Dog Diaper - Complete Guide!

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 8 March 2025
Dog Diapers - Everything You Need To Know!
Video: Dog Diapers - Everything You Need To Know!


Your dog is reaching old age, starting to have urinary problems due to age, or your dog has suffered some trauma and now he no longer has voluntary control to hold urine and faeces.

Your vet then tells you that your dog needs diapers, but you know very little or nothing about dog diapers, or your dog already has diapers and you would like more tips. Here at PeritoAnimal we present you a complete guide to dog diapers, correct way to use, indications and special care that must be taken with dogs that need to wear diapers.

puppy dog ​​diaper

As much as we find it practical to use dog diapers on puppies, for example, in situations where the dog has not yet learned to pee in the correct place and you want to avoid a lot of dirt around the house, especially when you take your puppy to walking in public places such as shopping malls or the homes of relatives and friends, the use of diapers for puppies is not recommended by experts when dealing with a perfectly healthy puppy.

Just to avoid dirt is not the real indication of using diapers for dogs, and this can even make it difficult to learn how to use the baby to urinate in the correct place. Also, it can deprive the puppy of its basic needs, because dogs like to lick themselves to clean themselves, they may feel uncomfortable and take off the diaper, tearing it and accidentally swallowing a piece.

The ideal for puppies is to always have the patience to teach them correctly where to do their needs, keeping in mind that it is a daily teaching and not something the puppy learns overnight. If you have to take your puppy to a friend's house, ask your friends and relatives for patience, explaining that he is still a puppy and that he is learning. If you want to walk your puppy in the shopping center, make sure you only take him when he has completed his vaccination protocol, which will give you enough time to teach him where he cannot pee, including public places.

Until the puppy learns, accidents can happen, so always have a cleaning kit with you.

Pinscher dog diaper

With companion dogs like Pinscher, ShihTzu, Spitz and others, many pet owners are bombarded with advertisements for dog diapers or panties.

However, the recommendation not to use a diaper on a healthy dog ​​is always the same. Furthermore, the recommendation for diapering on dogs is the same as on human beings, so as soon as the dog soils her, she must be changed immediately.

old dog diaper

The recommendation for the use of diapers is when we have an elderly dog ​​with urinary or fecal incontinence problems, or in cases of postoperative, or even in cases where you have a disabled dog. Changing the diaper is usually done around 4 or 5 times a day, as you must always maintain the dog's hygiene, with a clean diaper, to avoid infection by bacteria.

See Other Elderly Dog Care Tips and Recommendations - Complete Guide to Everything You Should Know!

Diaper for bitches in heat

In cases of bitches in heat, the use of diapers may be indicated as they prevent the house, the bed, the sofa and the furniture from being soiled with blood, but for this, the bitch must be used to the accessory and the diaper or panties in this case, it should not be left straight, since the bitch will know that that accessory is not for her to do her needs in it, as she will understand that it is an outfit, and may feel uncomfortable when it is too tight to urinate or defecate.

It is also good for the tutor to know that the diaper is not meant to prevent mating, so neuter your dog or keep the male away from the female until the end of heat.

To learn more about Heat in bitches - symptoms and duration, we have prepared this other PeritoAnimal article for you.

Floor diaper or dog mat diaper

The floor diaper, also known as a dog mat diaper, is actually a product called a hygienic carpet, and as the name says, it's not something you put on the dog. The toilet mat or floor diaper is for you to place on the floor of your house or apartment and that's where you can teach your dog to do his own needs.

It does not harm dogs, as they are able to learn that the correct place to pee and poop is in the diaper mat. And, the advantages for tutors are numerous, as some brands of hygienic carpet have a cellulose blanket or absorbent gel, which is the same technology as a normal diaper, which does not let the pee leak. In this way, the pee made on the carpet also does not spill onto the floor and even reduces odors. Besides, it's practical to clean, because when you see it's dirty you just pick it up, throw it away and put another clean one in its place.

Often, some puppies may find it a toy destroying and tearing the entire mat, so training is necessary until he learns that the correct place for him to urinate and defecate is in the floor diaper. What can help in training, so that he does not swallow substances from the carpet that can be harmful to him, is first to use a newspaper in the place where you want him to learn and only then, when he is only doing the needs in the newspaper, is that you replace the newspaper with the toilet mat.

However, not all are advantages in using these disposable hygienic mats.Since they have plastic and generate an exaggerated amount of garbage, since dogs take care of them several times a day. For this reason, very interesting and more environmentally friendly alternatives have been created that you should consider. we are talking about reusable hygienic mats that you can wash more than 300 times. They have a high absorption power (up to 10 times more than disposable hygienic mats) making them a more economical option in the long run. Your wallet thanks you and the environment even more!

Can I use a baby diaper on a dog?

Wearing a baby diaper on a dog is not very recommended, as the dog's anatomy is different from that of a baby, plus most dogs have a tail, and the diaper needs to have a hole for the tail.

In addition, dog diapers are more resistant than baby diapers, as disabled dogs that require the use of diapers drag on the floor, making the diaper tear more easily. Likewise, it can become a little more difficult to adjust the size of existing diapers for babies in the most diverse sizes of dogs.

How to make a puppy or elderly dog ​​diaper

Although not the most suitable, it is possible to improvise and make a diaper for your puppy or elderly dog, who suffers from urinary incontinence, or is in the post-operative process, from a diaper that is used for babies.

The most practical is the shorts style, which comes with the elastic, some adaptations are needed until you can be sure which is the best diaper size, and which will best fit your dog's size. For make a dog diaper do the following:

  1. Choose the best size and fold the diaper in half from the back, some diapers indicate the base of the back.
  2. Cut out a small hole at the base of the back. This little hole will be where you will pass your dog's tail.
  3. Wear the diaper on your dog, make sure the elastic on the legs isn't too tight, and wrap a tape around his waist to hold the diaper in place.

Change at least 4 or 5 times a day whenever it's dirty to avoid problems with bacterial infections and bad smells.