english bull terrier

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 16 February 2021
Update Date: 2 March 2025
What is it like to live with a English Bull Terrier?
Video: What is it like to live with a English Bull Terrier?


O english bull terrier is a breed known for the unique shape of its head and small triangular-shaped ears. There are two variants of this breed: the bull terrier and the miniature bull terrier. He was raised in Great Britain as a show and fight dog by James Hinks. It is known as the White knight.

If you are considering adopting a puppy or adult of this breed, it is important that you are well informed about its personality, physical characteristics and the education it needs to be properly trained. The English bull terrier is a fantastic dog in many ways. Learn everything on this PeritoAnimal breed page.

  • Europe
  • UK
FCI rating
  • Group III
Physical characteristics
  • muscular
  • Extended
  • short paws
  • short ears
  • toy
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Great
  • Giant
  • 15-35
  • 35-45
  • 45-55
  • 55-70
  • 70-80
  • more than 80
adult weight
  • 1-3
  • 3-10
  • 10-25
  • 25-45
  • 45-100
Hope of life
  • 8-10
  • 10-12
  • 12-14
  • 15-20
Recommended physical activity
  • Low
  • Average
  • High
  • Balanced
  • Strong
  • Sociable
  • very faithful
  • Active
  • Tender
Ideal for
  • Houses
  • hiking
  • Surveillance
  • Muzzle
  • harness
Recommended weather
  • Cold
  • Warm
  • Moderate
type of fur
  • Short
  • Smooth
  • thick

Physical characteristics of the English bull terrier

It's a dog strong and muscular, usually white in color, but can also be black, reddish or brindle. Its fur is short and straight and therefore does not need excessive brushing. The oval shape of its head, the triangular-shaped ears and eyes give it a completely unique look and different from other races. There aren't many physical differences between the different sexes, except that males are more robust compared to a slight thinness of females.

english bull terrier personality

The English bull terrier has a balanced and affectionate personality with people when he is brought up correctly. They are faithful dogs by nature and very affectionate. They are extremely brave because they have a strong sense of protection from those they like, but that doesn't mean they are aggressive at all. As a dog considered potentially dangerous, the use of a muzzle and leash in public spaces is necessary. It is important that the dog get used to the muzzle step by step, so you don't feel like you're being punished when you have to use it.

Although there is no reason for anything to happen, especially if the dog has been socialized correctly, it is recommended. Always supervise your play with children. who don't know how to relate to a dog. A tug of the ears can lead to a grunt, so educate your children so they know how to relate to it.

Sometimes they can be a little stubborn when they put something in their head, so you should actively work on your education. Neutering is highly recommended to get a stable adult dog. This breed, strongly linked to its owners, suffer a lot from loneliness. If you don't have time to dedicate to the dog and all its needs, avoid adopting a dog with these characteristics at all costs. It is an excellent guard dog that always warns you when someone arrives at your house.

The bull terrier is a affectionate dog who will have no problem socializing with the little ones at home. It is a playful and patient dog but it has a lot of physical body and a big jaw. Therefore, prevent him from playing with children who are too young or from treating them inappropriately. It's not an aggressive dog when it's brought up correctly, but at times it can hurt children unintentionally, playing too excitedly. We recommend that you monitor the games until the children learn how to interact with them.

As for contact with other puppies, you should know that they can become reactive if they are not properly educated or if they are instigated to attack. It is very important to understand that education must be very important for a dog with voluptuous physical characteristics like the bull terrier. The great bond they assume within the family tends to be too protective. If you educate your dog correctly, you will have no problems relating it to other dogs, pets, children or adults.

English bull terrier diseases

The most common bull terrier diseases are: deafness, patellar dislocation, kidney problems, heart problems and skin problems. They are sensitive to insect bites and therefore must be adequately protected.

We recommend that you check your bull terrier's health on a regular basis to make sure it doesn't have any skin problems and stretch its joints carefully to make sure it moves well. Through active walks, your muscles are exercised but that does not mean you should force the dog. Excessive exercise can lead to joint problems. See the veterinarian regularly: the house six months, for example, and whenever it finds a problem.

English bull terrier care

has a easy to care coat and keep it that way it just needs to be brushed once in a while to keep the hair perfect. In winter it must be arranged some kind of shelter because its short fur favors tremors and physical discomfort. As a very active dog, we must ensure that he has long, complete walks that include the physical exercise the dog needs. Intense exercise must be controlled in the youth and old age stages to avoid the aforementioned problems, muscle or growth problems.

They tend to overeat if the tutor lets them, so you should be informed about the correct dosage of food offers you, and must always be of high quality. Don't forget that a good dog food not only reflects on the dog's happiness, but also on its health, coat and well-being.

English bull terrier training and education

It is common to see bull terriers biting everything they find, be it their hands, furniture or household objects. Therefore, from puppies that must learn how to bite, using teethers and miscellaneous toys until you find the perfect one for him. The black kong, being very tough, is perfect for its powerful jaw.

The next step in your education will be to start socializing your puppy, a process that should teach you how to relate to other dogs, people and objects. This step is fundamental so that, in the future, we can enjoy a sociable adult with all kinds of living beings and without fears of bicycles or cars, for example. Anything that can be taught at this stage will be beneficial for the future.

The next step is to start the training. For this, dedicate about 10 or 15 minutes a day to practice basic orders. It's not about teaching fun tricks, but directions that help keep you safe. Sitting, being quiet or coming can avoid being run over, for example. Many people don't know how important training is.

In addition to your safety, practicing commands using positive reinforcement is the perfect way to strengthen our relationship with the dog and learn to communicate with him. Finally, we add that it is not beneficial to punish or use aggressiveness against the dog, regardless of breed. Although many people are unaware, the stress and anxiety resulting from puppies' punishment is very counter-productive to their well-being.


  • A Bull Terrier refuses to leave its guardian's dead body. In the United States, the police are alerted by the appearance of a corpse. Upon arriving at the place, they find a Bull who refused to separate from the body of what had been, until then, his tutor. He managed to keep his body at 38 º C for days, almost on the verge of dying from dehydration as well. As soon as they managed to separate them, the dog ended up at an animal shelter, as his guardian was a homeless person. The story went around the world and the tutor's living relatives were found who took responsibility for him.