
Dog with Back Pain - Causes and Treatment

Low back pain or low back pain in dog con i t of a painful proce located in the lumbo acral region, that i , in the area between the la t 3 lumbar vertebrae (L5, L6 and L7) and the acrum bone (which c...

Characteristics of yellow cats

Cat have an undeniable beauty. omething very intere ting about dome tic cat are the different po ible color combination . Within the ame litter we can find cat with different varietie of color , wheth...

Aloe vera for cat skin

People who have decided to hare their home with a cat can deny, through their own experience , all the fal e myth that urround feline , uch a that they are kitti h or that they ju t need ome care.The ...

Differences between Doberman and German Shepherd

The German hepherd i one of the mo t popular puppie in the world thank to it fanta tic qualitie , which make it a perfect dog for both company and work. In turn, the Doberman i another dog of large di...

Why do cats wag their tails?

Cat move their furry tail practically all day long. At the ame time, they are very communicative animal . The e two fact are related to each other. The movement of the tail tell u much more than we be...

Home remedies for gastritis in dogs

A with human , when we talk about the organi m of furry friend , dog , it i noted that the appearance of numerou di ea e i directly related to food, finding in nutrition both the cau e and the mo t na...

Homemade flea shampoo for cats

the flea are one of our pet ' wor t nightmare . They are para itic in ect that feed on the blood of warm-blooded mammal , uch a cat , and that al o bite and bother a lot.It i a very common and unc...

Rottweiler Training

If you have decided to adopt a Rottweiler puppy, an adult Rottweiler or if you already have one and want to know more about dog training, then entered the right place. It' very important to be cle...

Can dogs eat bananas?

THE banana, al o known a pacoba, i one of the mo t popular fruit in the world. Not only human who eat it but ome dog love it too! But, i that can the dog eat banana ? I it healthy food for them? hould...

Advice for photographing cats

Like any father, he i completely in love with hi cat and, of cour e, think he i the mo t beautiful cat in the world. He pend hi time doing funny and intere ting thing or ju t walking around beautiful ...

animal documentaries

Animal life i a real a it i amazing and impactful. Hundred of thou and of animal pecie inhabit planet Earth long before human even imagined living here. That i , animal are the fir t inhabitant of thi...

catahoula cur

The catahoula leopard dog, al o known a catahoula cur, doe not receive thi name by chance, becau e without a doubt, when looking at a picture of him, you can ee the imilaritie between him and wild leo...

Reiki on animals: benefits and how it works

THE veterinary holi tic therapy ha become more popular over the pa t few year . There are more and more profe ional eeking to complement their training with cour e in natural and alternative therapie ...

Why does my bitch attack my other bitch?

It may be that one of your bitche ha never tried to fight and that, until recently, it wa very peaceful. However, in recent day it ha tarted to growl to the point of attack your other bitch. While thi...

How to choose the best dog food?

Good nutrition i e ential for health of our dog . There are everal food option within our reach, although, due to it ea e of u e and con ervation, the ration i the mo t wide pread. However, there i o ...

How to stop dog hiccups

There are many people who wonder what to do in ca e of hiccup in their puppie , becau e ometime thi i omething that manife t it elf very often and thi can care the owner .The hiccup in dog pre ent it ...

Skin diseases in cats

In thi PeritoAnimal article, we'll talk about kin di ea e in cat which appear mo t commonly in cat of all age . Wound , lack of hair, itching or lump are ome of the ymptom that hould make you u pe...

Is it normal for my dog ​​to bleed after giving birth?

During the proce of ge tation, birth and creation, there are countle change that the bitch' body face in order to give birth to her puppie . It i , therefore, a tage that require pecial care to en...

Myiasis: causes, symptoms and treatment

Myia i i a terrible di ea e that appear with ome frequency in the veterinary clinic. Ba ically, it con i t of larva infe tation of Diptera that feed on the dog' living or dead ti ue, liquid bodily...

Selkirk Rex Cat

The elkirk Rex cat breed tand out mainly for it curly coat, for thi rea on it i al o known a "cat heep". It i one of the newer cat breed a it wa developed in the la t century. Thi feline ha ...