Dog with diarrhea: types, symptoms and treatment

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 22 February 2025
Dog Diarrhea Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment (dog health tips)
Video: Dog Diarrhea Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment (dog health tips)


You have a situation of dog with diarrhea? In this article by PeritoAnimal, we will explain what are the types of diarrhea in dogs and symptoms that you can identify in a more usual way. It is necessary to observe how diarrhea is and how it occurs to inform the veterinarian, if necessary, because this data can help you reach the diagnosis. Diarrhea, in principle, is a mild disorder, but we will see cases where the condition can get complicated.

Diarrhea in dogs: causes

Diarrhea in dogs is a relatively common disorder. It consists of the elimination of loose and loose stools. A punctual bowel movement with these characteristics is not a concern, but if the dog defecates repeatedly or if its droppings are always diarrheal, it is important to look for the cause. The two most common reasons a dog has diarrhea are intestinal parasites and changes in food or ingestion of inappropriate substances. behind a dog with acute diarrhea, infectious diseases are usually found. Also, some medications may have diarrhea among their side effects.

My dog ​​has diarrhea, what to do?

Although diarrhea in dogs can be a minor and minor disorder, when it gets worse, doesn't go away, or if you notice other symptoms, it's necessary to contact your veterinarian. In addition, it is convenient to make an appointment whenever diarrhea occurs in older, sick, or puppies. These animals are more vulnerable and can quickly dehydrate if they lose too much fluid.

Depending on its duration, it may be the case of a acute diarrhea or chronic diarrhea in dogs. The first appears suddenly and disappears briefly.On the other hand, chronic diarrhea may occur more gradually and last for more than three weeks, and may follow an episodic pattern. Next, we'll look at different types of diarrhea in dogs Keep in mind that the coloration can be related to the food you are feeding the dog, without any major repercussions.

dog with yellow diarrhea

Let's start the review of types of diarrhea in dogs with one that manifests itself as a yellow color in the stool. Sometimes, this color is due only to the dog's diet, thus not indicating any specific disease.

On the other hand, the yellow diarrhea in dogs can also be due to presence of bile, which is a secretion produced by the gallbladder and which, among its functions, aids in digestion. Bile can also be located in the empty stomach, something that is easy to happen when your dog has gastrointestinal disturbances manifested in vomiting and severe diarrhea.

You liver problems include among its symptoms the yellowish coloration, which you can easily see in the mucous membranes, gums, eyes and skin. Symptoms of liver failure start out being nonspecific and include those involving the digestive system, such as vomiting and diarrhea. As the disease progresses, you may find characteristic signs such as hemorrhages, ascites, edema, encephalopathies, and jaundice, which is a yellowish color.

THE orange diarrhea in dogs can be caused by hemolysis, a process that occurs when there is intense destruction of red blood cells. In babesia, this hemolytic anemia is common. If you suspect any systemic illness, see a veterinarian immediately.

As you can see, if your dog has yellow or orange diarrhea, it is necessary to visit the veterinarian, as there are several possible causes for this.

dog with green diarrhea

Among the types of diarrhea in dogs, we can also appreciate, on occasion, a greenish tinge. Sometimes this is due to a considerable grass intake. No wonder dogs eat grass, although it's not yet clear why. In these cases, it is likely that, among the liquid eliminated, you will be able to notice the grass perfectly, because the dog cannot digest it. In this case, it is necessary to observe the dog's behavior to discover the cause.

Dog with bloody diarrhea

In cases of a dog with bloody diarrhea, we can differentiate two situations, depending on the blood look fresh (hematochezia) or digested (melena). In any case, a dog with dark, black-spotted, or red diarrhea is usually a symptom of internal bleeding. When the blood is fresh, it is possible to see red blood and/or clots. On the other hand, with the blood digested, the stool will be darker.

A very common cause of this bleeding is the presence of an ulcer, that is, a lesion in the mucosa of the gastrointestinal tract. Although there are several causes of ulceration, a very common one is long-term treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, as ulcers are a side effect of these medications. Therefore, it is frequent especially in older dogs with arthrosis problems, who consume this type of medication.

Another well-known cause of blood in dog feces is parvovirus, a viral illness that must be treated by the veterinarian. Can cause diarrhea in puppy dog, especially those who have not been vaccinated, since vaccination, which can be started at 6-8 weeks of age, offers very good protection against it. Dogs with this disease have severe vomiting and bloody diarrhea, which leads to dehydration that can be fatal.

In addition, in the case of a dog with bloody diarrhea, poisoning with anticoagulant products also causes bleeding, as well as diseases such as hemophilia or any other disease that impairs blood clotting or reduces the number of platelets. Between the types of diarrhea in dogs, this is one of the most worrisome, as heavy internal bleeding can lead to shock and death. However, a clot or a small amount of blood could be due to a broken capillary in the area, damage caused by intestinal parasites, etc. When you encounter severe diarrhea in dogs, accompanied by blood, you will need to see a specialist right away.

dog with white diarrhea

In the case of a dog with white diarrhea, it is necessary to differentiate whether the white color is being caused by foreign bodies contained in feces, like bones or worms. The latter can be seen as rice grains or spaghetti. Suspicion of parasites is a reason for veterinary consultation, as only this professional can prescribe the most appropriate treatment. The fact that you don't notice parasites in the stool doesn't exclude the possibility that your dog has them, as some are not visible and can cause recurrent diarrhea.

White diarrhea in dogs can also be due to ingestion of inappropriate products. This happens in dogs with Pica Syndrome (allotriophagy), which can eat plaster, stones, etc. If this is a behavioral problem, you should contact a canine behavior specialist or ethologist to resolve it. In addition, a grayish canine diarrhea may indicate an absorption problem or indigestion.

Dog with diarrhea with mucus

This type of diarrhea in puppies has a gelatinous appearance. in infestations of parasites like coccidia, for example, you might notice this mucus. Because they are parasites that are not visible and for which we do not periodically deworm them, the dog can be infected without your knowledge, and this type of diarrhea, which can be chronic, is the only symptom.

Treatment for diarrhea in dogs

If the dog with diarrhea is not in an at-risk group, has no more symptoms, and is not dehydrated, you can try to resolve the diarrhea at home, as long as the episode doesn't last longer than 24 hours. To do this, keep water at your disposal, but remove the food. Of course, among the types of diarrhea in dogs we've already looked at, if you detect that the dog has had blood voids, you should contact your veterinarian. Also, if you find parasites in your dog's feces, it is important to go to the clinic as they need to be identified and the appropriate antiparasitic administered. Any strange coloration in the stool is also a reason for consultation.

After the diarrhea episode, you can reintroduce feeding using a easy-to-digest, low-fat diet. For example, you can offer skinless chicken or minced and cooked meat with rice, also cooked and unsalted. You should offer the food in small doses, several times a day. Little by little, go back to your usual diet. For more details, see the article on how to treat canine diarrhea.

My dog ​​has diarrhea, can I give Floratil?

Once you've examined the types of diarrhea in dogs, you might think that, in milder cases, it's okay to use products like Floraril or fortasec. However, that would be a mistake. You should never administer anything to a dog without the veterinarian's recommendation. Also, in this case, the only thing you could do would be to reduce the diarrhea, but not identify the cause, which is what will really help keep your dog healthy.

Diarrhea in older dogs

Finally, the types of diarrhea in dogs that we've detailed are the same types that older dogs might experience. If we are highlighting them in this section, it is because they are more common to diarrhea with blood from ulcers caused by prolonged consumption of anti-inflammatory drugs. We must also take into account that these animals are more likely to become dehydrated. This implies that severe diarrhea will always require veterinary treatment to prevent the clinical picture from getting worse.

Diarrhea in puppies

As with the previous group, puppies are highly susceptible and, therefore, the presence of diarrhea in a puppy should be a reason for veterinary consultation. If your puppy has diarrhea, this could be due to the development of a serious illness such as parvovirus, in which case it is accompanied by blood, due to an infestation of parasites or even for something as simple as a change in food. However, to be absolutely sure, it is advisable to visit your puppy diarrhea specialist.

Speaking of which, we have a video on the PeritoAnimal channel that unveils that myth that dogs eat grass when they have a stomachache. Understand:

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.