How to leave my dog ​​alone at home

Author: Laura McKinney
Date Of Creation: 3 August 2021
Update Date: 15 February 2025
How I Trained My Dog to be LEFT ALONE in the House!
Video: How I Trained My Dog to be LEFT ALONE in the House!


You may not be aware of this, but have you ever stopped to think about how your dog feels when he leaves? Many pets bark non-stop, others cry for hours. This type of attitude towards our departure is known as separation anxiety.

All kinds of puppies can suffer from separation anxiety, regardless of age or breed, although a difficult past or still being a puppy can make this problem worse. An example of this is the case of adopted dogs.

One of the reasons for the anxiety is that when he was a puppy we didn't teach him to manage his loneliness. Therefore, in this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain to you how to leave your dog alone at home. And, as always, with lots of tips and advice to do it easily.

Leave the dog alone at home step by step

Teaching a dog to be home alone is very important. If the dog learns to be without you from the start, he won't suffer as much each time he leaves the house and will lessen his chances of suffering from separation anxiety.

You should start this process at home. The dog has to learn that there is a moment for everything: there's a time to play, there's a time for caressing, and there are times when you can't pay attention to it.

As always, you should do this little by little:

  • For starters, it should be clear that dogs appreciate routine and constancy. If you have a set time for the walk, for play and for a meal, it is likely that you will more easily understand when to be alone.
  • The first step is to walk around the house, where the dog sees you but does not pay attention to you. Not for very long periods of time, just start working or doing something. It's possible that the dog will ask for your attention, don't scold him, just ignore him. There will come a time when you get tired and assume that now is not your time. Then you can call him and give him all the caresses in the world.
  • Try being in different rooms. Stay in a room for a while and then come back. Slowly increase the amount of time you are in this room. Your dog will understand that he is there, but that he has more to do.
  • Do the same in and out of the house for a short time for a few days until your dog understands that sometimes "you leave" but then comes back.

Remember that these points are very important, because without realizing it we make our dog dependent on us.When they are puppies, it's just cuddling, caressing and playing, we are with them 24 hours a day. You have to understand that your puppy does not understand that there are weekends, holidays or Christmas.

define rules from the beginning so your puppy knows what to expect. Part of the dog's anxiety is that he doesn't understand why you walk away and leave him alone. If we put ourselves in a dog's head in this situation, we're sure to see questions like this: "Have you forgotten me?", "Are you coming back?"

Leave an adult dog at home step by step

Especially the shelter dogs or those that were adopted in adulthood tend to suffer a lot when we leave them alone at home. It's fundamental earn the dog's trust with positive reinforcement and daily care to establish a routine.

How to help you understand that you will have to be alone at home:

  • Just as we would a puppy, we should start leaving him alone for short periods of time while we are in the same room. Changing rooms or starting to study without paying too much attention to it are some of the first steps.
  • Gradually it should leave you more time alone, whether while you're in another room or shopping at the supermarket. Try to start it for a very short time and gradually increase it.
  • Plan your dog's daily life including walks, meals and playtime. If you are always there, showing you confidence in your usual routine, your puppy will better accept that you sometimes leave him alone.

Tips for leaving a dog at home alone

  • There are no greetings or goodbyes. If your puppy connects certain words or gestures to the time he leaves, he will be tense before his time.
  • Organize your dog's schedule before you go. It will be essential that you leave the house leaving him already walked, exercised and with the meal given, this way he is likely to go to sleep. Any unmet need can make you feel uncomfortable, sad, and abandoned.
  • Create a hideaway or special bed where you feel protected and comfortable. Although it seems very simple, an intimate and sheltered place will make your dog feel better.
  • You can warm up your blanket with the dryer before you leave or put in a hot water bottle. That extra warmth will be very pleasant for him.
  • Consider adopting a second dog. The truth is that a couple of dogs can really like each other and keep each other company, relieving their stress. Go to a shelter with your dog to see if you make friends with another.

Toys That Can Help You Be Alone

I'm sure I already thought it was strange that I still hadn't mentioned the subject of toys for dogs, but here it is.

In the same way that you try to be entertained so as not to get bored, with social networks, sports, reading PeritoAnimal, etc., your dog also needs to be distracted.

There are a multitude of toys for them for sale. See what your pet has more fun with, what toys it spends with more time entertained. This will give you a great reference to choose which ones are the most suitable (with or without sound, fabric, balls,...). In addition to toys, there are bones for adult puppies and puppies. There are several that are long lasting, if your dog likes them you are guaranteed to be entertained.

But there is a special toy for this case: the kong. It is a toy that stimulates the dog's curiosity and intelligence to be entertained for a long time trying to get the food out of the kong's interior. You can fill it with pate, feed or treats. Besides, it's a 100% safe toy so you don't have to worry about leaving it with it, there's no risk whatsoever.