Happy dog: general recommendations

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 8 March 2025
Happy Dog, Happy Life | Natural Dog Company
Video: Happy Dog, Happy Life | Natural Dog Company


Dogs are loving animals that require their main needs to be covered in order to be healthy and happy.A home, a good place to sleep, a balanced diet and lots of love and affection from your tutors are some of the essential cares.

When thinking about giving the best to your pet, you should think about how to make your dog happy. It's not about agreeing with everything and allowing him to behave in any way, but about meeting the basic requirements that will make him a happy, balanced, healthy and happy dog. Next, in this PeritoAnimal article we'll give you some advice on how to make a dog happy: general recommendations. Keep reading!

Happy dog: what is needed

It's true that dogs don't need a lot to be happy, since they are content with little. Therefore, if you offer a lot of affection, pay attention to what they need, provide a comfortable place to sleep, quality food, ensure the practice of exercises and walks in the street to do their needs, the puppies will be the happiest animals in the world! And not only that, they will give back all this love in a multiplied way and will adore their guardians forever because they are extremely grateful animals.

happy dog ​​needs hygiene

It's possible that your puppy loves playing in the dirt after he's showered, but they still love to feel clean. Therefore, hygiene is a priority when it comes to make a dog happy. Brushing the fur regularly will make the fur shine and free from knots. Furthermore, it prevents certain diseases and the invasion of external parasites.

Cleaning the ears is very important as it keeps mites and infections away. Also, don't forget about oral hygiene to protect your dog's teeth and also keep your pet's nails cut to avoid any type of incident, such as getting caught in something.

Cleanliness is the perfect opportunity to bond with your dog, take advantage of this opportunity. In addition, your pet will positively remember the moment and it will be a pleasant experience for both of you.

Happy dog ​​needs good food

Some dogs are capable of eating anything but that doesn't mean it's good for their health. In the long run, disorganized eating will only result in illness. Because of this, quality food is an essential element to make an adult, puppy or elderly dog ​​happy.

It is important that you remember that the food, whether wet, dry or homemade, must be adapted to the animal's size, age, breed and physical activity, in addition to the possible conditions it may suffer. Likewise, don't forget to offer a container of fresh water at all times so that he stays hydrated.

happy dog ​​needs to play

A dog needs many, many games to be happy! Keep a play routine it will make your dog burn all the accumulated energy, especially if he spends many hours indoors and, thus, you will keep him correctly stimulated. Besides, it's another opportunity to spend quality time together.

When playing games, let your imagination run wild. You can use a series of toys taking into account the size (so that he cannot ingest) and the material (to prevent him from hurting himself). Still, keep in mind that intelligence games are highly recommended to keep the mind stimulated, since the goal of games is not just for the animal to burn energy.

happy dog ​​needs exercise

In addition to games, it is important that you offer your dog moments of physical activity outside the home. This is one of the most important elements to leave your happy dog. Walks, visits to parks where he can smell new things and face challenges that stimulate his intelligence are an excellent way to provide fun and further enrich your pet's life. Dogs are sociable animals by nature, curious and active, so they need to run, interact with other dogs and discover new places. In this sense, good socialization is essential for him to learn to communicate properly with his peers, other animals and people.

During the tours, remember to bring a collar with the animal's name and contact details. Also make sure it's a safe area and don't let your puppy get too far away, so he doesn't get lost.

happy dog ​​needs attention

The affections are a very important demonstration of affection, both for the human being and for the animals and, the dogs are no exception. Showing affection to your dog will improve your relationship with him, strengthening the emotional bonds.

Showing affection does not only mean petting and playing with your pet, but also paying attention to the needs in general. Understanding what your dog is feeling is essential to help him when he needs it, for that, you can check more information in: dogs' body language and signs of calm.

happy dog ​​needs a veterinarian

It's very important ensure your dog's health offering good preventive medicine and the best way is to visit a trusted veterinarian often. Ideally, the professional should perform a check up general of the animal to find or avoid any problem or anomaly. In addition, it is essential to apply the necessary vaccines and deworm when it is most appropriate. These visits can also help determine the best hygiene and general care practices to keep your puppy happy.

happy dog ​​needs a positive education

Education is essential for harmonious coexistence at home. A poorly trained dog used to doing whatever he wants will never be happy, as he will constantly clash with the routine of the house and create tensions in the environment. Even if it is an adult, a dog is capable of learning but it will take more patience, time and love.

Dog education must include not only tricks for both to enjoy, but also basic rules that the dog must follow indoors, such as places in the house where he can or cannot be. In addition, this education should also focus on meal times, outings, games, resting places, meals, house routines, among other aspects.

Finally, to make a dog happy and getting him to love you, it's imperative to follow techniques based on positive reinforcement. Training based on punishment only increases the animal's discomfort, developing stress, anxiety, fear and frustration, which can cause aggressive attitudes. Through positive reinforcement, the animal is able to understand much better what is expected of it, remains motivated and willing to continue learning. Snacks, affection and words of encouragement are some of the best techniques.

Check out our YouTube video with some common mistakes when scolding a dog:

How to make an elderly dog ​​happy

The aforementioned tips for making a dog happy apply regardless of age, but there are some additional elements that can help make an elderly dog ​​happy.


Past adulthood, it may be that some games or activities are not so enjoyable for your dog, or that he wanted to do them for less time. It is important to respect what the dog feels and allow him, instead of playing, to remain lying down or sleeping, if he so wishes.

longer rides

Some adult or elderly dogs may need longer walks as they must keep in shape and take care of their physical and mental health. This depends on the conditions in which your puppy is and the temperature of the season in which it is.

Try taking several walks around your area, these are good times to play with your dog and exercise while enjoying the walk.

understand what he means

Dogs communicate with humans in a variety of ways, however, it is often difficult to understand what they mean. For this, it is important that you know how to decipher what different ways of moving the tail, ears and paws mean. That way, you and your dog will get better communication and thus, you can have a completely happy elderly dog.

happy dog: gif

Last but not least, we leave a dog selection happy to dog, check out: