- Behaviors that help reduce stress in dogs
- How to Fight Stress in Dogs with Traditional Remedies
- Natural Remedies for Stress in Dogs

Sometimes we must look for formulas for reduce stress on dogs so that they adapt to each family. Giving a medicine is not the same as giving a natural remedy and resorting to dispersion techniques for our furry companions. Stress remains one of the most common conditions in dogs, especially those who live in cities or very small apartments and spend most of their day alone.
For lack of information we can confuse them with behavior problems or hyperactivity. At PeritoAnimal we want to show you how to reduce your dog's stress, not only through traditional remedies, but also the less conventional methods that can help to combat this problem.
Behaviors that help reduce stress in dogs
To help others we must first be okay with ourselves. This sounds basic but we believe this is where we should start to help our dog. If I can reduce or manage my stress levels I will be able to improve my quality of life, that of my surroundings and my loved ones.
To identify the cause of my dog's stress problem, you must know what its needs are. Learning about the breed, age, the dedication I must give my pet to be happy, are some of the points to consider. To achieve balance we have to educate ourselves on how to satisfy canine needs. It may be that you only go out 10 minutes a day to walk around and need longer walks to distract yourself and enjoy, is just one example. Dogs are very routine, that is, the reason can also be the arrival of a new member of the family, change of house, food, etc.
provide a relaxed and peaceful environment is usually successful in these cases. It is useless to medicate the animal and continue with the behaviors that stress it, so it is very important to identify what disturbs it. Often we just need to entertain your mind with games or tasks that you must perform. This happens a lot in very intelligent breeds, like the border collie, who must have an occupation to be mentally healthy.
The important thing is to be aware and get to know our dog to understand what may be affecting his emotional state. Small changes often make a difference and allow us to do without medication.

How to Fight Stress in Dogs with Traditional Remedies
Allopathic remedies will always appear as a result of a visit to the veterinarian, it is he who should guide us on what is most convenient for our dog. We should not self-medicate our pet, as we may be wrong in choosing the drug and/or dose.
You pheromones are often used a lot in these cases, as they mimic your mother's odor, and we can succeed with them. There are in the form of necklaces or room diffusers that are not too invasive for them and we won't even notice them.
There are other drugs for very acute cases such as Prozac, which is a canine anxiolytic, but cannot be used for very long periods of time as it can cause long-term problems.
Natural Remedies for Stress in Dogs
Although there are several remedies to treat stress in dogs, below we highlight the most effective natural techniques in these cases:
- THE homeopathy presents drugs that help in many cases and have no side effects. They can be used chronically without generating dependency. We have different ways of dealing with the problem, but this will be evaluated by the homeopathic veterinarian you consult.
- THE aromatherapy is widely used for these topics, since it is not invasive for the animal and through different techniques we can help it to reduce its state of stress. Lavender oil is often very effective on dogs that experience separation anxiety, stress, or loneliness. With a diffuser or wrapping the animal with blankets with this fragrance we can reduce some fears and strong crises.
- At Bach flowers, with the passion flower or passion flower, is the most used for emotional problems that result in canine stress. The aim is always to calm anxiety to reduce physical manifestations, if they exist at all.
- THE acupuncture it is also usually a very used technique in these cases with any of the remedies detailed above. We can combine it with homeopathy or bach flowers and get wonderful results in just 1 or 2 sessions.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis.We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.