
Carnivorous Animals - Examples and Trivia

A their name implie , carnivorou animal that can be vertebrate or invertebrate , are tho e that are feed mainly on meat, whether from live or dead animal . The word "carnivore" come from the...

Cats Phrases

If you are thinking of dedicating a beautiful love phra e to your cat or if you are looking for funny and inqui itive idea , you have come to the right place. In thi PeritoAnimal article, we offer you...

Liver Failure in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Liver failure in cat appear a a re ult of liver di ea e that affect the liver functionality, uch a hepatic lipido i , cholangiti , amyloido i or tumor , but it can al o be due to extra-hepatic di ea e...

Basic Hedgehog Care

Currently, it i no longer urpri ing to hare our home with variou type of animal , uch a nake , exotic bird , ferret ... and even rat . Much due to the con iderable expan ion of the world of companion ...

Preventing obesity in cats

Obe ity i omething that hould concern u all and not ju t for u but al o for our pet . In thi article by PeritoAnimal we want you to be informed about how prevent obe ity in cat .There are cat more pro...

How do I know if my cat has a fever

Ju t like u human , our kitten al o uffer from flu, cold and malai e that cau e them to how change in their body temperature in the form of fever.Many people believe that when the cat ha a dry and hot...

Because my cat bites me when I pet

However wide pread the idea that cat are independent animal , we alway imagine the cat purring in our lap and accepting our care e willingly. However, the reality can be very different, o it i not dif...

Reproduction of molluscs: explanation and examples

THE mollu c reproduction it i a diver e a the different type of mollu c that exi t. Reproductive trategie change according to the type of environment in which they live, whether they are terre trial o...

Cats don't like kisses?

The number of cat a pet ha grown con iderably in recent year , the number of cat i greater than the number of dog in ome countrie . Territoriali t and famou for the peculiar way they have cat are call...

Foods to Increase Platelets in Dogs

Platelet are very important blood cell to en ure the health of mammal . The e tructure are re pon ible for en ure blood clotting, leaving it in a uitable con i tency to be tran ported throughout the a...

Physiotherapy for dogs with arthrosis

THE arthro i canine it i a degenerative joint di ea e that affect cartilage. It i often a con equence of aging, but it can al o be cau ed by an anomaly in the joint, a in the ca e of hip dy pla ia, or...

famous dog names

One of the fir t thing we think about when we decide to adopt an animal i what name we would like to give it. We u ually eparate our favorite , re earch name of arti t we admire or even name of fictio...

Cataracts in dogs: treatment and surgery

They exi t eye problem very diver e in dog . However, cataract are perhap one of the mo t triking one , a we ob erve that the dog' eye become whiti h with a blui h tint and that the dog, when he l...

Somali cat

With many trait in common with the Aby inian cat breed, it i often con idered a broad-haired ver ion. However, the omali i much more than that, a it i a recognized breed, with ome virtue , uch a per o...

Disney Names for Dogs

You Di ney character they formed part of almo t everyone' childhood. Who didn't grow up enjoying Mickey Mou e' adventure ? Who ha never been touched by the dog of 101 Dalmatian ? Over the ...

Cat wound: what can it be?

In thi PeritoAnimal article, we'll explain why a cat can have a kin wound. There are everal cau e that can be behind the appearance of thi type of kin le ion in cat , uch a cabie , wound and ulcer...

names for black dog

If you've ju t adopted a black dog or are thinking about it, you know that they are extremely brave, intelligent and affectionate, ju t like all dog . All dog breed mu t be educated u ing po itive...

what are oviparous animals

In nature we can ob erve everal reproductive trategie , and one of them i oviparity. You hould know that there are many animal that follow the ame trategy, which appeared much earlier in evolutionary ...

Crystals in Cat Urine - Types, Symptoms and Treatment

Cry tal in cat urine are a problem to pay attention to a they can ea ily end up forming tone , popularly known a tone . They can cau e urinary ob truction, which i an emergency.In thi article by Perit...

Pets as a Christmas present, good idea?

When the date tart to approach and we are le than a fortnight away from the big day, we may make ome mi take in our la t minute gift . Many people end up choo ing thi moment to bring home a new member...