- 1. Make him see that you will give the medicine as a reward
- 2. Hide medicine among food
- 3. Hide the pill better
- 4. Crush the tablet
- 5. Use a syringe without a tip
- Factors to consider:

Dogs are often resistant to taking the pills that the vet ordered. Whether for pain, taste or texture, dogs do not take long to identify the foreign element that is trying to offer them and try to spit it out or avoid eating it by all means.
You should know that this is completely normal and that you should handle it positively and skillfully to make sure your best friend gets the pills he needs.
In this article by PeritoAnimal we will give you some tips for giving medicine to dogs, several ideas to get at once he ingests the pills. Keep reading and learn from us!
1. Make him see that you will give the medicine as a reward
The first thing you should try is offering the medicine along with a prize. You can practice obedience, tricks or simply reward your puppy at random. Then you must offer the pill together with one of the snacks for puppies that will give you.
You can also try handing out dog food or prizes on the ground. With a little luck you'll think it's another snack and you'll eat it without a problem. However, some dogs tend to reject it as soon as they smell it. It will depend on the specific dog, but it doesn't hurt to experiment.

2. Hide medicine among food
If you've already tried to offer him a pill directly and he didn't accept it, you can start by hiding the pill among your usual food, it can be feed or wet foodo, although generally with moist food, better results are achieved due to its attractive smell and taste. With any luck he will eat quickly without noticing the presence of the pill.

3. Hide the pill better
Sometimes we can see how the puppy eats all the food and leaves the pill intact in the food container. Take it easy and don't despair. If this happens, you should try to hide it better among the food.
You can use pieces of ham, cheese, ham and even a mini hamburger prepared exclusively for him. The idea is that the food is so irresistible and tasty for him who doesn't have time to investigate what it contains.

4. Crush the tablet
If none of the options seem to work, you can try crushing the tablet completely until you get it. convert it to powder. Then you must mix it with moist food or prepare yourself a recipe in which to add the tablet. Making some homemade meatballs or croquettes can be an excellent option. But remember not to add any flavorings.

5. Use a syringe without a tip
If the dog still rejects any food that has touched the pill, try the syringe to give the dog medicine. You can buy the syringe at a pharmacy or use a syringe that you have at home, but must use without tip.
The ideal would be crush the pill as in the previous case and mix it with a small amount of water that you will aspirate with the syringe. You can also disassemble the syringe and add the tablet powder directly so you don't waste anything.
Then, with the help of a relative or acquaintance of the dog, hold on head and quickly introduce the syringe contents near the molars. Then keep the dog's head up while massaging the neck to swallow correctly.

Factors to consider:
- If you are still unable to give your dog the medicine, consult your veterinarian.
- In case you have two dogs at home that must receive the same medication, it is advisable to offer the medication at different times of the day. That way, if either of you vomits the pill, you can tell which one it is.
- Avoid stress and discomfort as much as possible, you should carry out these tips in a subtle way and without your best friend noticing.
- Do not hesitate to see a specialist if you notice any side effects in the dog after taking the medicine.

This article is for information purposes only, at PeritoAnimal.com.br we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.