
Gather gould and canary diamonds, can you?

A we know, coexi tence i very important between the ame and different pecie . Even among the ame pecie , coexi tence i ometime difficult in the ame environment.But what happen when we talk about the a...

How to train a Labrador

Training i ju t a important a vaccination , deworming and general dog care. Labrador puppie , like other puppie , mu t be ocialized from puppie to become ociable and balanced puppie in the adult tage....

The best products to deworm cats

The current market offer a wide variety of deworming product , however, not all are equally effective or protect equally. External antipara itic drug are e ential to prevent our feline from fall...


No doubt you'll be urpri ed when you di cover the dog breed that we're going to introduce you to next, the Morkie , peculiar puppie that emerge from the cro e between the York hire Terrier and...

Black Puppy Throwing Up - Causes and Treatments

When a dog i vomiting black or dark brown, it indicate that it i vomiting blood, which i known a hemateme i . Thi fact greatly alarm the tutor , a it may have been cau ed by omething very eriou .The m...

Broken Tail Cat - Causes and What to Do

We can often ee cat that do not have a tail or that have a hort, crooked tail. Thi i normal ince there are mutation in ome cat breed , uch a the Manx cat or the Bobtai cat. Al o, when normal-tailed ca...

Dog with runny after heat: causes and symptoms

Urogenital y tem problem can ari e in female dog of any breed and age. However, there are problem that are more common in certain age , condition (ca trated or whole) and tage of the reproductive cycl...

Happy dog: general recommendations

Dog are loving animal that require their main need to be covered in order to be healthy and happy.A home, a good place to leep, a balanced diet and lot of love and affection from your tutor are ome of...

Top 10 sheepdogs

The function of the pa tor dog wa the main one when the human being converted over the year wolve into dog . There are dozen of dog breed uitable for developing herding acro the five continent , unque...

Abyssinian guinea pig

O Aby inian guinea pig, al o known a Aby inian guinea pig, hare part of hi name with the Aby inian cat. We are al o talking about one of the race more intere ting and curiou of guinea pig . Along with...

The 10 loneliest animals in the world

ome animal like to be in group , herd or in pair for life, while other prefer olitude, tranquility and being in company exclu ively with them elve . They are not ad, melancholy or depre ed animal . T...

Remedy for Itchy Dog

The cratching behavior i common for dog , a well a playing, leeping and feeding. However, you hould be careful to know if your pet i cratching it elf in a way exaggerated.There i no pecific remedy to ...

My dog ​​licks me a lot - Why and what to do?

There' no doubt that when a dog lick you, it' becau e it feel great affection for you. Knowing that they lick like a how of great attachment, an excellent bond of affection and re pect, it'...

cold water fish

The aquarium i an option for all tho e people who like to enjoy the animal world but don't have enough time to dedicate to it. Many people, due to the hort time they are at home, cannot have a cat...

Doxycycline in Dogs - Uses and Side Effects

Fortunately, more and more owner are aware of the importance of treating their pet' health in a re pectful and harmle way for their body, however, thi i not alway po ible and ometime it i nece ary...

Types of food for dogs

The type of dog food and tho e that are or are not recommended may vary depending on who inform you about thi complex topic.If you have doubt about food, wet food or homemade diet , you've come to...

Siberian Husky Hair Care

O iberian Hu ky i a very characteri tic dog originating from iberia (Ru ia), known for it great re emblance to the gray wolf and it excellent participation in led race .If you don't know thi breed...

Can I give my cat acetaminophen?

THE elf-medication i a dangerou habit that put human health at ri k and that unfortunately many owner do with their pet , making thi practice even more dangerou for tho e animal that live with u , e p...

What does the octopus eat?

Octopu e are cephalopod and marine mollu c belonging to the order Octopoda. It mo t triking feature i the pre ence of 8 end that come out from the center of your body, where your mouth i . Their bodie...

Why does my rabbit have a droopy ear?

If you have a rabbit a a pet, you know they are very delicate animal . In the ca e of rabbit that have a drooping ear, thi can mean a lot. In general, when a rabbit lower it ear it mean that, for ome ...