Can a dog eat cheese?

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 13 February 2021
Update Date: 7 March 2025
Video: CAN DOGS EAT CHEESE? 🧀 Or Other DAIRY Products?


Cheese is a food that, in any of its varieties, always attracts the attention of dogs. However, can dog eat cheese? Or is cheese bad for a dog? Every dog ​​needs to have a balanced and nutritious diet, but there are plenty of times when they ask us what we're eating with that dengo face. In this article by PeritoAnimal we will explain what we should take into account when offering this food to our furry friend.

We are also going to talk about other dairy products, because to understand what happens in the canine organism with the ingestion of cheese, it is necessary to know a few things about lactose, milk sugar and lactase, the enzyme responsible for the digestion of milk. Good reading!

What are lactase and lactose

To explain whether a dog can eat cheese, it is essential to know the importance of lactose and lactase. Lactose is the sugar naturally present in mammalian milk. It is part of its composition, that is, it was not added artificially. The amount of lactose will depend on each animal, as it must be adapted to their nutritional needs.

As mammals must be biologically fed this milk during the first stage of their lives, they have an enzyme in their digestive tract, lactase, whose function is to break down lactose into simpler substances that the body can use. These substances are the glucose and galactose. When mammals grow up and no longer need milk, lactase production disappears.


  • Lactose: is the natural sugar in milk
  • Lactase: it is the enzyme that our body produces until a certain age and that breaks down lactose

What is Lactose Intolerance

You may have heard of lactose intolerance, right? The problem with lactose arises when the weaning period ends. Although in species like humans it seems that part of the population has adapted and is able to digest lactose in adulthood, lactose intolerance affects millions of people, and it is important to distinguish this problem from milk allergy.

In puppies we can also observe this intolerance or lactase deficiency, which will not affect everyone equally. Intolerance causes the lactose is indigestible, as the body is not able to absorb it. It will remain in the intestine and this produces an increase in intestinal motility - inability to move food out of the body - resulting in diarrhea in the dog. And in these cases, yes, cheese is bad for dogs.

Therefore, just like in people, dogs can eat cheese depending on whether or not they are able to digest lactose. And the way to find out whether or not he has an intolerance to milk and its derivatives is to observe the reaction of the canine organism after eating these foods. if there is any gastrointestinal discomfort, like diarrhea, you will know that this dog will not be able to have a dairy diet.

This intolerance is not always negative, as it allows the use of milk as natural laxative in cases of constipation, following the veterinarian's recommendations. This is because the lactose molecule attracts liquid to the intestine, which encourages its movement.

Can a dog eat cheese?

The truth is, dogs don't need to eat cheese or dairy products because it's not important in their diet. if he has no intolerance and like this food, yes, you can feed dog cheese. Many tutors even use it as a reward.

That is, the dog's diet cannot be based on dairy products, but they can be added as a supplement, in small quantities, on a balanced diet. We insist that this only and exclusively if the dog is not intolerant, which we will only discover through observation.

For that, we can start by giving you dairy products with a lower lactose content. Cow's milk will have more lactose than its derivatives, such as cheese or yogurt, and still other milks, such as goat's milk.So dog can eat cheese of any kind? If we talk about cheeses, in general, the most cured ones, precisely during the curing process, will lose lactose, so they will be better digested, as they have lactic ferments. Another interesting fact is that the more greasy they are, the lower percentage of lactose they will have. See some examples:

Can a dog eat cream cheese?

If we humans find it delicious, it's common to ask if a dog can eat cream cheese. The amount of lactose in this type of cheese can be well tolerated. In any case, it is important to read the ingredients on the label and look for the simplest and most natural compositions, because if dairy solids are added, the lactose content will also increase.

Can a dog eat Minas cheese?

As a fresh cheese, it will have a slightly higher lactose content than ripened cheeses. In any case, its lactose content can still be well assimilated by the canine organism. So, if you want to know if a dog can eat Minas cheese or fresh cheese, know that you can test your tolerance with small amounts.

Can a dog eat grated cheese?

In this case, to know if a dog can eat grated cheese the important thing is to know what kind of cheese it is, in addition to taking into account that many packages of these that we buy in supermarkets with grated cheeses ready have two or more types of cheese. They are usually fatty, so the amount of lactose will be minimal, making it safer for your pet to feed.

Can a dog eat curd or cottage cheese?

There are several types of these products, all with a very low percentage of lactose. In other words, dogs can eat curd or cottage cheese and they can even be used as a good option to camouflage pills and other remedies that should be given to your dog.

Finally, we must keep in mind that cheese will provide calories that must be deducted from the daily amount of food the dog eats. This is especially important in those dogs that are obese or overweight. Anything we give him out of his ration must be deducted from his ration.

In this video we detail even more for you if a dog can eat cheese:

Can a dog eat bread?

Now that you know that dogs can eat cheese, if they don't have an intolerance, you're probably wondering if dogs can eat bread like we do. Yes, dog can eat bread. The recommendation is to offer the animal the most natural types possible, which do not contain high levels of sugar or salt.

And as with dairy products, bread may be offered occasionally. And when offered with cheese, it will be even better digested.

Can a dog eat yogurt?

Many of the considerations we made to explain whether a dog can eat cheese also apply to yogurt, as it is a dairy product. The process of transforming milk into yogurt eliminates a significant amount of lactase, making this product suitable for consumption even if the dog is intolerant. The problem is that in the market we will find yogurts that have dairy solids, cream, etc. in their composition, which will increase the percentage of lactose.

As with cheese, it is advisable to offer a small amount and see if the dog tolerates it well. We will always choose the most natural yogurt possible. If the dog doesn't like it, don't worry because dogs don't need to eat dairy products.

Now that you know which dog can eat yogurt, we would like to recommend you another article in which we teach you how to make homemade ice cream for dogs.

what can't give to dog

There are some foods that will not always be fatal or extremely harmful to dogs, but it is not advisable to add them to your diet. For this reason, we have prepared a list of 10 banned foods according to scientific studies. So see what can't give to a dog:

  • Onion
  • Coffee
  • Tea
  • Chocolate
  • Avocado
  • Garlic
  • salt
  • macadamia nuts
  • Grape
  • Raisins
  • Alcohol
  • Boiled bones

If you have any questions or want to know more about proper nutrition for your dog, don't hesitate to consult your veterinarian, who will give you the right advice so that your dog's diet is always right. complete, safe and of good quality. Don't forget to leave your comments and share your questions or advice with us!

Ah, in the video below you can learn more about the toxic and prohibited foods for dogs:

If you want to read more articles similar to Can a dog eat cheese?, we recommend that you enter our Balanced Diets section.