
Where should the cat sleep?

cat are very leepy animal . Except when they are young kitten and pend more time in activity thank to playing, the truth i that adult cat pend a good part of the 24 hour of the day leeping. The re t o...

Scorpion sting on dog, what to do?

There are in ect that regularly attack dog . Flea , tick and mo quitoe are irritating external para ite , and when we are re pon ible for the health of our dog , it' up to u to protect them from t...

Dog Allergy - Symptoms and Treatment

Allergy i a inappropriate and exaggerated immune y tem reaction to a ub tance that would normally not be harmful. Thi ub tance i known a an allergen. Pollen, food ingredient , herb , eed , tick aliva,...

Dog Allergy Remedy

Dog can have different type of allergie , but the canine dermatiti i one of the main kin problem that affect the e animal . Dermatiti in dog can be cau ed by everal rea on and it diagno i and treatmen...

Can you give a dog dipyrone?

elf-medication i a growing concern in human and veterinary medicine. The fact that you often try to avoid going to the doctor or not re i t the temptation to u e the medicine accumulated in the drawe...

Examples of ruminant animals

If you wonder what they are or are you looking for example of ruminant animal found the appropriate ite, PeritoAnimal explain what it i about. Ruminant animal are characterized by dige ting food in tw...

Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) - Treatment

Cat are, along with dog , the companion animal par excellence and one of the mo t out tanding trait of feline i their independence, however, the e animal are al o very affectionate and al o need care,...

cat with down syndrome

ome time ago, the tory of Maya, a kitten who how ome trait imilar to tho e that characterize Down yndrome in human , went viral on ocial network . The tory wa portrayed in a children' book called...

How fish breathe: explanation and examples

Fi h, a well a terre trial animal or aquatic mammal , need to capture oxygen to live, thi being one of their vital function . However, fi h do not obtain oxygen from the air, they are able to capture ...

english greyhound

O engli h greyhound, al o known a Greyhound, i the fa te t dog in the world and one of the fa te t animal of all, being able to reach peed of up to 65 km/h. Therefore, thi dog breed i the mo t cho en ...

Alternation of generations in animals

THE generational alternation reproduction, al o known a heterogony, i an uncommon trategy in animal and con i t of alternating a cycle with exual reproduction followed by another a exual cycle. There ...

Lice in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Head lice are one of the mo t common external para ite that affect cat , whether they are kitten , adult or elderly cat . And that i why we mu t take care to prevent thi problem among our furry friend...

Bengal Cat: 4 Common Illnesses

If you have a Bengal cat or are planning to adopt one, it i very important that you inform your elf about the po ible health problem your pet may uffer.Remember that the be t form of prevention for an...

Do cats always fall standing up?

The cat i an animal that ha alway lived accompanied by everal ancient myth and belief . ome are unfounded, like thinking that black cat bring bad luck, and other that have ome cientific ba i , like in...

How many meters can a kangaroo jump?

The kangaroo i the be t known of all mar upial , moreover, thi animal ha become the emblem of Au tralia, a it i di tributed mainly in Oceania.We can highlight numerou characteri tic of thi mar upial, ...

Advice to make your cat more sociable

I your cat an affectionate and loving feline to you but tend to be a bit of a grump about other people? Or, are you imply di tant with everyone, including your elf and your own human family and would ...

Kennel cough or canine infectious tracheobronchitis - symptoms and treatment

THE canine infectiou tracheobronchiti , better known a "kennel cough", i a condition that affect the re piratory y tem and u ually develop in place where a large number of dog live, uch a ke...

Endangered marine animals

71% of the planet i formed by the ocean and there are uch a number of marine animal that not even all pecie are known. However, the ri e in water temperature, contamination of the ea and hunting are t...

Demodectic mange in dogs: symptoms and treatment

THE demodectic mange it wa fir t de cribed in 1842. ince that year until today, there have been many advance in veterinary medicine, both in diagno i and in the treatment of thi di ea e.De pite having...

Do animals laugh?

Animal are creature that ju t by their pre ence make u feel better and happier, becau e they have a very pecial energy and that, almo t alway , they are tender and kind-looking.They alway make u mile ...