
German Shepherd

O German hepherd or Al ace Wolf i a breed originating in Germany, which regi tered the breed in 1899. In the pa t, the breed wa u ed to gather and watch over heep, although it function have multiplied...

My cat sleeps a lot - Why?

If you have a cat at home, you have already realized thi , we often think "How i it po ible for thi cat to leep all day long?", however thi feat ha an evolutionary foundation behind the an w...

Do animals think?

Human have tudied the behavior of animal for centurie . THE ethology, which i what we call thi area of ​​ cientific knowledge, aim , among other thing , to di cover whether animal think or not, ince h...

After grooming my dog ​​was strange: causes

When ummer arrive , many people prepare to groom their dog to avoid getting too hot. Thi i uper common in tropical countrie like Brazil, where temperature are really high during thi ea on. However, om...

Dark spots on the dog's skin

There are many problem that can cau e a change in the color of the kin and the appearance of ore on the dog' kin. kin di ea e in dog are very common and care mu t be taken with thi type of problem...

lion head rabbit

Did you know that there i a rabbit with a mane like a lion? Ye , it' about the lion head rabbit or lion' head, which feature a crown of fur that make him look like a true king of the jungle, a...

How to prevent cats from climbing the wall

Cat are adventurou , and with their enormou agility, they u e all po ible option to try to e cape. The de ire to explore take hold of them and, a they are trapeze arti t , they can ea ily climb any fe...

Types of birds: characteristics, names and examples

Bird are warm-blooded vertebrate and are found within the tetrapod group. Can be found in all kind of habitat and on all continent , even in environment a cold a Antarctica. It main characteri tic i t...

My cat cries when I go out. Why?

There i a myth that cat are extremely independent animal . However, ju t like dog , feline can expre di plea ure, anxiety or even regret for the ab ence of their owner . There i no et age for them to ...

savannah cat

With an exotic and unique appearance, the avannah cat look like a miniature leopard. But, make no mi take, it i a dome tic feline that adapt perfectly to living indoor , in addition, it i an active, o...

Why does my dog ​​bite its tail?

Dog expre a multitude of thing with their bodie . You've probably noticed how they communicate very well when they want to " ay" omething: they wag their tail , their ear , change po iti...

How to make my cat drink water

There are everal cau e that can cau e a cat to reduce it u ual con umption of water, uch a the arrival of ummer, certain behavior problem and even ome pathologie . However, the problem can al o pre en...

Why does my cat have so much crap?

All cat lover who can't re i t the temptation to try to help tho e little puppie that keep meowing under a car, have already a ked them elve why the kitten ha o many bug or becau e there i a half ...

Types of monkeys: names and photos

Monkey are cla ified into Platyrrhine (monkey of the new world) and in Cercopithecoid or Catarrhino (old world monkey ). Hominid are excluded from thi term, which would be primate that do not have a t...

Do dogs also get cramps?

Human are not the only one to uffer from cramp . Among wild animal they do not u ually happen, but among the more edentary pet , in thi ca e our dog , their appearance are not that rare after an exce ...

Japan Fish - Types and Characteristics

Animal biodiver ity i repre ented by global or regional pecie . However, ome animal are introduced into pace different from their native place , changing their natural di tribution. An example of thi ...

Skin diseases in dogs

kin di ea e in puppie mu t be taken very eriou ly to prevent the problem from getting wor e and creating irrever ible con equence over a long period of time.The kin i an organ that i olate the dog fr...

Remove the fear of an abused dog

Unfortunately, there are too many ca e of animal abu e that leave great con equence for them. Mi treated dog are often abandoned or taken out of their hell with a complaint and need, more urgently tha...

Names for blue-eyed white cats

Anyone who i in love with cat know the fa cination that blue-eyed white cat arou e around. Their delicate, hiny coat form a perfect match with the pair of eye that look hand-drawn, making the e pu ie ...

Omega 3 for cats: benefits, doses and uses

From the 70' onward , information about the benefit of omega 3 began to be di eminated. In recent year , a large number of nutritioni t have talked about it advantage and di advantage , encouragin...