Cold in dogs

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 7 March 2025
Can Dogs Catch Colds?
Video: Can Dogs Catch Colds?


Like us, puppies can also suffer from colds. Exposure to cold or certain viruses can cause your dog to catch a cold. It is not a dangerous disease if we know how to help our dog overcome it.

A mild cold can be overcome in a week with proper care. Like us, cold puppies need to stay warm, not get wet and feed properly.

If yours has sneezed or has a cough, maybe you have a cold, so keep reading this PeritoAnimal article and learn more about the cold in dogs.

Cold symptoms in dogs

O cold occurs by an infection of the upper respiratory tract. In general, the symptoms are not serious but we must pay attention as we can confuse a simple cold with a serious respiratory problem and vice versa. You cold symptoms are as follows:

  • Cough
  • sneezing
  • Congestion
  • Nasal discharge
  • watery eyes
  • loss of appetite
  • general malaise
  • Fever

These symptoms can be present for 1 or 2 weeks. The healing time depends on each dog and the care we provide.

In serious cases breathing difficulties may be observed or whistling may be heard as you do so. They may also have a tenth of fever. In these cases it is better to consult the veterinarian as soon as possible.

What causes the cold?

As in humans, the cold in dogs can be caused by several reasons. Continuous exposure to cold or contagion between dogs may be the cause.

In general, it is caused by viruses such as parainfluenza, very common and contagious, or by the Type 2 adenovirus, also called kennel cough. Both cause coughing, sneezing, and other cold symptoms.

Some cold symptoms can be confused with the distemper, a very contagious disease that affects the respiratory system. Therefore, it is important to always watch our dog when it starts to show some discomfort. That way we can rule out serious illnesses. To learn more about this disease, find out what canine distemper is in our article.

Treat the dog's cold

The cold has no treatment, but we can give you some medicine to minimize symptoms, it is best that they overcome mild colds by themselves. With basic care you can make the process lighter, this way they will be able to recover in a few days.

Below, we'll give you some advice for your dog to overcome the cold without problems:

  • keep the dog warm and dry: just like us, during the cold, they are very susceptible to changes in temperature. Place it next to the radiator or make sure you have enough blankets. After the walks, dry the paws well.
  • Reduce tour time: do not subject it to excessive exercise. During the cold you will be more lethargic and unwilling to play. Also avoid going out with him during the coldest hours of the day.
  • encourage him to drink: You may not drink or eat much these days. For this reason, you should always have water and encourage him to drink, even in small doses. Due to the mucus, it loses fluids and it is convenient to replace them. You can offer him some chicken broth, this will help to clear the mucus from his throat, as well as giving him nutrients.
  • rest: let it rest. Due to the character of some puppies we should not try to exercise or make them play during these days. He might try but he'll get tired soon. After a few days of rest you will start to get better and become more active.
  • avoid contagion: if you have several dogs at home it is very easy for them to get infected and get colds. Try to keep them separate during these days.
  • Avoid smoke or dust: tobacco smoke or any other smoke should always be avoided in the presence of our puppy and especially during cases of respiratory problems he may have.
  • Vitamin C: can help you improve your defenses with vitamin C supplements, will help you fight colds. Consult the veterinarian first.
  • Honey: This is one of the home remedies to relieve a dog's cough. If your puppy coughs a lot you can give him a teaspoon of honey to relieve him.

In a week or two, he should recover completely. To avoid relapses, protect it from the cold and provide it with good nutrition throughout the year. That way, your immune system will be strong to overcome any cold.

In severe cases, your veterinarian will treat infections with antibiotics, but remember that they should always be prescribed by a specialist, never self-medicate your dog.

when to go to the vet

Usually, in a week or two the dog overcomes a normal cold, but there may be cases in which we must go to the vet to rule out major illnesses or for a specific treatment.

If your case is any of the following, we recommend that you go to the veterinarian:

  • It's been 2 weeks and you haven't seen improvement in your puppy.
  • Expels blood in mucus or nasal secretions.
  • Does not eat or drink.
  • If your dog is elderly or a puppy you should always go with him to the vet. The defenses of these dogs are not those of a healthy young dog.
  • He hears a whistle in the dog's chest as he breathes.

This article is for information purposes only, at we are not able to prescribe veterinary treatments or perform any type of diagnosis. We suggest that you take your pet to the veterinarian in case it has any type of condition or discomfort.