
Hypoglycemia in Dogs - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

In both animal and human , hypoglycemia i a udden drop in blood gluco e concentration, being below normal level . Gluco e i u ed by the body, human or animal, a a ource of vital energy to perform many...

Vulvovaginitis in bitches: causes and treatment

Canine vulvovaginiti i a very common problem in dog of any age, breed and reproductive cycle. It cau e may include anatomical abnormalitie , hormonal di turbance , viral or bacterial infection or be d...


amoyed i one of the ru ian dog breed mo t popular in the world. It white, fluffy and den e coat i very popular and appreciated by dog ​​lover . However, thi puppy al o ha a very pecial and ociable pe...

Why does my dog ​​have green bugs?

The bug in puppie are omething normal and I'm ure you've een whiti h or tran parent bug . However, when they become yellowi h or greeni h indicate an infection that of treating a oon a po ible...

Famous bitch names

Adopting a new member for your family i a deci ion that mu t be thought about and all family member mu t agree o that the new pet feel welcomed and welcomed. For thi , you mu t take into account that ...

Distemper in cats

The number of cat with di temper ha decrea ed con iderably ince there are pecific vaccine to prevent thi di ea e, in addition to being lucky that cat do not need walk like dog . However, you hould kno...

types of tigers

Tiger are mammal that are part of the family Felidae. It divide into ubfamilie feline (cat , lynx, cougar , among other ) and Pantherinae, which i ubdivided into three genre : neofeli (leopard), Uncia...

My cat doesn't want to go to the vet, what to do?

Going to a vet with a cat nervou , excited and even aggre ive i a common problem that many cat owner have. Although it doe n't alway happen for the ame rea on, the reality i that the advice i u ef...

how to tame a cat

Cat are generally very independent and olitary pet , although thi can vary greatly from according to the race and, of cour e, each individual. They al o enjoy an “unfair” reputation, being con idered ...

Advice for Adopting a Rabbit

It i very common to talk about adopting dog and cat , but there are other animal that are al o abandoned around the world, and in thi ca e let' talk about rabbit .For all tho e pro-animal people l...

What is the strongest dog in the world?

It' hard to ingle out one dog a the tronge t in the world. There are everal characteri tic that give trength to a dog, uch a the it pan and it bite.De pite the trength a dog may have, it hould nev...

10 games for cat

play with your cat it' ju t a important a keeping it well fed and making ure it ha a comfortable place to leep, a without fun the cat end up uffering from tre , anxiety or depre ion. For thi , we ...

How to Care for a Betta Fish

O betta fi h it i al o known a the iame e fighting fi h and i a very popular pet for it color and appearance. They are relatively ea y to maintain although you hould pay attention to ome precaution to...

Animals with lung breathing

Breathing i a nece ary proce for all animal . Through it, they ab orb the oxygen nece ary for the body to carry out vital function , and expel exce carbon dioxide from the body. However, different gro...

Flightless Birds - Features and 10 Examples

Are there bird that don't fly? The truth i , ye . For different adaptive rea on , ome pecie have evolved leaving behind their ability to fly. We are talking about bird that are very different from...

Symptoms of a cat in heat

When a cat i in heat it' hard not to notice, even though ome breed are more di creet than other . AND how to know if the cat i in heat? If you're thinking about adopting a cat, you need to kno...

Why doesn't my dog ​​eat if I'm not with him?

Many people wonder why their pet eat when they are with the family, but when they leave home, they don't. What happen in dog ' head and why do ome lo e their appetite ? Thi i not abnormal beha...

How much water should a cat drink a day?

cat need fre h water and renewed daily. They may be a little pecial with food, but when it come to water, they are even more o. In addition to their crupulou behavior, owner often find it difficult to...

Advantages of Having a Pooch Cat

There are approximately 100 cat breed officially recognized by the competent bodie in thi matter, however, all of them have the typical characteri tic of feline : an independent character, a con ervat...

The 5 most dangerous animals in the world

The animal kingdom i urpri ing and very broad, ince the human being currently ha not di covered all the animal pecie that exi t, in fact, thi would imply a great economic inve tment for cience, and ye...