
Feline heat is a normal process of reproduction in cats, although for many owners it can be an experience that is difficult to bear due to the uncomfortable behaviors that both cats and cats display.
The heat in cats occurs for the sole purpose of procreating and reproducing the species, so if you do not want to have a litter of cats, it is best to learn to help a cat in heat. For that, in this PeritoAnimal article we will give you some advice to know how to deal with this situation.
Characteristics of heat
Estrus, also called estrus, is simply the animal's fertile period, which occurs when you reach sexual maturity. Usually this stage of her life comes between the first year and the fifth, but there are also very frequent cases of cats in heat with only four months. However, at this age, mating is not recommended, as the cat's body is not yet mature enough to conceive and complications may arise.
the heat of the cats starts at the times of the year when there is more sunlight, needing about twelve hours of light daily, so the date will vary depending on the country in which you live. The cycle takes place three times a year, having a variable duration depending on the weather conditions, from five days to two weeks. After this time, the cat loses interest in mating and the males will stop chasing her.

Symptoms of heat in cats
Anyone who has a cat at home, knows how desperate it can be when they enter the heat period, because the symptoms or signs of this can cause the owner headaches. Given these signs, you will know that your cat is in heat:
- Need much more attention and pampering than usual. Estrus makes the cats more sensitive, so on these days it will show an intense affection.
- agitated behavior. It is normal that during these days she is much more restless, so distracting her will be more complicated.
- Unlike puppies, vaginal discharges or swelling of the vulva are rare, although there may be rare cases in which some mucosa is secreted. However, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian to find out if this segregation is a sign of any disease, such as kidney stones.
- adopt one particular posture: tilt the body, lift the back, tilt the tail and leave the genitals exposed.
- Especially when they can't leave the house, meows and shrill cries to attract males.
- roll on the floor, going around.
- If you live in a house or apartment where you are not allowed to go out on the street, she will try by all means to escape, and will even want to convince you that she is letting her out to meet all her suitors.
- O purr increases.
- rub your head and neck against anything that attracts attention, especially smooth surfaces.
- lick the genital area more than usual (remember that when they are not in heat, they do this as part of their hygiene routine).
- Leave your smell urinating in a characteristic way in the corners of the house, instead of urinating in a crouch as is usual in her, she will do it with her tail up and making a slightly vibrating movement.

What to do to help your cat during heat?
Although the only way to completely avoid the heat period is with sterilization, we will give you some advice so that you and your cat can overcome the heat days with more peace of mind:
- give him more attention. Offer the cat caresses, hugs and cuddles to soothe her anxiety about stimuli. You can also brush your fur.
- Play with her. The entertainment will make her forget the heat for a moment and leave her exhausted. Invent games that involve physical activity, such as those where you have to run, chase and jump.
- Close home windows, especially in rooms where the cat spends more time, to avoid intruding males.
- Under any circumstances, you must let your cat out of the house., because the most likely is that when she comes back she will be pregnant.
- Don't let her convince you. If you've never had a cat in heat, you'll be surprised how persuasive you can be to let her out of the house. Don't be fooled.
- Avoid contact with male cats at all costs.
- Consult your veterinarian about the best time and method to sterilize your cat. We do not recommend giving you oral or injected contraceptives, as several studies have shown that they increase the cat's chances of developing mastitis or suffering from cancer. Sterilization is the most recommended method.
- The belief that it is necessary to let them have at least one litter to avoid illness is a myth. Any bait derived from an inactive uterus is discarded with sterilization.
- If the cat got pregnant, look for houses that can keep the puppies, never leave them in the street.
These are the tips we have to help the cat go through the heat period without getting pregnant. Always remember to consult with your veterinarian for other possible measures.
If you've ever wondered why cats make so much noise when they breed, read our article that answers that question!