
Clown fish care

Everyone know the protagoni t of the movie "Finding Nemo", a clown fi h, al o called anemone fi h (Amphiprion ocellari ), which inhabit the tropical water of the coral reef of the Indian and...
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Care of a chinchilla

If you have decided to adopt a chinchilla a a pet, it will be e ential that you be properly informed about all your need o that you can enjoy it for a long time.Good care can directly affect your heal...
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Giant Poodle (Giant Poodle)

When talking about the poodle, few know that there are four different type according to their ize. From the malle t to the large t we find the toy poodle, the dwarf poodle, the medium poodle and the g...
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Blastostimulin for dogs - Uses and contraindications

Bla toe timulina, in it pre entation a an ointment, i a relatively common medicine in home medicine cabinet , e pecially for tho e living in Europe, a it i u ed in human medicine. In veterinary medici...
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Differences between jaguar, cheetah and leopard

The Felidae family i formed by a group of animal that we u ually know a feline , which have a a common characteri tic the fact that they are born hunter , an action they perform with great kill, which...
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Yorkshire terrier - care and everything you should know

The York hire Terrier i not only one of the malle t puppie in the world, it i al o one of the mo t reque ted for it ize and tenderne . It i one of the mo t popular pet and, for that rea on, came to th...
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Things You Should Know About Dogs

Dog are tremendou ly faithful and affectionate animal , from an early age they de erve to be the be t man' friend. Anyone who ha a dog in their hou e will under tand perfectly each of the moment d...
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Why does my dog ​​bark at nothing?

Without a doubt, there are few thing more characteri tic of dog than your bark . Thi particular vocalization that dog emit occur in all kind of everyday ituation and doe n't catch our attention a ...
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Irish lebrel

O iri h hare, al o known a iri h greyhound or iri h wolfhound (iri h wolfhound), i one of the mo t beloved and appreciated breed of dog in Ireland. It hi tory i old and remote, being even mentioned by...
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Dog with diarrhea: types, symptoms and treatment

You have a ituation of dog with diarrhea? In thi article by PeritoAnimal, we will explain what are the type of diarrhea in dog and ymptom that you can identify in a more u ual way. It i nece ary to ob...
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O common european cat it i al o known a the "Roman cat", a it wa at thi time that they pread throughout Europe. It Latin name i Feli Catu . It i believed that thi breed originate from the wi...
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Can a dog eat beets?

The beet (Beta vulgari ) i an edible root that i part of the diet of everal culture , including the Brazilian one, and ha been gaining more pre tige a a food upplement for offering great content of vi...
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Homeopathic products for dogs

Homeopathy i a therapy that u e only completely natural product with different healing purpo e . Homeopathy wa developed to be u ed only in people, but it effectivene ha led many people to apply it to...
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Tricks for putting drops in a cat's ear

Mite , ear infection or other problem in a cat' ear can cau e problem that, if not treated in time, can even leave the cat deaf. o it i very important that when you notice a problem, take your pet...
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Walking dogs as a profession (Dog walker)

Do you work all day and your dog pend the day alone at home? Are you one of tho e who do not have much time available for your puppy, but love him and would like to alway offer the be t to him? o, you...
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Welsh Corgi Cardigan

The Wel h Corgi Cardigan i a mall dog that u ed to be u ed a a herder for cow and heep in Wale . Clo ely related to the popular Wel h Corgi Pembroke, thi dog i le popular than it canine cou in.Wel h C...
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Livebearing Animals - Examples and Characteristics

Viviparity i a form of reproduction which i found in mo t mammal , in addition to ome reptile , fi h and amphibian . Viviparou animal are animal that are born from the womb of their mother . Human , f...
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Train a German Shepherd

If you decided to adopt a german hepherd dog to become your be t friend you mu t know how to train him o that, in the future, he will be a ocial and very friendly dog. Regardle of whether it i an adul...
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O phynx cat i a really unique cat, it wa the fir t to be accepted a a breed with no fur or no apparent coat and what i true i that they generate both like and di like in human ociety. Many breeder ugg...
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toxic plants for horses

Health can be defined a that complete tate of well-being that allow u to enjoy an optimal quality of life, not only for u human , but al o for animal , and of cour e, thi tate of health i of pecial im...
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