
Fox Terrier: 8 Common Illnesses

the dog of the breed Fox Terrier they are of UK origin, mall in ize and may have mooth or hard fur. They are very ociable, intelligent, faithful and very active dog . Therefore, they need a lot of phy...
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My cat doesn't get fat, why?

The weight of the animal alway rai e doubt among the guardian , whether it i the ca e of an overweight feline or a very thin cat. However, many time , change in our pet' weight indicate the pre en...
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Names for Horses and Mares

We know that finding a original name, beautiful and elegant for our hor e it i a very complicated ta k, after all it i a name that we will repeat for everal year and al o hare with our friend and fami...
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The 5 Realms of Living Beings

All living organi m are cla ified into five kingdom , from mall bacteria to human . Thi cla ification ha fundamental ba e that were e tabli hed by the cienti t Robert Whittaker, which contributed enor...
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Forbidden Fruits and Vegetables for Cats

There are certain forbidden fruit and vegetable for cat . Cat are trictly pure carnivore , they are not omnivore a other animal or even human can be. Your dige tive tract i able to dige t animal food ...
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Canine Epilepsy - What to do in the face of an epileptic fit?

Canine epilep y i a pathology that manife t it elf through recurrent epileptic eizure , therefore, a caregiver , if we live with a dog affected by thi di ea e, we mu t know how to act to avoid wor eni...
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names for pigs

Mini pig , al o called mini pig or micro pig , have been increa ing in popularity a pet in recent year ! It may eem trange to ome people, but the e animal can make excellent pet if the adopter i actua...
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10 breeds of english dogs

exi t in the world over 400 dog breed , each with unique and urpri ing characteri tic , cla ified in different canine federation around the world. In fact, it i curiou that it wa preci ely in the Unit...
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toy rabbit care

The toy rabbit i a very popular rabbit breed that tand out for it mall ize, which i why million of people have thi weet little rabbit in their home.You mu t know that it i a rabbit that require concre...
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Feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: symptoms and treatment

Cat are the perfect pet : affectionate, playful and fun. They brighten the daily life of the hou e and the guardian , generally, take great care of the cat . But do you know all the di ea e your cat c...
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The origin of the Beagle or Engli h Beagle go back to Jenofonte who, in hi Treati e on the Hunt, peak of a dog that could well be the fir t Beagle. Pa ing all tage of hunting from primitive men to med...
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Blood in the dog's feces, what can it be?

Meet blood in the dog' fece it can be hocking and i omething that often worrie the tutor a lot. Fortunately in dog the cau e of blood in the tool are not nece arily eriou , they can be many and di...
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My dog ​​is jealous of the baby, what to do?

When we adopt and bring home a dog, it' like having a child, we want to give it all the love and attention po ible to grow up healthy and happy. All the e year our energy i practically directed to...
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When can kittens be separated from their mother?

Before eparating a kitten from it mother, we mu t con ider ome detail that are of paramount importance for the correct phy ical and p ychological development of the feline. eparating it prematurely ca...
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Why does my cat lick my hair?

Cat are able to find fun in thing that may be meaningle to human : a box, a paper ball, omething they find lying on the floor or table, including your hair! All of the e are element capable of enterta...
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The best toys for parrots

parrot are very active animal , need to exerci e every day and face mental challenge that timulate them in a po itive way. In nature, parrot are gregariou animal with very complex relation hip with it...
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Canine ehrlichiosis - symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Doe your dog have tick ? You need to be on the lookout for certain illne e like canine ehrlichio i . Unfortunately thi di ea e i quite common in puppie that are not properly dewormed. If your dog ha b...
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Hypoallergenic cat breeds

Approximately 30% of the population uffer from cat allergy and dog , e pecially in relation to cat . However, being allergic to one or more animal doe not mean that the affected per on' body react...
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Pyoderma in Cats - Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Pyoderma in cat i an infectiou kin di ea e cau ed by an increa e in the multiplication of certain bacteria, e pecially taphyloccocu intermediu ,a phere- haped type found in the kin of our little cat ....
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Benefits of Fish Oil for Cats

There are a lot of food upplement on the market u ed by human but al o by animal . Among them we highlight fi h oil. But i it nece ary? How doe it benefit our animal ? If you eat commercial pet food, ...
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