
Symptoms of fear in dogs

A with u , dog can be cared, e pecially when faced with a negative or tre ful ituation that put their phy ical well-being at ri k. Dog can be afraid of people, animal , loud noi e , trange object , th...
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Can I change my dog's name?

If you have decided to adopt a dog from a refuge, it i normal to a k your elf if it i po ible to change it name and under what condition . Many people think that the puppy will top re ponding to u and...
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Cat Wound Home Remedy

Cat are animal that love to adventure and, in many ituation , are at ri k of being injured, which can cau e injurie to their bodie . The guardian of the e little feline need to be attentive in order t...
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Originally from Central Africa, the Ba enji i one of the olde t dog in exi tence today. Thi intelligent and balanced dog ha two peculiar characteri tic : it never bark and the female only go into heat...
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Cat vomits after eating - what can it be?

From time to time, guardian will come acro thi very recurrent problem, which i vomiting in cat . Vomiting can be related to more eriou health factor and other that are not o eriou , a it will depend o...
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Why Your Cat Sleeps With You - 5 Reasons!

It' time to go to bed and when you crawl into bed you have company: your cat. You don't know why, but every or almo t every night your cat leep with you. The truth i that it' quite relaxin...
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Types of Parrots – Characteristics, Names and Photos

Parrot are bird that belong to the order P ittaciforme , compo ed of pecie that are di tributed throughout the world, particularly in tropical and ubtropical area of outh America, Africa, Au tralia an...
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Do dogs see spirits?

It i known around the world that dog , like the va t majority of animal , are able to en e cata trophic phenomena that human are not able to detect de pite our technology.Dog have intrin ic facultie ,...
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How to make cat toys from recyclable material

Cat love to play! Playing behavior i an e ential activity for their well-being a it inhibit both acute and chronic tre . Kitten begin to play around two week of age. Fir t, they tart by playing alone ...
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dwarf dog breeds

Although dwarf dog are often confu ed with toy dog , it i important to empha ize that we are dealing with different ize . Thu , different international canine organization determine that the following...
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My cat meows when he sees me, why?

Although they mainly u e body language to communicate, there are many ound that cat make and their po ible meaning . Certainly, the meow i the mo t known and heard expre ion in home where the e beauti...
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O harrier i one of the mo t popular hunting dog breed in Great Britain and i often confu ed with the beagle and the beagle harrier, although one of it clo e t relative i the engli h foxhound , being a...
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Perianal Tumor in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

Tumor in the perianal region of dog can be very frequent, being mainly of three type : a benign one, called perianal adenoma, that mainly affect unneutered male puppie ; and two malignant one , anal a...
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Names for sheep

Behind all that oft fur i an extremely intelligent animal, which expre e emotion , identifie member of it herd and cream in an unmi takable way. If you live with a heep, it' not difficult to under...
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Most common diseases in Australian parakeets

Au tralian parakeet , al o known a common parakeet , are one of the mo t year of companion hip in our home , few can ay that they have never entered a home where there wa a couple of the e colorful bi...
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Teach the dog to sleep in his bed step by step

Your dog' favorite place throughout the hou e i hi bed. A much a you buy him a bed even nicer than your , he in i t on leeping in your bed. The rea on i imple: you've already let him leep more...
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hamster species

There are different different pecie of ham ter , all of them with different qualitie and attribute that make them pecial. If you are thinking of adopting one of the e mall rodent , it i e ential that ...
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Helping a cat in heat

Feline heat i a normal proce of reproduction in cat , although for many owner it can be an experience that i difficult to bear due to the uncomfortable behavior that both cat and cat di play.The heat ...
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Norwegian of the Forest

From the lu h candinavian fore t , we find the Norwegian Fore t, who e appearance re emble that of a mall lynx. But that thi wild a pect i not deceiving, a we are facing an incredibly cat. affectionat...
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guinea pig does not eat

The guinea pig (cavia porcellu ) are mall rodent mammal that have been very popular a pet for decade . For your health it i e ential to offer a balanced diet and therefore it i urgent to con ult our u...
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