
What is zoonosis: definition and examples

The term zoono i refer to any type of di ea e that can infect animal and human . Zoono e can be divided into categorie according to the form of tran mi ion uch a anfixeno e , anthropozoono i , zooanth...

Why is my dog ​​on his back?

Picture thi cene: your furry be t friend ju t lay down next to you but not with hi belly on the floor, but in rever e, facing the ceiling.Few canine behavior generate a much impact on people' oul ...

Tips for Adopting a Stray Cat

have you become attached to a treet cat who vi it your backyard or live near where you live and decided to adopt it? Whether for thi or any other rea on that you have taken uch a deci ion, we at Perit...

Tips for Tartar Removal in Dogs

Have you ever noticed bad breath in your dog? Did you ee tain and dirt on your teeth? If o, then your dog ha accumulated tartar.If you want to find out about thi problem, ome way to prevent it and e p...

Portuguese Podengo

O Podegco Portugue e i an ancient and iconic breed of dog from Portugal. Although they are not o recognized out ide the Iberian Penin ula, they are very intere ting dog that tand out for having great ...

Psychological pregnancy in bitches

the bitche that are not terilized they may uffer a p ychological pregnancy at ome point in their life, it' omething u ual o don't be cared if you ee your pet behaving in a trange way.In thi ar...

How to prevent the dog from dropping the Christmas tree

Chri tma partie arrive and it i very common for the hou e to be filled with decorative element typical of thi time of year, not to mention the mythical Chri tma tree, which many of u adore, regardle o...

Urinary Infection in Cats - Symptoms, Treatment and Prevention

At urinary infection Urinary tract infection , al o known a urinary tract infection , are one of the mo t common and trouble ome group of condition that a cat can uffer from. There are everal type of ...

Going on vacation - where to leave my cat?

Before adopting a cat, or any other animal, it i very important to con ider all the re pon ibilitie that thi entail . In particular, where to leave the cat during your holiday i an i ue that mu t by n...

How to know if the guinea pig is in heat

Like the re t of mammal , guinea pig reproduce after a period of heat. A with other animal , the heat and the reproduction they have their particularitie and it i nece ary to take them into account to...

How to reduce my dog's stress

ometime we mu t look for formula for reduce tre on dog o that they adapt to each family. Giving a medicine i not the ame a giving a natural remedy and re orting to di per ion technique for our furry ...

How to scare away rats?

caring away rat i n't alway ea y, e pecially if you do not know the behavior of the pecie , a we are talking about rodent that reproduce extremely ea ily. Rat can al o become unwanted vi itor bec...

Train an American Akita

The American Akita i a faithful and loyal dog like few other , with a great protective in tinct capable of defending it human family. And when training you, the e characteri tic mu t be taken into acc...

Lhasa Apso

O Lha a Ap o i a mall dog that i characterized by it long and abundant coat. Thi little dog look like a miniature ver ion of the Old Engli h heepdog and i originally from Tibet. Although little known,...

Can a cat defend its guardian?

the fame of unconditional guardian i alway carried by dog , thank to their extreme devotion to their loved one . Although the love between dog and human being i indi putable, we hould not forget that ...

Types of bird beaks

Bird have everal characteri tic that make them very attractive within the animal kingdom. One of them i the pre ence of a horny beak which form the outermo t part of the mouth of the e animal . Unlike...

Lymphoma in Cats - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Lymphoma i a type of malignant cancer. Lymphoma in cat can affect different region of the animal' body, uch a internal organ and lymph node (organ of the lymphatic y tem, re pon ible for toring ly...

6 breeds of oriental cats

There are everal breed of cat from the A ian continent, in fact, ome of the mo t beautiful come from that continent. A a general rule, the a ian cat have a number of common characteri tic that make th...

The best toys for puppies

If you've ju t adopted a puppy, you've probably already realized that playing i undoubtedly one of the thing your furry friend will demand the mo t. o it' not uncommon for you to be wonder...

Feline Panleukopenia: Symptoms and Treatment

People who have decided to take a cat a a pet know perfectly well that the nature of cat i predatory and independent, omething that give the e animal a pecial charm and authenticity.However, when omeo...