Amount of food for Great Dane

Author: Peter Berry
Date Of Creation: 12 February 2021
Update Date: 7 March 2025
What Should You Feed Your GREAT DANE? Best Food For GREAT DANE
Video: What Should You Feed Your GREAT DANE? Best Food For GREAT DANE


THE food The Great Dane (or Great Dane), whether adult or puppy, should be specific for giant dogs and should take into account their specific nutritional needs, as well as some extra supplements that are beneficial to the breed.

In this article by Animal Expert, we will inform you about the growth of the breed, the different food options, and we will help you to know the amount of daily food for a Dane. Find out below what the diet of a Great Dane should be like.

Great Dane Growth Table

The Great Dane is among the largest breeds in the world, so it is considered a dog of giant size. The growth chart demonstrates how, in a short time, you gain considerable weight, which is supposed to be extra work for your bones and joints.

The rapid development of the Great Dane requires take care of your food, especially in her puppyhood. Serving you correctly in the first months of life will be essential for optimal health.

It should also be noted that the dog's diet will vary according to the phase it is in, since the nutritional needs of a puppy, an adult dog or an elderly person are not the same.

THE height and weight of an adult male German dog is between 80 and 90 cm and about 54 or 90 kg., while females are around 72 and 84 cm and about 45 or 59 kg.

Homemade food or pet food?

It is currently possible to find types of food very different for puppies, which can be from homemade recipes, feed or BARF diet. There are also those who prefer to combine a feed-based diet with homemade recipes or the occasional can of wet feed. There is no "best" choice, all can be valid.

At caloric needs of Great Dane are especially high, standing close to 2,480 Kcal/day in males and 1,940 Kcal/day in females. But how do you know the best food for a Great Dane?

We can evaluate the pros and cons general of each type:

  • Homemade food: this type of diet is very advantageous since quality products that impact the coat and health of the dog are chosen, in addition, it usually has very good acceptance by the animal. However, given your caloric needs, this type of diet can be very expensive. It also requires blood tests to be done every six months to detect any nutritional deficiencies in time.
  • Raw Diets or BARF: they differ from homemade diets due to the lack of cooking, although there are those who slightly sting meat and fish to avoid possible viruses and bacteria. The main advantage is the same as in the previous case, with the advantage that less time is needed for preparation. As in the other case, it is expensive and requires monitoring by the veterinarian.
  • Ration: this type of food, as long as it has the label "nutritionally complete" is formulated to cover the needs of a dog. However, there are better or worse quality products and even specific feed for Great Dane, which would be a great advantage. It is economically more profitable, especially if large quantities are purchased.
  • wet food: This commercial preparation can also be considered correct if it has the label "nutritionally complete", however, the continuous consumption of pates and moist foods can cause diarrhea and tartar accumulation.

Each owner is free to choose one type of diet or another, however it is not recommended to mix the feed and another type of diet in the same meal, as they have different digestion times.

Quantity of feed for Great Dane

THE daily intake of food varies according to age, as puppies need to eat distributed during the day, while adults will be fine with two fractions. Then we will explain the approximate amount of food for a Great Dane.

Amount of food for a Great Dane puppy

Puppies need to be fed constantly, especially when they are very small. Following intake recommendations is essential to ensure good growth and not cause health problems. Puppies from 2 to 3 months will be fed 4 times a day, those between 4 and 5 months will be able to receive 3 servings and, from 6 months of age, they will be able to eat twice a day, as they will in adulthood .

Keep in mind that the numbers shown below are approximate and were obtained after calculating the average future adult weight and comparing quantities of various products. These portions may vary according to each container, therefore, we recommend that you always consult the manufacturer's recommendation.

  • 2 months: 410 gr males, 350 gr females.
  • 3 months: 520 gr males, 430 gr females.
  • Four months: 615 gr males, 500 gr females.
  • 5 months: 755 gr males, 580 gr females.
  • 6-7 months: 860 gr males, 600 gr females.
  • 8-18 months: 890 gr males, 610 gr females.

Amount of food for an adult Great Dane

Around 18, up to 20 months, the Dane is considered a young adult, meaning his caloric needs will be slightly reduced. We explain to you the amount of daily food for a Dane according to his weight:

  • 45 kg weight: 500 g
  • 50 kg weight: 550 g
  • 55 kg weight: 590 g
  • 60 kg weight: 520 g
  • 65 kg weight: 650 g
  • 70 kg weight: 585 gr
  • 75 kg weight: 720 g
  • 80 kg in weight: 775 gr
  • 85 kg weight: 800 gr
  • 90 kg in weight: 860 g

Don't forget that the Great Dane should always be available fresh and plentiful water, key to staying hydrated. We recommend that quality containers are used and that they are cleaned regularly to prevent the accumulation of dirt and bacteria.

food related care

As we have already mentioned, the Dane is a dog that needs us to take care of its joints and bones since it is susceptible to suffering from diseases specific to its size, such as hip dysplasia. In addition, being overweight could lead to the appearance of other problems, which is why it is important to control your weight and not let it fall into excess.

Choosing a diet that favors the preservation of muscle mass and bone structure is very beneficial, it is even recommended to plan the use of supplements, in the case of offering homemade diets, always consulting the veterinarian for proper guidance.

Due to its morphology, gastric torsion is another problem that can affect the breed. Therefore, we will avoid feeding you before going for a walk. We can detect this disease if we observe nausea, inflamed abdomen and difficulty breathing.

If you want to read more articles similar to Amount of food for Great Dane, we recommend that you enter our Balanced Diets section.