
American Akita

O american akita i a variant of the akita inu of Japane e origin, the American pecie being known only a akita. Thi breed variant exi t in different color unlike the Japane e Akita, in addition it i a ...

Benefits of Petting a Cat

Any cat lover can talk about the wonder of living with a feline at home and all the perk it ha . Although hi peech eem logically bia ed, the truth i that cience ha explained with data what are the ben...

Common Mistakes When Teaching Your Puppy

The arrival of a puppy at home i , without a doubt, a wonderful moment for the entire human family, in fact, it i the expected arrival of an animal that will become another member of our home.Before m...

Names for big dogs

Are you thinking of adopting a big dog? Many dog ​​lover prefer large breed pet . However, the complete animal welfare mu t alway be en ured. becau e, in thi ca e, it i e ential to have enough pace to...

Butterfly Life Cycle - Phases, Characteristics and Trivia

The in ect cla i one of the mo t diver e on the planet. Within thi group we find the Lepidoptera order, in which we have the butterflie and the moth . The e flying animal are characterized by their me...

Tips for giving dog medicine

Dog are often re i tant to taking the pill that the vet ordered. Whether for pain, ta te or texture, dog do not take long to identify the foreign element that i trying to offer them and try to pit it ...

Why does my cat lick my face when I sleep?

There i a wide pread idea that cat are independent animal , not ociable and not affectionate, but thi de cription doe not define mo t of the cat we live with. o, there are till people who are urpri ed...

Sick cow - signs of pain in cattle

Animal communicate in a variety of way and are often trying to ay omething we don't know how to recognize.Pain i a form of communication and a protective mechani m of the animal organi m that we m...

Is it bad not to let your cat out into the street?

Cat are by nature quite independent, curiou and lover of new adventure . Many people think that cat need open environment and freedom to be happy and maintain their wild in tinct , but there are many ...

Cushing Syndrome in Dogs - Symptoms and Causes

Dog have hared their live with u for thou and of year . More and more we have furry friend in our home , or even more than one, with whom we want to hare everything. However, we need to be con i tent ...

Diabetes in Cats - Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

Diabete i a di ea e that require a lot of care and control to allow the patient to lead a normal life, and it affect not only human , but al o variou animal pecie , uch a feline .At PeritoAnimal we kn...

Curiosities about giraffes

I will never forget the fir t time I aw a giraffe. There he wa , eating the fruit of a tree. It wa very elegant, large in ize with that beautiful long neck that make them o pecial. The fir t curio ity...

Banned Foods for Guinea Pig

Although fruit and vegetable are e ential for guinea pig , the truth i that there are al o food that are totally prohibited for them.We're talking about food that can re ult in a problem in the no...

Types of labrador

There i a hi torical rea on why there are o many different type of Labrador today. The main rea on why different varietie of Labrador tarted to emerge i becau e of the earch for working dog or, better...

Cold in dogs

Like u , puppie can al o uffer from cold . Expo ure to cold or certain viru e can cau e your dog to catch a cold. It i not a dangerou di ea e if we know how to help our dog overcome it.A mild cold can...

12 animals that hardly sleep

Are you curiou to know ome example of animal that don't leep? Or meet tho e animal that re t for a few hour ? Fir t of all, you hould know that everal factor influence leep time , but unlike what ...

What does it mean when a cat approaches you

Whether you're a cat per on or not, if you've come thi far, it' becau e you want to interpret the appearance of a cat in your life, in a more or le my tical way. The fact that a cat come y...

My cat licks her private parts a lot: causes and what to do

If your cat lick it elf a lot, thi behavior hould be watched carefully. One exce ively licking cat hould make u think that he may be ubject to tre ful or anxiety ituation that make him increa e hi elf...

Names for big bitches

Have you recently adopted a big, beautiful puppy and are trying to find the right name for her? You have arrived at the right article.Choo ing the name of the new family member i a very important mome...

Types of Crabs - Names and Photographs

the crab are arthropod animal highly evolved. They are able to tay out of the water, which they need to breathe, for a long time. Thi i po ible becau e they can accumulate water in ide, a if it were a...