- How to avoid flies in the environment
- How to get rid of flies in a dog's ear
- mosquitoes on the dog
- Homemade fly and mosquito repellent for dogs
- How to eliminate kennel flies

Flies always seem to be a big problem faced by tutors, especially if your dog has the habit of being outside the house, especially in the summer. At first, avoiding flies may just seem uncomfortable to the dog, and an irritating issue of hygiene, but recent research has found evidence that flies carry 351 different bacteria within them, not all of which are known, therefore, in addition to the known diseases of veterinary importance. that flies can transmit, there are still microorganisms unknown to man, of which we have no knowledge of what other diseases they can also bring.
Furthermore, flies are still the cause of sores on the tips of dogs' ears, a very common problem faced by breeders of breeds such as German Shepherds, Siberian Huskys and others. And, they can transmit berne or myiasis, which are actually larvae. Therefore, PeritoAnimal has prepared this article with everything you need to know to ward off dog flies and end the problem.
How to avoid flies in the environment
Fly infestations are more frequent in summer, as the high temperature affects the reproduction rate of known species in Brazil. Among them, one of the best known species of veterinary importance and that infests our homes, backyards and consequently our domestic animals, is the species known as house musk in latin,The house fly.
The housefly species reproduces quickly, and an adult fly lives for about 30 days, laying around 500 to 800 eggs throughout its lifetime. The preferred places for laying eggs are garbage, feces, damp places with any fermentable and organic substance without much direct sunlight, eggs hatch in the first larval stage within 24 hours, and about 8 to 10 days after completing the second larval stage, develop into young flies.
Due to this, maintain environmental hygiene where the dog lives is extremely important, especially in outdoor areas, always collecting the animal's feces and washing the urine from the yard so that the odor does not attract more flies. Keeping the outdoor area organized, free of dejects and decaying organic material like a forgotten garbage bag, for example, contributes to the decrease in the population of flies, as they will not be able to complete their breeding cycle. The housefly does not reproduce in the animal, but as they are opportunistic insects, it can happen when the animal has an open wound without treatment. That's why PeritoAnimal has prepared these other two articles on Myiasis: causes, symptoms and treatment and Berne in a dog - how to remove dog bene, for when such cases happen.
How to get rid of flies in a dog's ear
flies are attracted to fetid and sugary odors, that's why some opportunistic flies can prick the regions of the tips of the dogs' ears to feed on the blood, since it is a region where the skin is thinner and easier to be pierced.
The sores on the tips of the ears caused by flies, form crusts of clotted blood, which can be quite painful if the dog is visibly uncomfortable, shaking its head constantly, causing the bleeding at the site to increase. And as the dog is bothered with the ears, it can trigger another problem called Otohematoma, which is when smaller vessels in the ear burst and there is an accumulation of blood in the region, forming a kind of bag with blood and sometimes pus.
Generally, this problem is found in dog breeds with pointy ears such as German Shepherd, Siberian Husky, however, it can also affect dog breeds with short drooping ears like Dobermans, Dalmatians, Mastiffs and Mastinos. Cats are rarely affected by this infestation.
The treatment of wounds with ointment and other remedies must be evaluated and guided by a veterinarian, because depending on the size of the lesions, the dog may need antibiotic ointments, in addition to daily cleaning in the areas with saline or antiseptic soap. In addition, you must prevent other flies from landing on the site with the help of repellents.

mosquitoes on the dog
In addition to keeping the environment in which the dog lives always clean and sanitized so as not to attract more flies, the best way to keep flies away from the dog is with the use of a repellent spray, associated with frequent baths, at intervals of 1 week, as they contribute to not getting too much dirt accumulated on the dog's fur, especially for those animals that live outdoors.
Homemade fly and mosquito repellent for dogs
Medicines against ticks and fleas are not effective against flies and mosquitoes, although some collars promise to protect against mosquitoes that transmit diseases such as Heartworm and Leishmaniasis, and flies, in endemic areas and in the summer, extra protection through the use of repellents.
There are ready-made and natural products based on citronella oil and neen oil that you can find in Pet Shops in your region, for veterinary use, since repellents for human use, even containing citronella essence, are not suitable for animals. You should spray the entire body of the animal, taking care of the mouth, nostrils and eyes, 1 or 2 times a day, if the infestation of flies is very large.
And, since prevention is the best solution, it's also possible to do a fly and mosquito repellent for your totally homemade dog:
- Mix 300ml of mineral oil and 40ml of citronella oil. Citronella oil can be found at health food stores, and this solution can be applied to the dog's ears.
- Mix 100ml of citronella oil in 500ml of perfume vehicle, and place in a spray bottle to apply to the dog's body. It can even be used on humans.

How to eliminate kennel flies
When buying citronella oil, you must be careful with the dilution to be used in the animal and in the environment, as their sense of smell is much sharper than ours.
To clean the environment and eliminate flies from the kennel, in addition to keeping the animal's utensils clean and dry, you should change the water 2-3 times a day, and always sanitize feeders and drinkers. In the pet market, there are disinfectant products with citronella essence with which you can wash the kennel or the house where the animal sleeps, at least once a week. It is important to remember that these must not be passed on the animal, and the dilution guidelines on the package label must be followed for better efficacy.
Natural citronella-based repellants for dogs can also be sprayed on the bed, house or kennel where the animal sleeps 1 or 2 times a day. Do not spray on the feeder, water cooler and toys.