- Ant characteristics
- Types of poisonous ants
- Cape Verdean Ant
- bulldog ant
- fire ant
- african ant
- Types of house ants
- carpenter ant
- Ant-Argentina
- leaf-cutting ant
- sessile tapinoma
- wood ant
- Barbarus Messor

Ants are common insects that come in different varieties. They are distinguished by the surprising organization since the colonies are coordinated around a queen and the worker ants have defined functions.
you know how many types of ants exist? If you are interested in knowing the different varieties, among which types of poisonous ants stand out, continue reading this article by PeritoAnimal.
Ant characteristics
Ants are among the oldest and most common insects in the world. They are capable of surviving almost all habitats and, on occasion, colonies are so large that they become very difficult pests to control.
But, how many species of ants are there in the world? It is estimated that there are about 20,000 species of ants. Although each of the species have different behaviors and characteristics, there are several common elements between them. Like for example:
- Food: most species of ants feed on natural juices from fruits and flowers, while other types of ants feed on plants. Also, there are some carnivorous species that consume dead animals such as flies and cockroaches.
- Habitat and coexistence: different types of ants live all over the world, except in Antarctica and some remote islands. They often build anthills in earth and wood, although they also organize themselves into the walls of houses and buildings. All species live in colonies that reach up to 10,000 members. In most ant nests there is only one queen, although in certain species it is possible to find two or three queens.
- Lifespan: the longevity of an ant depends on its species, but most of them only live about four months and, at most, they can reach a year of life.
- Ant behavior and organization: ants are very sociable animals and, at the same time, very organized. Thanks to this, there are different types of ants in a colony. They divide up the work so neatly that each member has a specific role to play. The objective is to guarantee the colony's well-being and the protection of each of its members. Furthermore, they are very jealous of their homes, that is, they do not admit other types of ants in a given colony.
Types of poisonous ants
Ants defend themselves by biting. They may be of little significance to people, but lethal to certain animals, especially insects. Despite this, there is a wide variety of types of poisonous ants, which trigger complications or cause death.
Check out some below. types of poisonous ants.
Cape Verdean Ant
The Cape Verdean ant, also known as the bullet ant or clavata paraponera, can be found in countries like Brazil, Nicaragua, Paraguay, Venezuela and Honduras. It is known by the name of bullet ant because of the pain of its bite, very similar to what causes a bullet impact. It is considered thirty times more painful than a wasp sting. After the bite of a Cape Verdean ant, the region is reddened, can cause chills, sweating and even persian sensitivity of the affected limb.

bulldog ant
THE bulldog ant, also known as giant Australian ant or Myrmecia, can be found in Australia and New Caledonia. It is characterized by having a huge yellow jaw, in addition to reddish and brown tones. It has a powerful poison capable of generating a powerful burn on the skin that can leave permanent marks.
Did you know that among the most venous insects in Brazil is an ant? Find out what species this ant is and what the other insects are in this PeritoAnimal article.

fire ant
the fire ant or Solenopsis richteri it has a deep black color with reddish tones, as its name indicates. She is distinguished by especially aggressive behavior, however, they do not usually attack humans, unless provoked. THE fire ant sting it has a very strong and poisonous bite, capable of causing a very uncomfortable and persistent pain, similar to the sting of a wasp.

african ant
THE african ant, also known as pachycondyla analyses O Megaponera foetens, is one of the most dangerous species in the world and inhabits Senegal, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon and Togo. They measure between 18 and 5 mm and have a stinger and a strong triangular jaw, capable of piercing human skin. O neurotoxic poison it's especially potent and, because of that, they manage to paralyze victims.

Types of house ants
There are millions of ants around the world, belonging to various types of species that have been recorded. However, not all of them are poisonous ants. In general, the types of domestic forms they are usually harmless and their eventual bites do not pose a problem for humans.
Below, check out some of the most common ant species around the world.
carpenter ant
THE carpenter ant belongs to the genus of component, a species that inhabits America, Europe and Africa. It has this name because it builds its nests in wood, which can have devastating consequences for the environment, colonies expand and cause extensive damage to tree structures. In general, carpenter ants take refuge in rotten wood to make their nests, as it gathers adequate conditions of humidity and temperature to stay alive.
They are polymorphic, which means that all individuals have different sizes. Its colors can range from black, red and dark brown. Regarding food, they do not eat wood, their diet is based on dead insects, sweet substances from plants, flowers and fruits, as well as meat and fat.

THE argentine ant or Linepithema humile it is endemic to Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. It is currently distributed in many other countries due to human action, being considered a pest. Measures between 2 and 3 mm, but are especially aggressive, fighting battles for control of territory, covering large expanses. Its action causes the death of native species in the region that invade, causing irreversible changes to the ecosystem.
Find out how ants reproduce in this PeritoAnimal article.

leaf-cutting ant
It is called "leaf cutter ant" there are more than 40 species belonging to the genus Atta and Acromyrmex. It is mainly characterized by the extreme social organization, since the colony is divided into different classes known as castes, that is, there is the queen, soldiers, foragers and gardeners. In the leaf-cutting ant colony, each individual has a specific objective to fulfill, starting with the queen, who is in charge of finding nests and reproducing.
While the soldiers protect the colony from external threats, the foragers are in charge of digging tunnels and finding food for the other ants. The gardeners are in charge of taking care of the growing of fungi, larvae and eggs in development. This species of ant is found from Panama to northern Argentina. It can cause great economic damage, as it attacks different types of plants and crops such as cassava, corn and sugar cane.

sessile tapinoma
THE ant Tapinoma sessile or ant smelly homemade, is also known as the sugar ant or coconut ant. It is native to the United States and owes its name to the strong smell it gives off when it is crushed. This type of home ant builds its home under rocks, logs, rubble or other objects, including cracks in rocks and soil.
The species does not have a time to search for food, they can do it at any time of the day. The diet consists of fruits, insects and nectar. The population of smelly house ants can become a pest if the conditions in which colonies propagate are not controlled.
Also find out how fish breathe in this PeritoAnimal article.

wood ant
THE wood ant,Formica rufa or Red European ant is very common in Europe. It creates large and visible colonies in leafy woods, which inhabit about 200,000 individuals. They are omnivorous animals, feeding on invertebrate animals, fungi and plants. They are capable of strong bites.

Barbarus Messor
THE ant Messor barbarus is present in Spain, Italy, France and Morocco. Creates nests on the ground and are exclusively granivorous animals. This species stands out for its hygiene, as they are constantly cleaning themselves and the nest. Another feature that stands out a lot in this type of ant is the size of the head.

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