How to make my cat drink water

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 2 March 2025
10 Tips to Help Your Cat DRINK WATER 😿
Video: 10 Tips to Help Your Cat DRINK WATER 😿


There are several causes that can cause a cat to reduce its usual consumption of water, such as the arrival of summer, certain behavior problems and even some pathologies. However, the problem can also present itself in healthy domestic cats. In these cases, tutors end up asking "how should I act?" and above all "how to make my cat drink water".

In this article by PeritoAnimal we'll explain how much water a cat should drink per day, what causes it may not be happening and 10 foolproof tips that will help you solve the problem. If you have a cat that doesn't drink a lot of water, keep reading this article.

How much water should a cat drink each day?

It is difficult to determine how much water a cat should drink each day, as water intake varies depending on the size of the cat, the time of year, food and age. Cats that consume only commercial pet food need to drink more water than those who eat wet food on a regular and daily basis.

On the other hand, kittens and old cats need a greater contribution, especially in summer, after all, it is important to be aware of what the cats drink. Still, in general, a healthy adult cat weighing 5 kilos can consume about 250 milliliters of water per day, under normal conditions.

My cat doesn't drink water: causes

If you ask yourself "why doesn't my cat drink water?" you should know that there are many reasons that can cause a cat to stop drinking water, including the lack of hygiene of utensils and accessories, behavioral problems arising from a change or the appearance of a certain pathology such as urinary tract diseases, very common in domestic cats.

It is best to consult a trusted veterinarian if this problem persists over time, especially to rule out any illness that may be causing this situation.

My cat doesn't drink water: should I worry?

If you notice that your cat does not drink water and, in addition, you notice certain symptoms such as dehydration, which can be noticed by lack of skin elasticity, lackluster coat, scales, listlessness and lack of urination, it's time for you to worry.On the other hand, excessive intake also causes polydipsia, another alarming sign. In any of these cases, it is advisable consult a veterinarian.

How to make my cat drink water in 10 steps

Now that you know why a cat can stop drinking liquids, you need to end the matter once and for all. "how to make my cat drink water?". Next we'll explain how to encourage the cat to drink water, using several tricks, check:

  1. Use a suitable container. The plastic taste that water in poor quality containers acquires can stop your cat from consuming water. We recommend that you exchange ox bowl for a stainless steel or glass one.
  2. Change water daily. Cats love fresh, fresh water, so you should replace the water at least once a day. Do not forget that it is essential to clean the container at least once a week.
  3. Keep container in an appropriate place. Did you know that water must be separated from the litter box and food? It is important that you place the water container in a location away from these elements mentioned.
  4. Use filtered water. Some cats don't like the taste of tap water so you can try giving your cat filtered water.
  5. Add broth to the feed. Most cats reject food soaked in water, however, some cats like it if the food is wet with meat or fish broth. But be careful not to exceed the amount and make sure the broth does not contain onions or garlic.
  6. Provide multiple water containers. You can distribute several containers of water around the house in this way, in addition to stimulating water intake you will get your cat to move around more often, thus increasing activity levels.
  7. Install a water source for cats. Cats love water fountains because, in addition to proving surprise and curiosity, it makes them consume more water. It is also considered one of the methods of environmental enrichment for cats that do not leave the house or that have high levels of stress.
  8. Offer moist food. As we explained earlier, cats that consume moist food do not need as much water, this is due to the type of food as they contain a higher portion of water, around 80%.
  9. Have fun with your cat. You can stimulate your feline with games near the tap, to arouse curiosity and encourage him to drink running water. It's a way to play and make him drink more water.
  10. Visit the veterinarian regularly. If your feline's water intake has decreased dramatically and it doesn't improve with these tips, it's best to seek help from a trusted veterinarian to ensure your pet is not suffering any health problems.

How to water a sick cat

In some cases, when the feline has a problem that causes rejection when drinking water, the veterinarian will prescribe daily doses with a syringe. Yet, how to give water to a cat with a syringe? You can buy a small syringe at any pharmacy and have the needle removed as you will not be using it.

It is essential to have the help of another person to hold the cat and that the maneuver isbe as fast as possible, avoiding stress and anxiety in the feline. In case your cat moves excessively, wrap her in a towel. Gently feel the cat's jaw until you locate the canine teeth and, with your index finger and thumb, apply light pressure, helping to open the cat's mouth. So, you should introduce water, being careful not to cause irritation or coughing.