Giant Poodle (Giant Poodle)

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 8 January 2025
’Siba’ the standard poodle wins Best in Show at 2020 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show | FOX SPORTS
Video: ’Siba’ the standard poodle wins Best in Show at 2020 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show | FOX SPORTS


When talking about the poodle, few know that there are four different types according to their size. From the smallest to the largest we find the toy poodle, the dwarf poodle, the medium poodle and the giant or standard poodle. The latter is what this article is about and from which the other dogs of this smaller breed seem to have been obtained. The large poodle or standard poodle is a majestic, elegant and fine dog which for centuries has accompanied people of the highest social class, nobles and aristocrats. It is a dog originating in France and descendant of the barbet dog.

Keep reading this PeritoAnimal article to know all the giant poodle characteristics, a dog that adapts to any home but needs a good daily dose of walking or exercise. It is one of the best breeds in terms of education and stands out for its great intelligence. It has a very long life expectancy, but one must take into account and prevent certain health problems common to the breed.

  • Europe
  • France
FCI rating
  • Group IX
Physical characteristics
  • provided
  • long ears
  • toy
  • Small
  • Medium
  • Great
  • Giant
  • 15-35
  • 35-45
  • 45-55
  • 55-70
  • 70-80
  • more than 80
adult weight
  • 1-3
  • 3-10
  • 10-25
  • 25-45
  • 45-100
Hope of life
  • 8-10
  • 10-12
  • 12-14
  • 15-20
Recommended physical activity
  • Low
  • Average
  • High
  • Balanced
  • Sociable
  • very faithful
  • Intelligent
  • Active
  • Tender
  • Docile
Ideal for
  • Kids
  • floors
  • Houses
  • Older people
Recommended weather
  • Cold
  • Warm
  • Moderate
type of fur
  • Long
  • Fried
  • Thin

Origin of the giant poodle

The poodle, also called poodle, is a breed that comes from the barbet dog or French water dog, so it originated in France. It is thought that "poodle" comes from "pudel", a German word meaning "one who plays in the water", while the term "poodle" comes from "canichons" and refers to "duckling" or "small duck" and is the term that dogs receive smaller size barbets.

The giant poodle was created to hunt ducks or swans, but throughout its history it played different roles and was also used as a circus dog until it became the popular companion dog that it is today. Thus, from the 16th century onwards, his ascension began due to his beauty and intelligence, and even in works of art by Goya or Albrecht Dürer and in the times of Louis XVI of France, his presence in the court of this country was very common. During the Franco-Prussian War, between 1870 and 1871, the spread of the race began, being aimed at millionaires and aristocrats. From the 19th century onwards, stylists began to create British and continental cuts. Unfortunately, for newborns, the custom of tail amputation has begun, a practice that is currently prohibited because it is cruel and unnecessary.

The giant poodle is the original breed from which the medium, dwarf and toy emerged, more accessible to many current caregivers.

Giant Poodle Characteristics

giant poodles are dogs oversize, weighing between 16 and 22 kg and with a withers height of 45 to 60 cm. This breed has a marked sexual dimorphism, with males being significantly more corpulent than females. It is a well-proportioned, elegant and harmonious dog. The main physical characteristics of the standard poodle are as follows:

  • Strong and long limbs;
  • Thin and elongated head;
  • Muzzle long, thin and straight;
  • Very long, drooping ears that reach the cheeks and close to the head;
  • Dark, almond-shaped eyes, which provide a tender look;
  • High set-on raised tail.

Although the above characteristics are characteristics that allow us to easily identify a large or giant poodle, without a doubt, the most striking feature of this breed is the type of fur it presents. The fur is always abundant and woolly, can be wavy or full of curls, thick or thin to the touch or arranged in strands based on 20 cm strings, dense and harder to the touch.

giant poodle colors

The fur color of the giant poodle is always uniform, that is, single-tone, therefore stains or patterns such as marbled are not accepted. The most common are usually the giant black poodle or the giant white poodle, but the colors accepted in this breed there are many more, so we can find specimens in the following colors:

  • Black;
  • White;
  • Grey;
  • Cream;
  • Damascus;
  • Brown.

giant poodle personality

The giant poodle is mainly characterized by being a dog. affectionate, loyal, smart and mischievous. It has a characteristic halo that affects both its physical appearance and its behavior. Being so loyal, he protects the home and his family very well, not hesitating to warn with barks of danger or attack if necessary.

It is an energetic and mischievous dog, especially as a puppy, despite its serious and majestic appearance. It is a breed that is always ready to play, that loves to be with people and to be friendly and pleasant. It should be noted that the giant poodle is much more peaceful and quiet than smaller poodles, especially toys, which tend to be quite nervous. However, it remains a breed that requires more attention than others due to its more dependent nature.

Giant Poodle Care

The most important thing in the care of this breed is the maintenance of its coat. even though do not loosen by, it must be washed every month and brushed often. To obtain the characteristic style of poodles with a mane on the head, the ears, neck and paws must be trimmed at the canine pet shop, as we may have an accident at home.

Giant poodles adapt well to any type of home and family. They are very energetic dogs, that's why need to exercise often and take good daily walks. In addition, they are dogs that normally do not tolerate loneliness so well if they have not been properly educated to know how to manage these situations. On the other hand, as with any breed, within the care of the giant poodle we also find cleaning its eyes and especially its long ears to prevent infections.

With good food, walks, exercise, care and visits to the veterinarian, poodles are a very long-lived breed, with a life expectancy of up to 18 years.

giant poodle education

The giant poodle puppy tends to be especially mischievous and must be trained so that it doesn't end up causing damage to the house. Of course, although it's a very sociable dog, it's important have a good socialization so that he knows how to relate to other animals, people and environments and, above all, be able to be alone at home without this being a problem for him. In this article we explain how to leave a dog alone at home, but remember that it is not advisable to stay for many hours, neither this breed nor any other dog.

The education of the giant poodle is simple because they are considered one of the smartest dogs in the world, that's why learn fast and is hardly distracted during sessions. Likewise, it is a breed with a lot of predisposition to learning, as it loves to keep its mind stimulated, a fact that also makes it suitable for beginners. Because of that, it was such a frequent breed in circuses and has even participated in some movies.

However, education must be done in the same way as in other races, being constant, consistent and patient. Positive reinforcement is always the most effective option, the least stressful and with the best results. Likewise, even though you are such a smart dog and love new things, it is not recommended that sessions exceed 15 minutes to avoid stress, frustration or annoyance.

If you have adopted a large adult poodle, it is also possible to educate it, in which case it is advisable to start by gaining its trust, continuing with socialization and so on. For more information, we suggest reading the post that explains what to teach a puppy in the first year.

giant poodle health

The giant poodle is prone to vision-related hereditary diseases and that can stop the development of blindness. Because of this, controls at the veterinarian to be able to detect and treat them as quickly as possible can maintain the poodle's vision. These diseases are as follows:

  • progressive retinal atrophy: due to the progressive degeneration of the photoreceptors, the rods start to be affected, manifesting a night blindness that increases more and more. Later, the cones are affected, leading to total blindness in the poodle.
  • Glaucoma: characterized by an increase in intraocular pressure due to a lack of drainage of aqueous humor that ends with a progressive loss of optic nerve nerve fibers.
  • falls: formation of a kind of cloud on the lens surface that makes vision difficult.
  • entropion: when the lower eyelid folds inward causing the eyelashes and skin to rub against the ocular surface, causing discomfort, irritation, ulcers and can lead to complete blindness.

Also, the giant poodle, as the large breed that it is, can be affected by hip dysplasia, which consists of a bad conjunction between the articular part of the hip (acetabulum) with the head of the femur, which makes this head of the bone move and move, inflaming and progressively weakening the joint. It is a degenerative disease that usually ends with arthrosis, discomfort or pain, lameness and muscle atrophy of the hind limbs.

Other problems that poodles often suffer from are the ear infectionstherefore, keeping the area clean is essential in preventing it. Some of the skin problems that can be diagnosed with some frequency in a poodle are sebaceous adenitis, yeast infection, allergies and pyoderma.

Where to adopt a giant poodle?

If after having read the information we bring about this breed, you think you are a good candidate to adopt and offer all the care and responsibilities that a giant poodle needs, the first thing is to ask in places that can offer this breed or know about someone who does that. These places are the breed protectors, shelters or associations, because here they will be able to tell if they currently have a dog of this breed or crossbred that is very similar. Otherwise, they will take your data to notify you if any arrives.