
Cruciate Ligament Rupture in Dogs - Surgery, Treatment and Recovery

In thi article by PeritoAnimal we will talk about the torn cruciate ligament in dog , a problem that affect locomotion and, therefore, quality of life. In addition, it i an injury that will produce co...
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Peruvian guinea pig

O Peruvian or Peruvian guinea pig it i one of the many type of guinea pig that exi t, a there are furle , long-haired, hort-haired or very long-haired pig . Within thi la t category i the o-called Per...
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Canine Brain Aging - Symptoms and Causes

A in all living thing , the brain ti ue of dog deteriorate over the year . Puppie in old age will be the main victim of the di ea e. Free radical cau e the brain to oxidize, re ulting in reduced brain...
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Tapeworm Worm in Dogs - Symptoms and Treatment

There i one numerou variety of tapeworm that can affect the health of our dog . The tapeworm i a para ite of the ce tode group (flat or true worm ), which ha a great impact on the health of dog and hu...
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Can I bathe my cat with regular shampoo?

Mo t cat hate bathing by nature and don't like to feel wet, handled too much, let alone rubbed. However, on ome occa ion we hould give them a bath, depending on the circum tance . till, if our cat...
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Asthma Dog - Symptoms and Treatment

although the a thma in dog not a frequent a in cat , we can find thi type of re piratory di ea e in them, e pecially in the ca e of mall dog breed .In thi article by PeritoAnimal, we will explain to y...
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Bach flowers for animals

The health of our pet i extremely important to u and, in addition, we are increa ingly aware of the need to u e therapeutic re ource that allow to improve the animal' well-being in a way that re p...
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Medicinal Plants for Dogs

ince the time of Galen (con idered the father of pharmacy) until today, pharmacological treatment have advanced at a very fa t pace, being an excellent help again t numerou pathological condition bot...
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Why does the cat lift its tail when petting

Although many people ay that cat are independent animal , it i certain that they are very affectionate ocial animal when they gain tru t with u . If you have a cat and you pend time and care for it of...
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5 feline personalities

Cat are alway urpri ing u , e pecially after we meet one of the la t tudie by Lauren Finka. Thi veterinarian at the Univer ity of Lincoln publi hed a very intere ting article after interviewing over 2...
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How to get one cat used to another cat

The introduction of a new feline at home i omething very common among cat owner , however, that idyllic image of everal happy cat often turn into a reality of huff , cha e , fight and tre . Due to the...
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Positions that indicate the dog is happy

Any tutor wi he hi dog the maximum happine . But how do you know if your dog i happy? In addition to wagging their tail , furry one have other way to convey your emotion , for example, through the po ...
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the strength of gorillas

You gorilla are the bigge t primate there are and they have DNA very imilar to that of a human being. The e animal are fa cinating and arou e people' curio ity, ince like human , they have two leg...
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Dry Bath for Cats: Instructions and Products

Unle you've decided to adopt one of the cat breed that love water, like the Van Turco or the Turki h Angora, you'll likely wonder if it' bad to bathe the cat and whether it' po ible to...
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Most common chinchilla diseases

At dome tic chinchilla they do not u ually get ick if they are provided with e ential care. It i e ential that your chinchilla ha a uitable helter, dry, away from air current and well ventilated. The ...
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Bipedal Animals - Examples and Characteristics

When we talk about bipedali m or bipedali m, we immediately think of the human being, and we often forget that there are other animal that move in thi way. On the one hand, there are the ape , the ani...
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Czechoslovakian wolf dog

O czech lovak wolf dog i a true example of the degree of relatedne between dog and wolve . Created from the German hepherd and the carpathian wolf, it ha the qualitie of a hepherd dog and a wild wolf,...
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Anemia in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

Although cat and dog are very different animal , the truth i that a cat need the ame veterinary attention a a dog, uch a adequate food, company, time and all the dedication we can give it.The rea on i...
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How to make a neighbor's dog stop barking

A dog' bark i one of the many rea on that can lead to a fight between neighbor . It' not urpri ing, becau e while ome dog are limited to barking ometime at pecific time , other are dedicated t...
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Care of a cat after neutering

It i currently advi able neuter the cat of both gender to prevent their exce ive reproduction and to avoid running away from home frequently, who e con equence are u ually fight , accident and even th...
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