cold water fish

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 21 January 2021
Update Date: 3 March 2025
Top 10 Coldwater Fish That Don’t Need a Heater
Video: Top 10 Coldwater Fish That Don’t Need a Heater


The aquarium is an option for all those people who like to enjoy the animal world but don't have enough time to dedicate to it. Many people, due to the short time they are at home, cannot have a cat, let alone a dog. Fish are animals that do not give us headaches and also delight us with a beautiful landscape when watching them swim. They do not need constant attention from their owners, they eat and live peacefully in their space.We still need to have some basic knowledge to make sure our new tenants develop properly. We must know the main needs that the cold water fish require and that's what we'll talk about in this PeritoAnimal post.

How are cold water fish

Cold water fish survive perfectly in room temperature water and support (within normality) the oscillations that time causes in their waters. That's the big difference that distinguishes them from tropical water fish, which require perfectly regulated water so as not to suffer any shortage. For this reason cold water fish are much easier to maintain and care for.

As a general rule, cold water fish withstand temperatures that fluctuate between the 16 and 24°C. There are some specific species such as the Dojo (snake fish) that can withstand up to 3ºC, that is, it is necessary to find out about each species. We can say that the cold water fish are very hardy and this is because many of them have methods and physical characteristics that allow them to adapt to extreme situations.

Fish that live in cold water are very different and diverse thanks to the mutations and reproduction controls of their breeders. We can find a wide variety of colors and sizes, as well as various fin shapes.

On the other hand, we must take into account the following advice:

  • Check that all the fish in the same aquarium eat and swim with each other (they do not isolate themselves), isolation or lack of appetite can warn us about some kind of disease or problem;
  • We should always ask the store specialist about the compatibility of different species before releasing it in the same space. Failure to do so could result in the death of one or more individuals.
  • Fights between different fish (of the same or different species) when it should not occur can mean some disease in the same fish. It is convenient to isolate it from the rest of the school so that it can improve.
  • The scales of a fish reveal its state of health, if you notice drastic or strange changes you should also isolate it from the rest of the group.

Needs of cold water fish

To start conditioning them, confirm that the temperature of the water is about 18ºC, common pH7. In specialized stores we can find a variety of test devices to check the water levels and whether your components are correct.

It is very important to have a filter in the aquarium, since water renewal is very important (more so than in the case of tropical fish). For aquariums that have this type of fish we recommend the backpack filter, since both maintenance and installation are very easy and do not interfere with the interior decoration of the aquarium. Having the filter requires you to change 25% of the water every one to two weeks.

It is advisable to put some 3 or 5 cm of gravel at the bottom of the aquarium and preferably choose one artificial decoration, because besides not needing to be changed, the fish could eat the natural plants and algae, some of them not good for your organism.

We can also add ornaments of all types and sizes (whenever the fish has room to swim), we recommend that you clean the ornaments in boiling water beforehand to avoid water contamination.

Being cold water fish we don't need heaters to keep the water at a certain temperature, but still, we can have a thermometer to better control the daily life of our fish. If your aquarium is freshwater, you can take a look at the post about freshwater aquarium plants.

The Goldfish (Goldfish)

O goldfish it is descended from the common carp and comes from Asia. Contrary to what many believe, the Orange Goldfish is not the only cold water fish of this species, they exist in many colors and shapes. Because they need a lot of oxygen, it is recommended that they live in a large aquarium and always with at least one partner.

need specific diets and feeds which you will easily find in the market. With the basic care mentioned above, we can ensure that you will have a resistant and healthy fish that can live for 6 to 8 years.

The Chinese Neon

Originating in the Baiyun Mountains (White Cloud Mountain) in Hong Kong, this small fish commonly called Chinese neon dazzles with its bright and eye-catching colors. They measure approximately 4 to 6 centimeters, have a striking greenish brown with a reddish-yellow line and yellow or red fins.

They are resistant fish that normally live in groups of 7 or more individuals of the same species. As a general rule, they coexist well with other fish such as Goldfish, thus allowing you to create a varied and eye-catching aquarium.

Its sale is very popular because of its care facility. They accept food of all kinds whenever it is small and require a temperature between 15 and 20 degrees Celsius, ideal for a home. They don't usually have illnesses or problems, which makes them very easy to take care of.

We must be careful with this species as this type of fish is very used to "jumping" and therefore we must always have the aquarium covered.

The Koi Carps

THE Koi carp it is a relative of the common carp, although it originates from China, it became known throughout the world through Japan and inhabits all continents except Antarctica.

The meaning of Koi can be translated into Portuguese as "affection" and even "love", the cultivation of this type of cold-water ornamental carp flourished in China during the King dynasty and in Japan during the Yayoi era. In Asia this type of carp is considered a good luck animal.

It is the most popular tank fish thanks to its physical resistance and we can easily find it in any fish store. Can reach 2 meters, although as a general rule they grow up to 1.5 meters in large tanks (up to 70 cm in large aquariums). It has several bright and unique colors in each copy. Using selective breeding, fantastic specimens are obtained, being evaluated, in very specific cases, at values ​​up to R$ 400,000.

This is an excellent pet due to the low complexity of care, the koi carp live very well with other specimens of its size, but we must be careful because feed on other species smaller. In addition to this factor that must be taken into account, koi carp feed on small invertebrates, algae, cold water crustaceans, etc. We can give you daily "scale food" special for medium and large fish and other more specific complements so that your diet can be varied.

The life expectancy of koi carp is estimated among the 25 and 30 years old, but they can live much longer under favorable conditions.

Kinguio Bubble

You Kinguio Bubble or fish eyes bubble are originally from China and come from GoldFish. They have a strange shape in their eyes that gives them a unique look. Blisters are huge fluid-filled bags where they have their eyes, always looking up. The bags can easily crack when rubbing against other fish or elements of the environment and therefore it is considered a solitary fish. We shouldn't worry about that, as they usually grow back in a short time.

usually have between 8 to 15 centimeters and swim slowly and slowly. It is recommended that they live alone or together with other fish of the same species so that they do not suffer from malnutrition or aggression and that they also do not have trunks or elements in their habitat that could damage their eyes (it may have natural vegetation). Adapts perfectly to cold waters.

It can appear in different colors like blue, red, chocolate, etc. Food should be given close to where they are so that it does not go unnoticed. eat voraciously and adapts easily to different types of food such as flaked or basic flake food, porridge, parasites, etc., whenever it is within reach.

Betta Splendens

You Betta Splendens are also known as "fight fish" for its aggressive character and behavior with other fish. Males measure approximately a few 6 centimeters and females a little less.

It is a tropical fish but very resistant that adapts to all types of water, such as the cold water. It develops and reproduces easily and exists in hundreds of colors and combinations both in captivity and in the wild.

We advise you to live in groups of, for example, one male and 3 females or several females, never mix two males, this can lead to a fight to the death. We also recommend lush plants at the bottom of the aquarium to protect the female from male attacks. Their life expectancy is between 2 and 3 years.

For food will suffice a few commercial compounds that we have within our reach in any store, we can also add live food such as larvae, sea fleas, etc.

Although Betta is a very easy fish to take care of, it is important that you inform yourself about the care of betta fish in order to know their diet, the type of aquarium and the mixtures of different fish they can tolerate.

fish telescope

O Fish Telescope or Demekin is a variety that comes from China. Its main physical characteristic are the eyes that protrude from the head, having a very unique appearance. The black telescope, also known as Black Moor due to its color and its velvety appearance. We can find them in all colors and varieties.

These cold water fish they need big and spacious aquariums but (except for the Mouto Negro) they can never live in spaces where they can have very low temperatures, if that happens they can die. Like the Fish Eye Bubble, we should not have elements in the aquarium that are too sharp or pungent so as not to damage your eyes. The last element to take into account in the environment where you will reside is to make sure that the filters do not create any kind of excessive movement in its waters, this could destabilize the fish.

They are omnivorous fish that must eat small amounts of food but at various times of the day. recommended vary the food regularly so they don't develop bladder problems. We can give you different products that are on the market, that will be enough.

Keep in mind that their life expectancy ranges from approximately 5 to 10 years.