Parachute Cat Syndrome
We have alway een cat a great tightrope walker , agile, fa t and very cunning, o much o that we ay they have 7 live . But the truth i that their trategie do not alway go well, they make calculation er...
Bombay cat
Without a doubt, the Bombay cat i one of the mo t beautiful and popular breed out there. If you are thinking of adopting a cat of thi breed, do not he itate to gather all the information about the cha...
Dog with difficulty urinating: what to do
Puppie eliminate re idual ub tance through their urine, thank to the filtration work carried out by the kidney . If the dog can't urinate it can be a umed that you are uffering from a problem affe...
Cat Epilepsy - Symptoms, Treatment and Care
Epilep y i a di ea e that affect almo t every living thing, including human . It i a very frequent di order, which make life difficult for tho e who uffer from it, a they can uffer from an epileptic a...
Forbidden Hamster Foods
If you have decided to adopt a ham ter, it i very important to know it diet well o that it doe not uffer nutritional deficiencie , and you know that fiber and protein are the ba i of it diet.In additi...
Vitamins for old cats
There i nothing more ati fying for u than to have pet healthy and with a long life that they give u their affection and company for a long a po ible, for thi rea on, the old age of our animal , far fr...
Breton Spaniel
O Breton paniel, al o known by it French name "epagneul breton" it i the malle t of the French pointing dog . De pite it mall ize, thi canine breed i urpri ing for it vitality and energy, in...
French names for dogs
Adopting a dog i a very important deci ion that hould not be taken lightly. A puppy, an adult dog, and even an elderly dog fill the hou e with joy and love, but let' not forget the re pon ibilit...
teach my dog to sit step by step
The be t tep to tart educating a dog i , without a doubt, how much he i till a puppy. timulating hi intelligence and abilitie will help him in hi adulthood a he will get a polite and obedient puppy fo...
blue bull frog
O blue bull frog or azure dendrobate belong to the family of dendrobatidae, diurnal amphibian that live in de ert area . They feature unique and vibrant color that indicate their high level of toxicit...
Coexistence between cats and rabbits
The coexi tence between the e two animal may eem very difficult or almo t impo ible, but thi i not the reality, ince the rabbit and the cat can become great friend , whenever the fir t tep in coexi te...
Schnauzer types: miniature, medium and giant
If you are thinking of adopting and believe that the chnauzer dog breed i the right one for you, you may have doubt about the ize of each one.In thi article by Animal Expert we will explain the type o...
O aluki i a beautiful and elegant greyhound, originally from the Middle Ea t where it i con idered a pecial animal that can only be given away and i a ymbol of honor. Like all greyhound , the aluki i ...
Dog with dark diarrhea: causes and treatments
Dog cannot communicate through peech with their guardian , but their behavior and ymptom can how if omething i wrong or different. It i important that dog handler pay attention to your pet, thu they c...
Dogs that look like wolves: 15 breeds
Many people believe that dog look like wolve becau e they de cend directly from them. However, ome tudie are beginning to how that the dog i not de cended from the wolf1 a it wa believed. till, both a...
Therapy for seniors with animals
When we talk about elderly people, a happen when we talk about children, we feel a certain re pon ibility o that they can alway meet in the be t po ible way and enjoy the day to the full.According to ...