
Is kissing your dog bad?

I'm ure that whenever your pet greet you at the door of the hou e, when you arrive, it tart moving it tail in an agitated way, jumping on it leg and licking it hand , and you want to give it back ...

Endangered animals in the Amazon - Images and trivia

The Amazon i the mo t exten ive tropical jungle in the world and occupie about 40% of the entire Brazilian territory. econd Brazilian In titute of Geography and tati tic (IBGE), there are 4,196,943 km...

What to consider before adopting a Pitbull

O pitbull he i an excellent dog, ha a very trong build, a hiny coat, an extreme en e of fidelity, i calm, courageou and attached to hi owner .Nowaday , there are many people who con ider the Pitbull a...

Caring for your parakeet

O common parakeet or au tralian parakeet i con idered worldwide a a pet, it i the mo t popular cage bird in the world.They are a intelligent a ome large- ized parrot and can be tamed without any probl...

10 things cats love

Cat are very pecial animal who love their freedom and independence a well a playing and haring moment with their human companion . Anyone who ha a cat at home know that they mu t re pect the feline...

Diarrhea in Rabbits - Causes and Treatment

Rabbit are no longer imple farm animal to become more and more adorable pet that bring together the mo t ideal characteri tic for everal people.A rabbit i obviou ly very different from a dog or a cat ...

Should I have a cat or two at home?

The behavior of cat ha nothing to do with the behavior of dog , and a a re ult of thi difference, numerou myth have been pread that are far from reality, uch a that cat are kitti h, that they do not n...

How to keep cats away from plants?

Cat are trictly carnivorou animal . De pite thi , it i common to ob erve the e cat eating the plant in our home or garden . urely you ever wondered why cat eat plant ? Often it' becau e try to reg...

Types of Dog Ticks

Along with flea , tick are the mo t common external para ite on dog and can tran mit variou di ea e , in addition to cau ing inten e itching, irritation, kin inflammation and other ymptom of canine de...

Horned Animals: Features and Photos

Animal have different morphological tructure that allow them to fully develop in their environment. Among the e tructure are horn , common in ome pecie of land animal , either to attract the oppo ite ...

Advice for a dog and cat to get along

Can dog and cat be friend ? Of cour e, but it will depend on many factor to achieve a harmoniou coexi tence between them. To do thi , you will need to adequately prepare the pre entation of the dog an...

Heart Diseases in Dogs and Cats 🐶🐱

We often hear about heart di ea e in people. urely omeone clo e ha already had ome kind of heart di ea e, whether familiar or not. But what about animal , do they al o develop thi type of di ea e? The...

Can a dog eat açaí?

Açaí i a food repre entative of Brazilian culture that ha gained much popularity worldwide both for it unique flavor and texture, a well a for it benefit to human health. It i a ource of fib...

Dog Diaper - Complete Guide!

Your dog i reaching old age, tarting to have urinary problem due to age, or your dog ha uffered ome trauma and now he no longer ha voluntary control to hold urine and faece .Your vet then tell you tha...

Ragdoll Cat - Most Common Diseases

You ragdoll cat they belong to a breed of giant cat that originated in the United tate , from variou cro e between other breed , uch a the Per ian, the iame e and the acred of Burma. In recent decade ...

When to bathe a puppy for the first time

Bathing a puppy for the fir t time i one of the weete t experience any animal lover can have. However, there are ome factor that hould be taken into account before taking the fir t bath that are direc...

My cat climbs the Christmas tree - How to avoid

The Chri tma partie are approaching and with them the time to a emble the Chri tma tree and decorate it. But thi family moment that we enjoy o much i ynonymou with difficultie for many cat owner , a t...

french bulldog

O french bulldog it i a mall but robu t dog. The bat' ear and the flat face are it two mo t notable characteri tic , in addition to it affectionate and good-natured temperament. It originate from ...

Animals that have been extinct by man

Have you ever heard of the ixth extinction? Throughout the life of planet Earth there were five ma extinction that decimated 90% of the pecie that inhabited the Earth. They took place in pecific perio...

Canine Leptospirosis - Symptoms and Treatment

When we talk about animal health we are not referring only to the ab ence of di ea e, but al o to a tate of well-being re ulting from covering all the need that our pet ha , both phy ical, p ychologic...