- Kennel cough in dogs - what is it?
- Kennel cough - contagion
- Kennel Cough - Symptoms
- Kennel Cough Treatment
- How to prevent kennel cough

THE canine infectious tracheobronchitis, better known as "kennel cough", is a condition that affects the respiratory system and usually develops in places where a large number of dogs live, such as kennels. This fact is what gave this condition its popular name.
Previously, this disease occurred only in those kennels with inadequate hygiene conditions. However, with the increase of animal protectors, shelters for abandoned pets, dog shows and, in general, places where a large number of dogs are concentrated, the condition spread more quickly due to its high rate of contagion, and not so much from inappropriate conditions. If you suspect that your dog has been infected, continue reading this article by PeritoAnimal and discover the symptoms and treatment of kennel cough or canine infectious tracheobronchitis.
Kennel cough in dogs - what is it?
Kennel cough is a viral character condition, highly contagious, produced mainly by the parainfluenza virus (PIC) or by the canine adenovirus type 2, agents that weaken the respiratory tract and, as a consequence, facilitate the entry of opportunistic bacteria such as Bordetella brinchiseptica, producing a bacterial infection and worsening the animal's clinical condition.
This pathology directly affects the respiratory system, causing an infection that can be more or less serious, depending on the agents that act, the external conditions and the time the dog has been infected. To get a better idea of the type of illness you are facing, we can say that kennel cough is very similar to the flu that we humans get.
It is an increasingly common condition among puppies, it is not serious and can be treated with a simple medical treatment.
Kennel cough - contagion
As we said at the beginning, the most common is that kennel cough develops in places where a large number of dogs live. In these cases, controlling the disease is much more difficult than when dealing with a particular and isolated case.
As with the flu, this condition it is infected by oral and nasal routes. After the animal has been infected, the viral agents can be transmitted to other dogs. during the first two weeks. In the case of bacteria Bordetella bronchiseptica transmission can be extended up to three months. In this way, when a sick patient expels pathogenic germs through the respiratory secretions, another healthy one that is close to him can acquire them and start to develop the disease.
Puppies less than 6 months old are much more susceptible to this disease. Especially if we adopt a dog that has been exposed to important stressful situations, such as being locked in a cage, we must be especially careful and observe if it presents any of the symptoms that we will explain below.
In kennels, shelters, animal guards, shelters with several dogs, etc., it is practically impossible to prevent the condition from spreading quickly. Therefore, prevention is always the best solution. Later we will explain how to prevent kennel cough.

Kennel Cough - Symptoms
Once infected, the dog starts having a series of clearly identifiable symptoms. The most characteristic manifestation of this condition is the appearance of a dry cough, strong, constant and hoarse, caused by inflammation of the vocal cords.
In more advanced cases, the cough may be accompanied by a slight secretion sputum deposited in the respiratory system by pathogenic germs. This expulsion is often confused with mild vomiting or a foreign body. As far as possible, it is advisable to reserve a sample and take it to the veterinarian as soon as possible so he can examine it. In this way, in addition to analyzing your dog's physical appearance, the veterinarian can study the expelled secretion and offer a better diagnosis.
You should know that this mild vomiting is not caused by stomach problems, remember that this disease only affects the respiratory system. They develop from the same inflammation and irritation of the throat as a dry cough.
THE weakness, general malaise, lack of appetite and energy are other symptoms that kennel cough usually presents. If you see that your puppy has any of these signs, don't hesitate and see your veterinarian quickly. Although it is not a serious illness, it needs medical treatment to be cured and prevent it from getting worse.
In dogs from kennels, pet stores or breeders exposed to stressful conditions, it is possible for the condition to lead to pneumonia.

Kennel Cough Treatment
In particular cases, the first thing you should do is isolate the sick dog indoors, in a room alone for him for at least seven days, or as long as the treatment lasts. This step is essential to prevent the disease from spreading and infecting neighboring dogs.
Once isolated, the simplest way to control and stop kennel cough is with antibiotics and anti-inflammatory. Depending on the dog's condition and the progress of the disease, the veterinarian will choose to prescribe one type of medication or another. Since several viral agents can participate in the development of this pathology, it becomes practically impossible to determine a standard medical treatment for all cases. It is best to go to your regular veterinarian to be a specialist in determining the best treatment to follow. You can also, to complement the treatment of veterinarians, help with some home remedies.
In dogs that show weakness and lack of appetite, make sure they ingest the minimum amount of water stipulated by the veterinarian to prevent dehydration, dilute the secretions deposited in the airways and favor ventilation.

How to prevent kennel cough
Without a doubt, the best way to treat any contagious disease is through prevention. In kennels, breeders, pet stores, etc., it is essential to have a proper hygiene and optimal general conditions to preserve the dogs' health. When this fails, it is easier for pathogens to develop and start spreading the disease.
On the other hand, there is a specific vaccine to protect the dog from this specific pathology, the Bb+PIC. However, it is not available in all countries and, therefore, we cannot always use this preventive method. In this sense, it is essential to keep the schedule of mandatory vaccinations for puppies up to date, as although they do not prevent the appearance of kennel cough, it helps to reduce symptoms and facilitate their cure.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.