
caramel mutt

Brazil ha ome national pa ion , uch a football, amba, pagode and carnival. And, a few year ago, he got another one: the caramel mutt. You've certainly found one out there or heard about thi adorab...
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10 Strange Cat Behaviors

Cat are an inexhau tible ource of curiou behavior, e pecially for human , who often have a hard time finding a logical rea on for the thing the e animal do. However, cience ha deciphered the rea on fo...
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How to Detect Nutritional Deficiencies in a Cat

The continued u e of very ba ic or poor quality feed can affect the health of our cat cau ing nutritional deficiencie .When thi happen , gradually appear variou ymptom in the cat that manife t nutriti...
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Dog making white feces - Causes

The ob ervation of our dog' fece i po ibly one of the imple t and cheape t way to control hi health tatu and anticipate any po ible change . When we go to the vet, the fir t que tion on a control ...
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Brushes for long-haired cats

We mu t pay pecial attention to our cat' fur thi i long to avoid po ible knot and fur ball . For thi rea on and in ca e you are wondering, what i the be t bru h for longhaired cat ? The Animal Exp...
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Advice for taking care of kittens

I there anything more adorable than a kitten? There i probably no weeter image for feline lover than that of a cat arriving home in it early tage of life. For the cat, thi i a tage of di covery and le...
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Asian Elephants - Types and Characteristics

Do you know him Elepha Maximu , cientific name of the A ian elephant, the large t mammal on that continent? It characteri tic have alway provoked attraction and fa cination in human , which had dire c...
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The emperor scorpion as a pet

Many people want to have exotic pet , different from the u ual one , uch a the emperor corpion, an invertebrate that certainly leave no one indifferent.Before adopting an animal like thi , we hould be...
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How to teach a cat to walk with a guide

If you think it' not po ible train a cat and that dome tic cat can't learn trick , know you're wrong. And in thi article we're going to give you ome tip to get your cat u ed to walking...
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Can a dog eat cheese?

Chee e i a food that, in any of it varietie , alway attract the attention of dog . However, can dog eat chee e? Or i chee e bad for a dog? Every dog ​​need to have a balanced and nutritiou diet, but t...
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spanish mastiff

Pre ent in the mo t rural environment of pain for centurie , we find a hi torical breed like the pani h ma tiff, known for it impo ing phy ique, a it i con idered to be the bigge t canine breed in pai...
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My cat has fleas - Home Remedies

Did you ju t adopt a kitten, or do you already have a pet that con tantly goe out for a walk and i full of flea ? Don't worry, we at PeritoAnimal will teach you how fight flea naturally, with home...
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california rabbit

In addition to being charming animal , rabbit are excellent companion for people of all age and different per onalitie , thank to their kind character and great intelligence. If you are con idering ad...
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How to Improve the Immune System in Dogs

Doe your dog have recurrent infection ? In the e ca e it i alway e ential to go to the veterinarian, but it i important that treatment go beyond the correction of ymptom and focu on the primary cau e,...
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Canine External Otitis - Symptoms and Treatment

In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will talk about external otiti in dog , a relatively common di order which, therefore, we are likely to have to deal with a caregiver . Otiti i an inflammation of the...
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Cat food supplements

The craze for nutritional upplement ha already urpa ed human nutrition and al o reached our pet and, preci ely becau e it i a phenomenon on the ri e, it i e ential to have enough information to under ...
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Most common diseases in bichon frisé

Knowing the different di ea e that can affect your bichon fri é i e ential. You mu t be aware and anticipate any clinical ign .In thi PeritoAnimal article we will explain ome of the main di ea e ...
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Fish sleep? explanation and examples

All animal need to leep or at lea t enter a re t tate that allow to con olidate the experience lived during the waking period and that the body can re t. Not all animal leep the ame way, nor do they n...
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How to tell the age of a cat

It i very common that tho e who adopt a cat in a helter or directly from the treet are unaware of the concrete age that the new family member may be. Although it i not overly relevant to know the exac...
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Dewormer for Cats - Complete Guide!

When we adopt a kitten, we are informed that it i already dewormed, vaccinated and neutered. But what doe thi word dewormed mean?Deworming mean deworming, that i , the vermifuge i a medicine that we a...
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