
Vitamins for the dog's joints

The joint are a key part of the locomotor y tem, thank to them the dog ha freedom of movement, it can ati fy it phy ical exerci e need and, above all, it can relate to it external environment.A well a...
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5 symptoms of heart disease in dogs

There are everal heart condition dog can have. It' important to know how to recognize them to act quickly. For thi , knowing what are the ymptom of heart di ea e in dog i of vital importance.A a g...
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How the polar bear survives the cold

You polar bear not only are they one of the mo t beautiful animal in the world, they are al o one of the mo t intere ting cientifically. The e bear live in the Arctic Circle, urviving one of the mo t ...
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Dog with something stuck in his throat - what to do

I there a more common ituation that, while we are eating, the dog i itting next to u without looking away and, at the fir t carele ne or fal e move, omething fall out that he devour like a vacuum clea...
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Feline Miliary Dermatitis - Symptoms and Treatment

I'm ure you feline lover have already been urpri ed to care your cat, feeling little pimple on your kin. It may be that he didn't even notice, or that hi appearance wa o obviou and alarming th...
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the duck as a pet

When we talk about duck , we are referring to the type of bird that are part of the family Anatidae, although it i correct to u e thi word generically, a the different pecie we know a duck have very i...
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potentially dangerous dogs

If your intention i to adopt a potentially dangerou dog It i e ential that you check the legi lation in force in your country to carry out all the procedure , otherwi e you ri k a fine or even having ...
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Turkish Van

With a oft and fluffy coat, owner of a captivating look and a very ociable per onality, the Turki h Van cat, al o known a Turki h Van, Tuco Van or even Turki h cat, i a unique and highly coveted breed...
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10 plants for freshwater aquarium

Before deciding to have an aquarium at home, it i e ential to be aware that it i not ju t a decoration. The water in ide an aquarium will be the “home” of your pet fi h. Therefore, it i important to g...
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Training a Belgian Shepherd Malinois

Belgian hepherd Malinoi puppie are the preferred breed to become " uper puppie ". Police, firefighter and re cue group often choo e the Belgian Malinoi to be part of the team due to their gr...
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Ivermectin for dogs: doses and uses

Ivermectin i a well-known drug that ha been u ed for everal year to treat variou pathological proce e . In thi PeritoANimal article we will explain about the u e and do e ofivermerctin for dog . We wi...
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Home remedy for diarrhea in cats

Diarrhea in cat i one of the mo t common complaint of guardian of the e animal in the veterinary con ultation. The cat tart u ing the litter box more often and the fece are more liquid and/or have a g...
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A lump in the dog's head: what can it be?

When you vi ualize or feel a lump in your puppy' head, many que tion and fear ari e. How did it come about? I it a tumor? Doe it have a cure?Lump can be due to many type of cau e and factor . They...
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Urinary infection in cats: home treatment

THE urinary infection in cat it i one of the mo t frequently diagno ed di ea e in pu ie . Thi infectiou proce can affect different organ that make up the urinary y tem of cat , uch a the bladder, uret...
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O a hera cat it i , without a doubt, a very popular cat either for it beautiful body, for it calm and ilent character or for the exorbitant price that it creator defined. Indeed, the A hera cat i a fe...
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6 homemade recipes for kittens

Few moment will be a crucial to a feline' healthy development a it fir t "childhood." A baby cat need to get the nutrient it need to trengthen yourimmune y tem and prepare your body for ...
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Homemade Diet for Dog Kidney Failure

Kidney failure problem are relatively common in puppie , e pecially in old age. The function of the kidney i to eliminate wa te and toxin from our body. Animal , like people, produce toxin throughout ...
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Sleeping Dog Positions - What Do They Mean?

You probably already know perfectly well your dog' favorite po ture when re ting. But what do the leeping dog po ition mean? In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will how you the mo t common way of l...
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Giardia in Dogs - Causes Symptoms and Treatment of Giardiasis

Doe your dog uffer from evere diarrhea? One of the po ible differential diagno e i Giardia i . Thi di ea e, cau ed by a para ite, make the dog very uncomfortable with nau ea and abdominal pain. Furthe...
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boston terrier

O bo ton terrier he i an elegant, happy and ociable dog. It can be the ideal pet for both experienced owner and beginner . We are talking about a dog that i mall in ize, ea y to care for and really ve...
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