
Currently, it is no longer surprising to share our home with various types of animals, such as snakes, exotic birds, ferrets... and even rats. Much due to the considerable expansion of the world of companion animals, it is also not surprising that many people can have a hedgehog as a pet.
The hedgehogs that we shelter in our homes are usually terrestrial hedgehogs, among which we can distinguish several species, although it is also true that although the species are different, the care they need is very similar.
In this article we talk about the basic care of a hedgehog, information that should be kept in mind if you are thinking of welcoming an animal of these characteristics into your home.
How much space should we give a hedgehog?
The longevity of a hedgehog is approximately 5 years and during all this time we should try to ensure that our pet has a adequate space so you can enjoy a great quality of life.
The hedgehog is an animal with nocturnal habits, which does not imply that it is a quiet animal, because its nature is very active, therefore, it must have a cage with enough space, at least the hedgehog must have one square meter to move.
To offer your hedgehog the best space, you should also consider the following considerations:
- The cage irons must not be too far apart, with a space of 1.5 centimeters, a hedgehog cub can escape from the cage, ie the separation space must be smaller.
- The drinking trough must be a bottle type, in order to keep the water in perfect hygienic conditions, and the troughs must be made of aluminum and must be attached to the cage so that they do not overturn.
- As a floor, we must use sawdust from untreated wood.
- The hedgehog must have enough stimuli for his activity, so in his cage we must include a wheel so he can exercise, a container with sand to dig and some suitable toy for him.
- There must be a refuge inside the cage so that you can hide, it can be a small box made of wood, plastic or cardboard, but it is important that it has a wide hole for entry and exit.
The hedgehog cage must be placed in a dimly lit place and whose ambient temperature ranges between 20 and 32 degrees centigrade.

Hedgehog feeding
Feeding is a pillar of health, not only for humans but also for animals, so it is important to be well informed about hedgehog feeding.
If he has decided to welcome in his house a hedgehog that is the most balanced for him and the simplest for us would be to be able to give him a specific feed for hedgehogs, or a more generic feed intended for feeding insectivorous mammals.
If it is not possible to purchase a feed of these characteristics, we must prepare our hedgehog's diet following the guidelines given below:
- Use a high-end food intended for dogs or cats of advanced age, this food is of higher quality than the usual food, since the latter has too much protein and fat.
- Supplement your feed intake with fruit, egg and chicken.
- It is also important to offer them live food, in which case opt for crickets, flourworms and roundworms.
- During lactation and pregnancy, live food must be supplemented with vitamins and calcium, in which case the veterinarian will be the person to recommend the best product.
obviously the hedgehog must always have fresh and clean water, and we should fill the feeder once a day, preferably at dusk, removing any food that may have left over the next morning.

Hedgehog hygiene
The hedgehog must get used to human contact and this adaptation must be progressive. This animal has a typical defense mechanism which consists of curling up to protect yourself with its thorns, for this reason it is important that you do the first manipulations using gloves.
We must allow the hedgehog to smell us so that he can recognize us through the odor and when this happens we can handle our hedgehog without major complications.
When the hedgehog gets used to our presence and our home, it is very important that at least once a week we let him run freely in some part of our house, as this total freedom is completely necessary.
If we keep the hedgehog in optimal condition, our pet he will only need a clean, so the only thing we should do is give him a bath when he is very dirty, in which case we should use warm water. As a last piece of advice, cut the hedgehog's nails only if you have them too big.

Hedgehog Health Care
A hedgehog does not need specific veterinary care, however, we can take certain steps to keep our pet in optimal health.
- The hedgehog must not be exposed to cold temperatures or drafts.
- If we live with other animals, it is important that the hedgehog does not keep in contact with them, as they can transmit some ticks.
- The hedgehog can suffer diarrhea and this is usually due to overfeeding. Just reduce the daily food ration
It is very important that the hedgehog feeds on a daily basis, if you lose your appetite, that should be reason enough to go to the vet.