- Endangered animals in the Amazon
- Little Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus glaucus)
- Eskimo Curlew (Numenius borealis)
- Endangered animals in the Amazon
- 1. Pink dolphin (Inia geoffrensis)
- 2. Gray dolphin (Sotalia guianensis)
- 3. Jaguar (panthera onca)
- 4. Giant Armadillo (Maximus Priodonts)
- 5. Puma (Puma concolor)
- 6. Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)
- 7. Margay (Leopardus wiedii)
- 8. Amazonian Manatee (Trichechus inungui)
- 9. Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis)
- 10. Purple-breasted Parrot (vinaceous Amazon)
- 11. Tapir (Tapirus terrestris)
- 12. Graybeard (Synallaxis kollari)
- 13. Ararajuba (Guaruba guarouba)
- 14. Harpy Eagle (Harpy harpy)
- 15. Chauá (Rhodocorytha Amazon)
- 16. Wildcat (tigrinus leopardus)
- 17. Cuica-de-vest (Caluromysiops erupts)
- 18. Spider Monkey (Atheles Belzebuth)
- 19. Uakari (Hosomi cacajao)
- 20. Sauim-de-lear (two-colored saguinus)
- 21. Jacu-crack (Neomorphus geoffroyi amazonus)
- 22. Caiarara (Cebus kaapori)
- How to fight the extinction of animals
- Endangered animals in Brazil

The Amazon is the most extensive tropical jungle in the world and occupies about 40% of the entire Brazilian territory. Second Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), there are 4,196,943 km² in Brazil alone, extending through the states of Acre, Amapá, Amazonas, Pará, Roraima, Rondônia, Mato Grosso, Maranhão and Tocantins.
It is also present in eight other countries bordering Brazil: Bolivia, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guiana, Peru, Suriname and Venezuela, thus totaling an area of 6.9 million km2.
In the Amazon jungle it is possible to find an abundant fauna and flora, which is why it is considered a natural sanctuary of many very peculiar species. It is estimated that more than 5,000 species live in the Amazon[1] of animals, many of them in endangered.
In this article about endangered animals in the Amazon - images and trivia, from PeritoAnimal, you will meet 24 animals from the Amazon rainforest - two of them already extinct and 22 that are threatened and therefore run the risk of disappear from nature. Check out the list we made about these animals, some of them very famous and considered symbols of the Amazon!
Endangered animals in the Amazon
Brazil currently has 1,173 endangered species of animals, according to the Red Book of the Brazilian Fauna Endangered with Extinction, prepared by the Chico Mendes Institute for Biodiversity Conservation, linked to the Ministry of the Environment. Also according to the document, of the 5,070 cataloged species that live in the Amazon, 180 are at risk of extinction. You may also be interested in the article endangered animals in the Pantanal.
Stay tuned! Animals threatened with extinction, that is, those that still exist but are at risk of disappearing, are quite different from animals that are already endangered in the wild - those that are only bred in captivity. Also, extinct animals are those that no longer exist. Among the animals that are threatened, there are three types of classification: vulnerable, endangered or critically endangered.
Among the main reasons that cause the death of animals in the Amazon is the construction of hydroelectric plants, which directly affects the habitat of fish and some birds, in addition to aquatic mammals such as the pink dolphin and the Amazonian manatee.
The expansion of agriculture, with a great increase in deforestation, the growth of cities and the consequent invasion of the forest, pollution, illegal hunting, animal trafficking, burned and disordered tourism are also pointed out by the Brazilian government as major threats to the Amazon fauna.[1]
According to a report released by the NGO WWF in September 2020, the planet lost 68% of its wildlife in less than 50 years. The document precisely points out deforestation and the expansion of agricultural areas as the main reasons for this scenario.[2]
Among the extinct animals in the Amazon, we highlight two:
Little Hyacinth Macaw (Anodorhynchus glaucus)
Of great beauty, the little hyacinth macaw could be seen both in the Amazon forest and in the Pantanal. Considered extinct for at least 50 years, other species of hyacinth macaws can still be found in captivity or even in the wild, but they are also threatened with extinction.

Eskimo Curlew (Numenius borealis)
The Eskimo curlew is considered regionally extinct by ICMBIO. This is because it is a migratory bird, which inhabits regions of Canada and Alaska, but which could be seen constantly in Uruguay, Argentina and Amazonas, Mato Grosso and São Paulo. However, the last record of the animal in the country was over 150 years ago.

Endangered animals in the Amazon
1. Pink dolphin (Inia geoffrensis)
Situation: in danger.
Considered one of the symbols of the Amazon, it is also called the red dolphin. It's the biggest freshwater dolphin there is. Unfortunately, its different coloring made it a constant target of threats through fishing. In addition, river pollution, lake siltation and port construction also pose threats to the species. Sad news was released in 2018: the Amazonian freshwater dolphin population drops by half every 10 years.[4]

2. Gray dolphin (Sotalia guianensis)
Situation: vulnerable.
This animal can reach 220cm in length and up to 121 kilos. It feeds mainly on teleost fish and squid and lives for 30 to 35 years. The gray dolphin is a coastal dolphin, and can be found from Honduras, in Central America, to the state of Santa Catarina, but it is also present in the Amazon region.

3. Jaguar (panthera onca)
Situation: vulnerable.
Also known as jaguar, it is the largest feline that inhabits the American continent and the third largest in the world (only behind the bengal tiger and the lion). Furthermore, it is the only one of the four known species of the genus Panthera that can be found in America. Despite being considered a very representative animal of the Amazon, its total population extends from the extreme south of the United States to the north of Argentina, including much of Central and South America. Discover the types of felines.

4. Giant Armadillo (Maximus Priodonts)
Situation: vulnerable.
Greatly threatened by increased forest fires, deforestation and predatory hunting, the giant armadillo has a long tail covered by small pentagonal shields. He lives between 12 and 15 years.

5. Puma (Puma concolor)
Situation: vulnerable.
Also known as puma, the puma is a feline that adapts well to different environments, so it can be found in various regions of the Americas. It achieves great speeds and has a mighty leap, which can reach a height of 5.5 meters.

6. Giant Anteater (Myrmecophaga tridactyla)
Situation: vulnerable.
It is between 1.80 and 2.10 meters long and reaches up to 41 kilos. Not only characteristic of the Amazon, it can also be found in the Pantanal, Cerrado and Atlantic Forest. With a predominantly terrestrial habit, it has a long snout and a very characteristic coat pattern.

7. Margay (Leopardus wiedii)
Situation: vulnerable.
With large, protruding eyes, the margay has very flexible hind legs, a protruding snout, large legs and a long tail.

8. Amazonian Manatee (Trichechus inungui)
Situation: vulnerable.
This large animal can weigh up to 420 kilos and reach 2.75 m in length. With a smooth and thick skin, it has a color that varies from dark gray to black and usually has a white or slightly pink spot on the ventral region. THE food of the Amazonian manatee is based on grass, macrophytes and aquatic plants.

9. Otter (Pteronura brasiliensis)
Situation: vulnerable
The giant otter is a carnivorous mammal that can be found both in the Amazon and in the wetland. Also called water jaguar, giant otter and river wolf, it has a flattened paddle-shaped tail to aid in swimming.

10. Purple-breasted Parrot (vinaceous Amazon)
Situation: vulnerable.
The purple-breasted parrot can be found in regions with Araucaria forests, such as Paraguay, northern Argentina and Brazil, where it is present from Minas Gerais to Rio Grande do Sul. this species is the destruction of the forests where they live and the capture, which put it on the sad list of endangered animals or endangered animals in the Amazon.

11. Tapir (Tapirus terrestris)
Situation: vulnerable.
It is a mammal that can weigh up to 300 kg. Its meat and skin are highly valued, which makes hunting one of the main reasons why some populations are in danger. The tapir can live up to 35 years and the gestation of their offspring lasts, on average, 400 days.

12. Graybeard (Synallaxis kollari)
Situation: in danger.
This little bird usually measures 16 centimeters and likes to live in dense forests, is found not only in Brazil, but also in Guyana. It has a beautiful plumage in shades of rust on the body and colored on the throat.

13. Ararajuba (Guaruba guarouba)
Situation: vulnerable
The Ararajuba likes to build their nests in tall trees, with more than 15 meters. Found exclusively in the area between northern Maranhão, southeastern Amazonas and northern Pará, this bird is 35cm long and has a plumage beyond Brazilian in a strong golden-yellow, with olive green colored wing tips.

14. Harpy Eagle (Harpy harpy)
Situation: vulnerable.
Also known as the harpy eagle, this beautiful bird is carnivorous, feeding on small animals such as mammals and other birds. The harpy eagle can be found in other Latin American countries, such as Mexico, Argentina, Colombia and some in Central America. With open wings it reaches up to 2.5 meters in length and can weigh up to 10 kilos.

15. Chauá (Rhodocorytha Amazon)
Situation: vulnerable.
The chauá parrot is about 40 centimeters long and is considered to be large. It is easy to identify, due to red crown on the head, with greyish beak and legs. Their diet is based on fruits, seeds, berries, flower buds and leaves.

16. Wildcat (tigrinus leopardus)
Situation: in danger.
He is known by many different names. Macambira cat, pintadinho, mumuninha and chué, and is from the same family as the margay, which unfortunately is also part of this list of endangered animals in the Amazon. The wild cat is the smallest feline species in Brazil. It has a size very similar to that of domestic animals, with a length ranging from 40cm to 60cm.

17. Cuica-de-vest (Caluromysiops erupts)
Situation: critically endangered.
The cuíca-de-vest, like the opossums, is a marsupial that is related to the kangaroos and koalas. With nocturnal habits, it feeds on small animals, nectar and fruits and can weigh up to 450 grams.

18. Spider Monkey (Atheles Belzebuth)
Situation: vulnerable.
The spider monkey can weigh up to 8.5 kilos and lives an average of 25 years in captivity. Typical of tropical forests, their diet is based on fruits. Unfortunately, this primate is one of the most susceptible to negative impacts generated by humans, even because it is heavily hunted mainly by the Yanomami indigenous population.

19. Uakari (Hosomi cacajao)
Situation: in danger.
Originally from Venezuela, this primate is present in the Amazon rainforest of terra firme, igapó forest, campinarana or Rio Negro caatinga.

20. Sauim-de-lear (two-colored saguinus)
Situation: critically endangered.
Another highly endangered primate, it is found in Manaus, Itacoatiara and Rio Pedro da Eva. logging caused by the increase of cities is one of the main reasons for the reduction of species in nature.

21. Jacu-crack (Neomorphus geoffroyi amazonus)
Situation: vulnerable.
This bird is present in different states of Brazil, such as Espirito Santo, Minas Gerais, Tocantins, Bahia, Maranhão and Acre. They can reach 54 centimeters in length and are known to emit a dry snapping sound reminiscent of the chattering of teeth of a wild pig.

22. Caiarara (Cebus kaapori)
Situation: critically endangered.
Present in eastern Pará and Maranhão, the caiarara monkey is also called piticó or white-faced monkey. It weighs up to 3 kilos and basically feeds on fruits, insects and seeds. The destruction of its natural habitat is the main threat to the species, which also places it on this list of endangered animals in the Amazon.

How to fight the extinction of animals
You might think you can't help preserve the lives of different people. endangered animals. But the good news is that yes, there are a number of measures that can be taken in order to save the planet's biodiversity.
Based on recommendations from WWF Brasil and other experts in the animal world, we've listed some very simple things you can do:
- Pay extra attention when going to the countryside or forests: in the vast majority of cases fires are caused by human negligence
- When hiking, always carry bags or backpacks with you where you can keep the garbage generated or even to collect what you find on the way. Not everyone is aware and plastic bags and bottles can put many animals at risk.
- Do not buy souvenirs made of animal skin, bone, carapace, beak or paws
- When buying furniture, research the origin of the wood. Prioritize sustainable products.
- Go fishing? Do not fish if it is out of the legal season, otherwise several species may disappear
- When visiting national parks or protected areas, find out about activities that are or are not allowed on site, such as camping.
Endangered animals in Brazil
To know the complete list of animals that are threatened with extinction in Brazil, just access the Red Book of Brazilian Fauna Threatened with Extinction, by ICMBio. Which we put in our references below. You can also access this other article we made about endangered animals in Brazil. To the next!
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