Cats don't like kisses?

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 14 February 2021
Update Date: 7 March 2025
FUNNY Cats Hate being Kissed | Lovely Actions and  Humor Emotions
Video: FUNNY Cats Hate being Kissed | Lovely Actions and Humor Emotions


The number of cats as pets has grown considerably in recent years, the number of cats is greater than the number of dogs in some countries. Territorialists and famous for the peculiar way they have cats are called by some superiors and also unsociable.

There are many myths around this species, the reality is that felines are very different from dogs, but that doesn't mean they don't interact or socialize, on the contrary, they relate very well to humans, they are very affectionate and graceful, but in their natural and characteristic way of their species. The behavior of felines is still little studied, and many people have difficulty understanding what a cat likes when it comes to affection, hugs, hugs, kisses and affection. that they really like it, if they like what intensity. To talk a little more about the subject, the Animal Expert wrote an article talking about will the cats don't like kisses?

Cats don't like to be kissed?

Kissing is a common form of expression of affection among humans, but for cats this is not quite how it works, felines like affection and many pet owners love kissing their animals, however kissing is not their favorite way to receive affection.

Experts say that a cat's slow blink is the equivalent of a kiss to a human, and they also say that when they blink their eyes they are saying I love you to your beloved owners. Many understand that this means a demonstration of affection, but it is important to take into account that each cat has its personality, some do not mind being kissed, others tolerate and many may not like it, so the best thing to do is to know and respect the your cat's space. Avoiding kissing cats directly on the lips is a precaution that must be taken into account, as in addition to representing an invasion of space for some felines, they can carry bacteria and transmit them to humans.

Cats don't like affection?

Squeezing them and keeping them in your lap for a long time can be stressful for cats. They are independent and unlike dogs that need more attention from the tutor they are more relaxed about affection and affection.

Cats have peculiarities in their behavior, they are the ones looking for their tutors to give or receive affection, but this does not mean that the tutor cannot caress you when you feel like it, but some excessive gestures such as hugs, kisses and caressing certain areas of your body can make you extremely angry.

How do cats show affection?

Affection can be perceived in many ways, purring, licking, biting, sniffing, winking, playing or even licking.

The cat shows affection in his own way. When the feline approaches its guardian and smells it in the mouth or nose, it is an express form of affection, because of their oronasal glands they only do this to people or objects they love a lot. Also purring when they do this when receiving their tutor they demonstrate that they are happy and satisfied and as already mentioned blinking eyes slowly, between others.

What do cats like?

Playing, eating and receiving affection are things that cats love, among the affections they like the most are in the lower back, chin, head and ears, some places are "forbidden", in fact most of them do not like it very much. receive affection on the belly, and on the paws or tail.

Among the things that cats love the most is to observe, this species is very curious, loves looking at things, that's why they like to be up so much, so they can have a sense of the whole, it's as if they could be in control. They also enjoy company, love being with their tutors, as well as scratching and sunbathing.

Affection and good nutrition are essential to make your pet happy, but some pet health care they are essential we need to act with caution in relation to diseases, taking into account our proximity and different forms of affection, after all, they are susceptible and often exposed to different diseases. That's why it's very important to take him to the vet, keep his vaccinations up to date, keep him off the street, and keep him entertained. After all, felines are very curious, they love to play and often you don't need a lot of investment, just use your creativity and make your kitten's toy yourself.