My dog ​​doesn't sleep at night, what to do?

Author: John Stephens
Date Of Creation: 22 January 2021
Update Date: 8 March 2025
14 Signs Your Dog Doesn’t Love You (Even if You Think They Do)
Video: 14 Signs Your Dog Doesn’t Love You (Even if You Think They Do)


A very common problem is dogs that do not let their owners sleep. Either because they have insomnia or because they cry, especially when they are still puppies.

In order to solve your pet's sleeping problems, you must first identify the cause. You should try to figure out what is keeping your dog out of sleep.

In the following article by PeritoAnimal we will explain what a dog doesn't sleep at night whole, and what to do to solve the problem.

why doesn't your dog sleep

There are many factors that can affect your dog's sleep, but we'll summarize the most common ones below:

  • noises: just like you, too much noise, fireworks or a storm can make your dog unable to sleep.
  • Health problems: your puppy cannot speak and tell you that something hurts. If you see that your dog is suddenly unable to sleep, it may be because something is hurting him. In this case, you should go with him to the veterinarian to rule out that the insomnia is due to an illness.
  • Cold or heat: any excess can affect your dog to be unable to sleep. So, think carefully where you are going to put your pet's bed. Remember that humidity also has an influence on your pet's comfort at bedtime.
  • overeating: an excessive dinner can cause a heavy digestion to your pet. Always try to give your dog dinner at least an hour before bedtime. A good advice is to divide the puppy's daily food into two or three meals, this way you will be helping him to be full longer and not have heavy digestions.
  • lack of exercise: A very important point to make a dog happy is exercise. If your pet doesn't get out enough, it will be nervous, restless and not at all calm. If you believe that this may be the main problem, don't hesitate to consult our article on how often to walk the dog or the exercises for adult dogs.

How can you help the puppy to sleep

It is common for a dog to have trouble sleeping. Try putting yourself on your skin for a second. You just got separated from your mother, are in an environment you don't know and with strangers, how would you feel? This point is of special importance. if they separated the dog too soon. You should never separate a puppy from its mother before 2 months, its physical and mental health can be affected.

The first important rule to get your puppy to sleep soundly is keep a routine. Establish a schedule for walks, games and meals and stick to it. An orderly life creates much more tranquility in the dog.

The dog must have its space, its zone. The ideal would be that it had a small house, in any pet shop you can find houses for dogs with padded floors. Or you can also make a bed for your dog.

A puppy has a lot of energy, so make sure you get the exercise you need and use up all that energy you have inside. For the first week, put a clock by your bed so it can hear the tick tock. O sound will soothe your puppy will once remember his mother's heartbeat.

Warm your dog's bed with a blow dryer before he goes to bed. You can also put a hot water bottle, this heat will relax the dog and help him sleep through the night.

Heads up: Some people put an electric blanket under their bed. This is a good idea whenever you take precautions. You must make sure that the dog cannot reach the cable as well as it must not have direct contact with the electric blanket itself. It is best to wrap the blanket with a towel.

In the first few days it is normal for the dog to cry. Although it costs you, you must not go to him constantly. The puppy will begin to relate that each time he cries he gets your attention. Remember that this step is a little complicated because we must teach the dog how to behave and it will be essential that all family members follow the same rules.

how to make the dog sleep

A dog sleeps about 13 hours a day, about 8 or 9 a night. The remaining hours are naps you take during the day. If you have ruled out the possibility that your dog has a health problem and is unable to sleep, check out the following points:

  • Place: Is the place where the puppy sleeps suitable? If he sleeps in a bed, try making him a house. As in the case of the puppy, a house will provide peace of mind. I'm sure you'll fall asleep faster this way.
  • Exercise: It's fundamental. If your puppy hasn't used up all the energy he has inside him, it's impossible for him to sleep. In fact, the problem is not just not being able to sleep. A pet that does not perform the necessary exercise is an unhappy pet that can suffer from a lot of stress.
  • The dinner: Remember to have the last meal of the day before bedtime. Bad digestion takes sleep away from anyone.
  • routines: Do you always take your dog for a walk at the same times? There is nothing worse for a dog than a lack of routine. Any change in your pet's life should be done little by little.
  • noises: Have you ever stopped to think if where the dog sleeps there are noises? It may be that the area you have chosen for your puppy to sleep in is not suitable because it has street noise or something that makes your puppy nervous.

As we explained in the previous point with the puppy, a good trick is to warm the puppy's bed before going to bed. If you see that with all these changes your dog remains sleepless, you should consult an animal behavior specialist.