6 breeds of oriental cats

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 1 February 2025
The Oriental Shorthair Cat 101 : Breed & Personality
Video: The Oriental Shorthair Cat 101 : Breed & Personality


There are several breeds of cats from the Asian continent, in fact, some of the most beautiful come from that continent. As a general rule, the asian cats have a number of common characteristics that make them different from other cat breeds, something you can discover in this article.

Then we show you some of the best known ones, and also some not so well known to the general public, but which are also extraordinary pets.

Keep reading this Animal Expert article and find out 6 breeds of oriental cats.

1. Ceylon Cat

The Ceylon cat is a beautiful breed that comes from Sri Lanka (the old Ceylon). This breed is very unknown in Europe and other continents, but some Italian breeders have recently started its breeding and distribution.

This cat is ideal for socializing in houses and apartments. He is sociable, clean and affectionate. Right from the start, he acquires trust with the family that welcomes him, showing himself to be very kind and affectionate.

The morphology of the Ceylon cat is characteristic. It has large ears, which at its base are wide. His slightly almond-shaped eyes are a spectacular green color. The size of the Ceylon cat is medium, with well-defined musculature and a very silky short fur. It has rounded cheeks and a typical marbled coat.

2. Burmese cat

The Burmese or Burmese cat is a domestic breed from Thailand. In its origins they were brown in color, but it was in the USA and Great Britain where this breed onlyand expanded worldwide, creating the current standard of the race. Nowadays a wide variety of colors are accepted.

The Burmese cat is medium in size, with a round head, short neck and medium-sized ears. Just as Siamese are very intelligent and vocal, that is, they communicate very well with their host families. They are very affectionate.

Through a cross between a Burmese cat and an American shortair cat, a new breed called the Bombay cat was created. It was tried and succeeded, creating a kind of black panther the size of a cat.

The Bombay cat is tremendously affectionate, its color is always satin black, and its muscles are very defined, as its fur is very short and silky. Their pretty eyes are always a range of oranges, golds or coppers. They don't like solitude.

It is an ideal cat to live in small apartments, as they are not overly active. An easy habit to instill in you, as with the Siamese, is that you can learn to urinate in the toilet, provided, of course, you leave the lid up.

3. The Siamese cat

The Siamese cat is an extraordinary pet for its balance in all facets, something that makes them adorable. They are intelligent, affectionate, independent, clean, communicative, active without being overdone and with an elegant and refined beauty.

I had the opportunity to have a couple of Siamese, and they each had their own personality, but they were both very affectionate. The male had the ability to open the bedroom doors with his paws and did his needs on the toilet.

O blue of the eyes of a siamese cat sums up everything that can be said about him. Discover the types of Siamese cats that exist in the Animal Expert article.

4. Japanese bobtail

The Japanese bobtail is a breed of Japanese origin with a fantastic history:

Legend has it that these cats arrived by boat from the Kurile Islands to the coast of Japan a thousand years ago. In the year 1602 no one was allowed to buy, sell or keep a bobtail cat in their home. All cats were to be freed on Japanese streets to put an end to the plague of rats that plagued rice crops and silk factories.

A peculiarity of this breed is its short, twisted tail. It is a medium-sized cat with a triangular face and alert ears. It is muscular and its hind legs are longer than its front ones. It is a active cat and "ruffia" at dawn. It's very meowing, so if you decide to adopt one, don't forget to visit the article where we explain why my cat meows so much.

5. Chinese cat Li Hua

The cat Li Hua is a newcomer to the world of pets. This domestic cat comes directly from the Chinese mountain cat, Felis silvestris bieti, and in the year of 2003 he started his creation as a pet. It is a medium sized, very muscular cat. It is usually olive hued with dark tigress spots. Its oval eyes are green hi-yellow. Discover some cat toys and stimulate their intelligence.

É a very smart cat who gets on very well with other pets but is not overly affectionate. It needs space because it's very active. It is not a recommended pet for young children.

6. oriental cat

Originally from Thailand, this stylized feline has a very unique look and ears big that make it unmistakable. Its style and figure reminds us of the modern Siamese cat.

It is a very affectionate and clean animal, perfect for a delicate life in an apartment. This beautiful breed comes in many colors and patterns.

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