Canine vestibular syndrome: treatment, symptoms and diagnosis

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 8 March 2025
Vestibular Disease in Dogs.  Dr. Dan covers symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
Video: Vestibular Disease in Dogs. Dr. Dan covers symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.


If you've ever seen a dog with a crooked head, falling easily, or walking in circles, you probably thought it was off balance and dizzy, and you've effectively got it right!

When a dog has these and other symptoms, it suffers from what is known as vestibular syndrome, a condition that affects the system of the same name. Do you know what this system is and what it is for? Do you know how this syndrome affects dogs?

If you are interested in knowing all this and much more, keep reading this article by Animal Expert, as we will explain what is the vestibular syndrome in dogs, what are the causes, how to identify the symptoms and what to do about them.

Vestibular syndrome: what is it

The vestibular system is what gives dogs balance and spatial orientation so they can move. In this system, the inner ear, the vestibular nerve (serves as a link between the inner ear and the central nervous system), the vestibular nucleus and the middle posterior and anterior tract (which are parts of the central nervous system) work together in this system. the muscles of the eyeball. All these parts of the dog's body are connected and involved in the task of getting the animal to move and orient itself smoothly. Therefore, this system allows avoiding loss of balance, falls and vertigo in animals. It is precisely when some parts or connections fail that vestibular syndrome occurs.

Vestibular syndrome is a symptom that some part of the vestibular system is not working well. So, when we detect it, we will soon suspect that the dog has some pathology related to the vestibular system that causes loss of balance, among other things.

The disease can manifest itself in one or more ways. We can differentiate the Peripheral vestibular syndrome in dogs, which arises from the peripheral nervous system, also known as the external central nervous system, and is caused by some disorder that affects the inner ear. We can also detect it in its form known as central vestibular syndrome, therefore, its origin occurs in the central nervous system. The latter is more severe than the peripheral form, however, and fortunately, it is far less common. In addition, there is a third option for the occurrence of this syndrome. When we are unable to identify the origin of the vestibular syndrome, we are faced with the idiopathic form of the disease. In this case, there is no specific origin and symptoms develop suddenly. It can disappear in a few weeks without knowing the cause or it can last a long time and the dog will have to adapt. This last form is the most common.

Usually, peripheral vestibular syndrome shows rapid improvement and recovery. If the cause is treated early and well, it will not allow the disease to progress for long. On the other hand, the core form is more difficult to resolve and sometimes cannot be remedied. Obviously, the idiopathic form cannot be resolved without proper treatment, as the cause of the syndrome is unknown. In this case, we must help the dog to adjust to its new condition and lead the best possible life, while the syndrome lasts.

vestibular syndrome can occur in dogs of any age. This condition can be present from the birth of the dog, so it will be congenital. Congenital vestibular syndrome begins to be seen between birth and three months of life. These are the breeds with the greatest predisposition to suffer this problem:

  • German Shepherd
  • Doberman
  • Akita Inu and American Akita
  • English cocker spaniel
  • beagle
  • smooth-haired fox terrier

However, this syndrome is more common in older dogs and is known as canine geriatric vestibular syndrome.

Canine vestibular syndrome: symptoms and causes

The causes of vestibular syndrome are diverse. In its peripheral form, the most common causes are otitis, chronic ear infections, recurrent inner and middle ear infections, excessive cleaning that irritates the area a lot and can even perforate an eardrum, among others. If we talk about the central form of the disease, the causes will be other conditions or diseases such as toxoplasmosis, distemper, hypothyroidism, internal bleeding, a trauma from a brain injury, stroke, polyps, meningoencephalitis or tumors. In addition, this more severe state of vestibular syndrome can be caused by certain medications such as aminoglycoside antibiotics, amikacin, gentamicin, neomycin, and tobramycin.

Below, we list the canine vestibular syndrome symptoms more common:

  • Disorientation;
  • Head twisted or tilted;
  • Loss of balance, falls easily;
  • Walk in circles;
  • Difficulty eating and drinking;
  • Difficulty in urinating and defecating;
  • Involuntary eye movements;
  • Dizziness, dizziness and nausea;
  • Excessive saliva and vomiting;
  • Loss of appetite;
  • Irritation in the inner ear nerves.

These symptoms may appear suddenly or appear little by little as the condition progresses. If you experience any of these symptoms, it is very important. act fast and take the dog to a trusted veterinarian as soon as possible to identify the cause of the vestibular syndrome and treat it.

Canine vestibular syndrome: diagnosis

As we mentioned, it is vitally important to take our pet to the vet as soon as we begin to detect any of the symptoms described above. Once there, the specialist will a general physical examination on the dog and will perform some specific tests to check balance., if he walks in circles or know which way he tilts his head, as this will normally be the side of the affected ear.

The ear must be observed both externally and internally. If these tests cannot reliably diagnose, other tests such as x-rays, blood tests, cytology, cultures, among many others can help find the diagnosis or at least eliminate the possibilities. In addition, if it is suspected that it may be the central form of the disease, the veterinarian may order CT scans, MRI scans, biopsies, etc. As we said before, there are cases where it is not possible to identify the origin of the balance change.

As soon as the specialist detects the cause and can tell if it is a peripheral or central vestibular syndrome, the appropriate treatment should be started as soon as possible and always under the supervision and periodic monitoring of the professional.

Canine vestibular syndrome: treatment

Treatment for this condition it will completely depend on how it manifests and what the symptoms are.. It is vital that, in addition to the main cause of the problem, secondary symptoms are addressed to help the dog go through the process as best as possible. In the case of peripheral vestibular syndrome, as mentioned above, it is likely to be caused by otitis or chronic ear infection. For this reason, the most common treatment will be for ear infections, irritations and difficult ear infections. Whether we encounter the central form of the disease will also depend on the specific cause causing it. For example, if it is hypothyroidism, the dog should be medicated with the supplementation indicated for hypothyroidism. If it is a tumor, the possibilities of operating on it must be evaluated.

In all the cases mentioned above as possible causes of the disease, if treated as soon as possible, we will see how the main problem is solved or it stabilizes and the vestibular syndrome will also correct itself until it disappears.

When it comes to the idiopathic form of the disease, since the cause is not known, it is not possible to treat the main problem or the vestibular syndrome. However, we must think that, although it can last a long time, when it comes to an idiopathic case, it is very likely that it will disappear after a few weeks. So, although we decide to keep doing more tests to try to find some cause, sooner or later, we should focus on making life easier for our furry companion during the process..

How to help your dog feel better

While the treatment lasts or even if the cause is not found, our dog needs to get used to living with the disease for a while and it will be our responsibility to help you feel better and make your life easier during this period. For this, it is necessary to try to clear the areas of the house where the dog normally is, separate the furniture as the animals are used to hitting against them frequently due to their disorientation, helping him to eat and drink, giving him food by hand. and taking the drinking fountain to your mouth or, still, giving you water with the aid of a syringe directly in the mouth. You also need to help him lie down, get up or move around. It will often be necessary to help you to defecate and urinate. It is vitally important to soothe him with our voice, making caresses and natural and homeopathic remedies for stress, since from the first moment our furry friend starts feeling dizzy, disorientated, etc., he will be suffering from stress.

Thus, little by little, he will improve until the day the cause is known and the vestibular syndrome disappears. If it is long lasting, following all the recommendations above, we will be helping the animal to get used to its new condition and gradually we will notice that it starts to feel better and will be able to lead a normal life. Also, if the syndrome is congenital, puppies that grow up with this condition are usually quickly getting used to this reality that involves them leading a perfectly normal life.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.