Symptoms of a cat in heat

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 26 September 2024
5 Signs Your Cat in Heat
Video: 5 Signs Your Cat in Heat


When a cat is in heat it's hard not to notice, even though some breeds are more discreet than others. AND how to know if the cat is in heat? If you're thinking about adopting a cat, you need to know everything about cat heat. So, keep reading this PeritoAnimal article and get to know the symptoms of a cat in heat, how long does a cat's heat last and how to calm down cat in heat.

In addition to the usual symptoms, we'll also show you some fun facts and information about castration. Good reading!

Cat in heat symptoms

1. Characteristic meows

The cat in heat emits characteristic meows that are longer than the usual meows, in addition, the sounds are louder and with much greater volume.

Beyond the constant meows, the cats rub themselves on the floor and raise their genitals pointing to our faces. It's also common for them to rub against our legs more often than usual. Just like heat meows, there are characteristic meows as they cross, the typical crossing cat cry.

2. Urine with a strong smell or bleeding

During heat in cats, their sexual organs become inflamed and they usually to lick the genital area more often. It's possible that she doesn't have any bleeding, it depends on cat to cat. Some cats can eventually mark the territory with very strong smelling urine when they are in heat, although it is not very common.

3. Seducing the males

Another characteristic symptom of cats in heat is that they get seductresses with all male cats in the house and even with humans. The other male pets are also seduced by the female felines.

If you don't close your bedroom door properly, the cat is likely to enter your bedroom (usually at dawn) to meow and express her needs.

In the following video you can see the symptoms and what to do in cases of cat in heat:

How long does the cat's heat last?

The first heat can occur between your four and ten months of age. But after all, how many days does a cat's heat last? it can last from 7 to 20 days. It is important to highlight that the cat's heat has 5 phases:

  • proestrus: This phase lasts about two days, although the cat is not properly in heat. A common symptom at this stage is that the cat is more affectionate than usual.
  • estrus: This phase is when the cat clearly shows her heat with strong meows and body pirouettes. This period is when the cat is more receptive to males. It's a period that lasts between 3 to 15 days. The usual duration is one week.
  • interest: This phase is when there is no ovulation between one estrus and another and lasts an average of 7 days, which may vary between 2 and 19 days. During this phase, no sign of reproduction is usually seen.
  • Diestrus: It's when the cat ovulated, without getting pregnant. In these cases, the cat usually manifests symptoms identical to the state of pregnancy, accusing a false pregnancy that could lead to another proestrus.
  • anestrus: It is a long period without heat, usually during the winter.

heat period

Generally, the seasons of heat in cats are more frequent from the beginning of spring, continue in periods of heat until the end of summer. This phenomenon is related to the greater amount of hours of sunlight. It is also proven that the shorthaired cats have more frequent periods of heat than longhaired cats.

Apparently, the cat's instinct believes that a longer period of sunlight, it's easier to raise your litters, because you'll get more food.

How to calm cat in heat

With the castration of the cats, they can have the heat symptoms eased significantly, with the exception of a few times when the neutered cat goes into heat because a portion of the ovary is still in her body, the so-called remnant ovary syndrome.

By neutering the cat, she will not be able to get pregnant, which is a good option to avoid the arrival of unwanted animals that end up being abandoned in many cases. There is the false theory that for cats to be healthier, they must have kittens at least once. That is not true.

It is important to know that sterilization of cats can decrease the chances of tumors as they grow up. It also makes them more relaxed and without heat changes. Learn more about the benefits of neutering a cat in this other Animal Expert article.

In the video below you can check details such as age, pros and cons to neuter cats:


If the cat is able to mate during the heat period, she has more chances of getting pregnant. If this happens, you need the help of a veterinarian, as he is the one who can indicate what will be the most suitable food for your cat's new phase, as well as providing guidance on the entire gestation process of cats, such as taking care of the mother and the their offspring that will be born. Learn more about the pregnancy of cats in this other article by PeritoAnimal.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.

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