
11 Brazilian Dog Breeds

O Brazil tand out not only for it continental dimen ion and multifaceted culture, but al o for it huge natural diver ity. From north to outh of the Brazilian territory, we find everal eco y tem that m...
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Types of Mastiff

The ma tiff i a breed of dog characterized by having a mu cular and robu t body. The Ma tiff breed ha different type , varietie with their own characteri tic that, however, hare common element . It i ...
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Amphibian breathing

You amphibian they were probably the tep evolution took to colonize the earth' urface with animal . Until then, they were confined to the ea and ocean , becau e the land had a very toxic atmo pher...
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Diabetes in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Did you know that there are very few di ea e that can be diagno ed exclu ively in human ? For thi rea on it hould not be urpri ing that dog are u ceptible to contracting numerou condition that can al ...
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The 20 most exotic animals in the world

On planet Earth, we find a huge variety of animal and living being with unique qualitie that make them very pecial, different, con idered trange animal and therefore, they are little known animal .Wha...
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Seizures in Dogs - Causes and Treatment

Like a human being, a dog can uffer eizure , which are nervou cri i which repre ent the mo t frequent canine nervou emergencie . eizure a ociate a di turbance in motor activity with change in en itivi...
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Tips to prevent my cat from biting the cables

Cat love all tho e hanging element like rope, rubber band , ribbon and e pecially cable . For your cat, it' the be t di traction to play and play with them. I'm ure your cat i an expert at che...
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At what age do cats start to eat chow?

From the beginning of life, the feeding of a kitten cat it mu t be very balanced to avoid problem in the future. Good nutrition i ynonymou with good health and well-being for your cat.Whether a kitten...
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Types of canaries: examples and photos

Canarie are, without a doubt, the mo t popular pet bird all around the world. uch ucce i due not only to their beauty and their cheerful inging, but al o to the fact that the care of the canarie i rel...
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Symbiosis in biology: meaning and examples

In nature, all organi m , whether animal , plant or bacteria, create bond and e tabli h relation hip ranging from member of the ame family to individual of different pecie . We can ob erve relation hi...
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Do cats like music?

if cat like mu ic or not i a que tion that i often repeated among cat lover , and thank to numerou tudie and cientific experiment it i po ible to clearly an wer that: cat like to li ten to certain typ...
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Mumps in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

If your dog how up with an inflammation under the ear that re emble the mump people can get, you might wonder, "can my dog ​​have mump ?". The an wer i ye . Although it i not a frequent di e...
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Swiss White Shepherd

imilar in appearance to a wolf and den e white coat, the white wi hepherd he i one of the mo t beautiful dog around. Morphologically and phylogenetically, he i e entially a white-haired German hepher...
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Most common diseases in cattle

The di ea e that mo t commonly affect cattle are tho e of an infectiou -contagiou nature, ince many of them, in addition to being harmful to the health of the herd and affecting animal welfare, are zo...
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O Malte e Bichon i a toy- ized breed, which aro e in the Mediterranean, with Italy taking over the pon or hip of the breed. The origin are a ociated with Italy, Malta and the i land of Mljet (Croatia)...
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Puppy with puffy eyes: causes and treatment

A dog' head and eye are one of the fir t region of the body that handler look at when communicating with their pet. Therefore, any type of change or problem that ari e in the e area are more ea il...
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Predatory Animals - Meaning, Types and Examples

Within an ecological community there are hundred of different interaction between different pecie , all of the e interaction have the purpo e keep the balance within the community and therefore the ec...
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Hepatitis in Cats - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

The liver i one of the large t organ and i con idered to be the body' great laboratory and torehou e. In him everal enzyme are ynthe ized, protein , etc., being the major detoxification organ, tor...
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dog paw care

There are different breed of dog that were thought and bred to be from companion animal , to more re i tant animal for running, hunting and heavier exerci e . And, becau e dog are animal that love to ...
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Dog with hind legs weakness: causes

I your dog looking li tle and frail? Do hind limb eem to be haking or weakening? Unfortunately, the lo of trength in the hind leg i a ituation that i not alway a con equence of age and indicate that t...
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