Bengal Cat: 4 Common Illnesses

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 3 March 2025
Must Watch BEFORE Getting a BENGAL CAT | Bengal Cat 101
Video: Must Watch BEFORE Getting a BENGAL CAT | Bengal Cat 101


If you have a Bengal cat or are planning to adopt one, it is very important that you inform yourself about the possible health problems your pet may suffer.

Remember that the best form of prevention for any disease is routine and complete visits to a trusted veterinarian, so you will get to know your cat well, carry out the necessary tests both to prevent and detect diseases early and administer preventive vaccines needed.

Keep reading this PeritoAnimal article and find out what the Bengal cat's most common diseases to know how to prevent, detect and act as soon as possible.

Bengal cat: common diseases

This breed of domestic feline can suffer from any of the diseases of this species, diseases that you can learn about in our article on more common diseases in cats.

Bengal cats are prone to suffer genetic diseases, which must be detected in time to prevent the reproduction of felines that have a certain condition and, thus, reduce the number of affected animals. Also, the sooner you find out if your cat has a genetic disease, the easier it will be to help your pet.

Patellar dislocation in cats

This is a joint problem that some cats suffer from. it is more common in domestic cat breeds. It occurs when the kneecap moves out of place and leaves the joint, and it can happen to different degrees.

It is important to remember that cats have a certain dislocation in all joints, however, patellar dislocation in cats arises because of a deformation of genetic origin in the kneecap or joint itself, or by an accident. It is possible that the joint can be replaced by itself with a small movement, but it is also possible that it is not that easy and that you will have to seek help from a trusted veterinarian to put it in place in the least painful way.

The veterinarian must carry out the necessary exams: palpation with slight movements to prove the articulation, radiographs, ultrasounds, among others. From there, the professional will be able to diagnose the cause of the dislocation. The treatment can be done through an operation or, if there is no solution, some practices to prevent it from happening again. It is possible that the veterinarian may prescribe some medications to be administered for a certain time, including anti-inflammatory drugs. Physiotherapy sessions may also be recommended.

But, how to reduce the chances of a cat suffering dislocation? You should help him lose weight if he is an overweight or obese cat. Also, you should try to get him to exercise calmer (see our article on exercise for obese cats for some suggestions). It is possible to strengthen ligaments, tendons, joints, among others, with a specific diet recommended by a trusted veterinarian.

Feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy

It is a heart disease that often affects cats of this breed.The heart muscle gets bigger, that is, it enlarges and makes the organ itself have to work harder to do its job. The most visible symptoms of this disease are lethargy and wheezing. It is a heart problem that usually affects older cats as it begins to develop after a long time of work and strain on the heart muscle.

After the appearance of this disease, other health problems usually appear, which can be more or less serious. Examples of secondary problems are thrombosis or the production of blood clots, which can also cause serious problems, and congestive heart failure, which can kill the animal.

In this case, the only thing you can do is, when symptoms are detected, take the cat to the veterinarian as soon as possible. Thus, it will be possible to understand what is happening with your feline and help him with possible solutions to alleviate the pain and problems encountered.

In cases of feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, there is no solution to reverse the condition, so you can only adjust your cat's diet, exercise and daily life as instructed by a trusted veterinarian.

Allergy in cats

Most living beings suffer from an allergy throughout their lives, whether chronic or punctual. In the case of Bengal cats, they have a predisposition to allergy to anesthesia. Therefore, if your Bengal cat has to undergo an operation under anesthesia, you should discuss with the veterinarian to consider what options are possible before the operation.

In cases where the operation is the only possible solution, it is important to confirm that the anesthesia used is the most adequate. In these cases, it is best to seek help from a veterinarian who specializes in domestic cats.

Progressive retinal atrophy in cats

this is a eye disease genetic, but impossible to detect until the animal manifests it. Carriers of this gene can suffer from this disease or it can be asymptomatic and pass on to offspring without the guardians knowing in advance of its existence. Retinal atrophy can begin to appear as soon as the cat is young.

In this disease, your Bengal cat's retinal cones and rods deteriorate until, over time, it can cause blindness. Also, as the years go by, Bengal cats are more likely to suffer cataracts.

You can notice if your Bengal cat is suffering an eye problem by analyzing his eyes but also, by changing his behavior, he may be more suspicious, clumsy, among others. As soon as you suspect that your pet is suffering from an eye problem, you should visit a veterinarian as soon as possible to perform the necessary tests, find out what the problem is and find out what treatment is best for your feline.

know more information about the Bengal Cat on our YouTube video:

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.