Demodectic mange in dogs: symptoms and treatment

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 8 March 2025
Demodectic mange - Mange treatment dogs - Dog mange treatment
Video: Demodectic mange - Mange treatment dogs - Dog mange treatment


THE demodectic mange it was first described in 1842. Since that year until today, there have been many advances in veterinary medicine, both in diagnosis and in the treatment of this disease.

Despite having been described as one of the most difficult dermatological diseases to treat and very persistent, nowadays specialists in veterinary dermatology indicate that around 90% of cases can be resolved with aggressive treatment, although it may take some time. up to 1 year to fully resolve the problem.

If your dog has been diagnosed with demodectic mange recently, or you would simply like to know more about demodectic mange in dogs, keep reading!

what is black scab

THE demodectic mange, also known as demodicosis or black scab, is a result of the proliferation of the mite Demodex kennels(most common mite of this disease). These mites normally and in a controlled manner inhabit the dog's skin, but when this control is lost, the mites over-reproduce and this leads to changes in the dog's skin.

animals with less than 18 months are more likely to develop this disease because they have not fully developed their immune system. Some breeds have a greater predisposition, such as German Shepherd, Doberman, Dalmatian, Pug and Boxer.

Demodectic mange: symptoms

There are two types of demodicosis, generalized and localized. These two types of scabies must be considered differently as they have different symptoms and therefore different approaches to treatment.

Scabies in localized demodicosis dogs

The localized form is characterized by alopecia zones (hairless areas), small, delimited and reddish. THE skin gets thicker and darker and there may be scabs. Generally, the animal doesn't itch. The most commonly affected areas are the neck, head and forelimbs.

It is important to note that it is estimated that around 10% of cases can progress to generalized demodicosis. For this reason, it is extremely important that even after the diagnosis and defined treatments, the puppy is taken to the veterinarian regularly, in order to always detect any negative evolution of the clinical condition.

Scabies in dogs generalized demodicosis

The lesions are exactly the same as localized demodicosis, but spread all over the body of the dog. The animal usually has very itchy. This is the most serious form of the disease. It appears most often in purebred animals under 18 months of age. Sometimes, animals with this disease also have skin infections and ear infections. Other clinical signs that may also occur are enlarged nodes, weight loss and fever.

Traditionally, localized demodicosis is characterized by the presence of less than 6 lesions with a diameter of less than 2.5 cm. When we are facing a dog with more than 12 lesions spread throughout the body, we consider it to be a generalized demodicosis. In situations where it is not clear which one the two are, the veterinarian assesses the lesions and tries to reach a definitive diagnosis. It is important to note that it is not always easy to distinguish localized form from generalized form. Unfortunately, there is no complementary evidence to distinguish the two forms of demodicosis.

Scabies on dogs demodex injai

despite the mite demodex kennels being the most common is not the only one. Dogs with demodicosis by demodex injai have slightly different symptoms. Dogs usually have a seborrheic dermatitis in the dorsolumbar region. According to specialists, the dogs most likely to develop this demodicosis are the Teckel and Lhasa Apso. Sometimes, this demodicosis appears as a consequence of hypothyroidism or excessive use of corticosteroids.

Demodectic mange: causes

It's the immune system of the dog that controls the number of mites present on the skin. the mite demodex it is naturally in the dog's skin without causing him any harm. these parasites pass directly from the mother to the cubs, by direct physical contact, when they are 2-3 days old.

Some studies showed that dogs with generalized demodicosis had a genetic alteration that affected the immune system. In cases such as those described in this study, in which a genetic abnormality is proven to exist, the dogs should not be bred to avoid transmitting the problem to their offspring.

The most important factors involved in pathogenesis of demodicosis are:

  • Inflammations;
  • Secondary bacterial infections;
  • Type IV hypersensitivity reactions.

These factors explain the typical clinical signs of alopecia, itching and erythema. Other factors that can trigger this disease are:

  • Poor nutrition;
  • Childbirth;
  • Estrus;
  • Stress;
  • Internal parasitism.

Currently, it is known that this disease has a strong hereditary component. This fact, associated with what is known about heat being able to worsen the animal's condition, leads to it being strongly recommended castration.

Is Demodectic Scabies Contagious to Humans?

Unlike sarcoptic mange, demodectic mange not contagious to humans. You can relax and keep petting your dog because you won't get the disease.

Diagnosis of Demodectic Mange

Generally, when suspecting demodicosis, the veterinarian strongly compresses the skin between the fingers to facilitate the extrusion of the mites and makes a grated deep in about 5 distinct locations.

Confirmation and definitive diagnosis occur when a large number of live adults or other forms of the parasite (eggs, larvae and nymphs) are observed under the microscope. Remember that just one or two mites does not imply that the dog has mange, as these mites are part of the normal flora of the animal's skin., in addition to being seen in other dermatological diseases.

The veterinarian identifies the mite by its appearance. O Demodex kennels (see image) has an enlarged shape and has four pairs of legs. Nymphs are smaller and have the same number of legs. The larvae have only three pairs of short, thick legs. This mite is usually found inside the hair follicle. O demodex injai, on the other hand, usually lives in the sebaceous glands and is larger than the Demodex kennels.

Prognosis of demodectic mange

The prognosis of this disease depends on the patient's age, the clinical presentation of the case and the type of Demodex gift. As mentioned, about 90% of cases recover with aggressive and adequate treatment.Anyway, only the veterinarian who is following the case can give a prognosis for your dog's case. Each dog is a different world and each case is different.

Demodectic mange: treatment

About 80% of dogs with localized demodectic mange they are cured without any kind of treatment. Systemic treatment is not indicated for this type of scabies. For this reason, it is very important that this disease is properly diagnosed by the veterinarian. Feeding directly affects the animal's immune system, for this reason, a nutritional assessment will be part of the treatment of an animal with this problem.

Demodectic mange: treatment with amitraz dip

One of the most popular choices for the treatment of generalized demodicosis is the amitraz dip. Amitraz is used in many countries to treat this disease. It is advised that the dog do baths with this product toevery 7-14 days. If your puppy has long fur, it may be necessary to shave before starting the treatment. During the 24 hours following the treatment, the dog cannot be subjected to anything other than stress (remember that what causes this problem is an alteration in the immune system and stress is one of the main causes of alterations in this system). Furthermore, it is important to remember that amitraz is a drug that can interact with other drugs. If your dog is undergoing any treatment, notify the veterinarian.

Demodectic mange: treatment with ivermectin

Ivermectin is the most used drug for the treatment of generalized demodicosis. Usually the veterinarian chooses to prescribe the administration by orally, with the dog's food, progressively increasing the dose. Treatment must be continued until two months later of obtaining two negative scrapes.

Some adverse clinical signs to this drug are:

  • Lethargy (temporary or complete loss of movement);
  • Ataxia (lack of coordination in muscle movements);
  • Mydriasis (dilation of the pupils);
  • Gastrointestinal signs.

If your dog shows any of the above symptoms or any other changes in his behavior and normal condition, you should seek immediate help from a veterinarian.

Other drugs that are also commonly used in the treatment of this dermatological disease are doramectin and moxidectin (combined with imidacloprid), for example.

In short, if your dog suffers from mange by demodex kennels, the probability of him getting well is very high. The most important thing is that, like any other illness, you visit the veterinarian at the first sign that something is wrong, so that after a correct diagnosis, appropriate treatment can be started.

The later treatment is started, the more difficult it is to solve the problem! Make regular visits to your trusted veterinarian. Sometimes, small signs go unnoticed in the eyes of the tutor and the veterinarian with only a physical examination can detect an alteration.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.