
My cat is scared, how can I help him?

Cat are animal that are very en itive to their urrounding and can be ea ily frightened. Whether it' the arrival of a party, the firework or becau e it' a cat that ha been adopted from a refuge...

Skin cancer in dogs: symptoms and treatment

If your dog i uffering from kin cancer, or you think he might, we know that thi i a very difficult ituation, o we recommend you to face it a po itively a po ible, offering your be t friend lot of re t...

Dog food composition

Deciphering the exact compo ition of our dog' ration or balanced food i a real puzzle. The li t of Ingredient not only inform about it nutritional compo ition, it al o help to a e the quality of t...

How much can an Anaconda (Sucuri) come to measure

Many people have a nake a a pet. If you like nake , and above all, if you like big nake , Anaconda, al o known a ucuri, i an animal that intere t you. Thi type of nake i con idered the large t in the ...

Arthritis in Cats - Symptoms and Treatment

A with human , cat can uffer from many joint-related illne e uch a feline rheumatoid arthriti , a condition that produce inflammation and mu cle pain, among other ymptom . Thi di ea e i not ea y to de...

Amount of food for Great Dane

THE food The Great Dane (or Great Dane), whether adult or puppy, hould be pecific for giant dog and hould take into account their pecific nutritional need , a well a ome extra upplement that are benef...

Types of Foxes - Names and Photos

all foxe belong to the family Canidae, and therefore, are clo ely related to other canid uch a dog , jackal and wolve . Depending on where on the planet they live, their morphology and appearance may ...

Names for cats in French

We know that the ta k of choo ing a name for your new feline friend can be quite difficult, e pecially if you don't want a common name for him. An excellent way to innovate and choo e a very cool ...

What is the best food for neutered cats?

Today, fortunately, it i common for caregiver to neuter cat . The idea that terilization cau e obe ity alway revolve around thi intervention. And the truth i that there are change in the metabolic lev...

How to make two cats get along

THE coexi tence between cat doe n't alway work, doe it? Many cat end up fighting or hivering for each other and they don't accept each other at all. For thi rea on, before introducing the econ...

Heat stroke in dogs - Symptoms and prevention

E pecially when ummer approache , our dog are ubjected to high temperature . If you don't take the nece ary mea ure , exce heat can even be fatal to your pet . ince they do not have weat gland all...

Home remedy to kill fleas on dogs

The dog i man' be t friend, and a hi be t friend, the human being take care of him in every way: he feed him, clean him, bathe him and take care of him. In return, the dog offer protection, compan...

Homemade Cat Meat Recipe

There are many people who try to feed their feline in the mo t natural and healthy way po ible. Following the natural behavior that cat have in nature, it i important to know that cat are carnivorou m...

Pantanal animals: reptiles, mammals, birds and fish

The Pantanal, al o known a the Pantanal Complex, i the large t floodplain in the world that encompa e one of the region with the greate t aquatic and terre trial biodiver ity in the world. It i e tima...

Why is my rabbit sad?

Rabbit have become one of the mo t beloved pet for children not only for their adorable appearance, but al o for their fun and lovely temperament which favor the creation of a very pecial bond with th...

My cat is urinating blood, what can it be?

In the pre ence of blood in cat urine it' a ymptom that tend to care the owner a lot, and mo t of the time with good rea on. Hematuria (a it i called in medical parlance) i a ymptom that can be re...

Names for Pit Bull Dogs

The real name of thi dog breed i American Pit Bull Terrier and de pite being a very popular breed, the truth i that it ha only been recognized by two canine federation , the United Kennel Club and the...

Antarctic animals and their characteristics

Antarctica i the colde t and mo t inho pitable continent of planet Earth. There are no citie there, only cientific ba e that report very valuable information for the whole world. The ea ternmo t part ...

How to ward off dog flies

Flie alway eem to be a big problem faced by tutor , e pecially if your dog ha the habit of being out ide the hou e, e pecially in the ummer. At fir t, avoiding flie may ju t eem uncomfortable to the d...

Albino Animals - Information, Examples and Photos

The color of the kin and coat i one of the characteri tic that make it po ible to di tingui h different pecie . However, there are ome pecimen of fauna who e appearance doe not corre pond to the membe...